
This article describes how to use the different screen and action permissions at their most basic level.  

Table of Contents

Each permission is associated with its own set of actions and screens that provides access to different aspects of the Fountayn system. This section describes how to use the different screen and action permissions at their most basic level. These screen and action permissions can be further combined when a role should have access to multiple permissions.

Note: Not all permission combinations listed below are found in the standard DataArchitect template. If different permissions are wanted other than what is found in the standard DataArchitect Role worksheet manually added a row with the desired Actions and Screen combination.


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
alerts – view reason for override auditsviewViolationAuditsDisplays Audit icon
alerts – update reason for overrideeditViolationviewViolationAuditsUpdate existing entries and displays Audit icon
alerts – Alert ManagerviolationManagerProvides access to the Alerts ManagerImage (1) Below
alerts – close/reopen alertsupdateViolationviolationManagerAllows alerts to be reopened/closed through the Alert Manager dropdown menuImage (2) Below
alerts – close/reopen alertsupdateViolation,updateMetaDataAllows alerts to be reopened/closed on a formImage (3) Below

Note: The processForm action may also be useful if missing data flags are configured for use with alerts.


Basic Audit Permissions

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
audits- Audit ManagerauditManagerProvides access to the Audits ManagerImage (1) Below
audits- view subject and form level auditsviewAllAuditsProvides access to subject level audits and form level auditsImage (2) Below
audits – view question level auditsviewAuditProvides access to question level audits on each formImage (3) Below

Manager Audit Permissions

This table outlines how audit permissions can be combined with different managers to provide access to audits through the specified manager.

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
audits – view coding auditsviewCodeAudit,codeManagerProvides access to coding audits in the Code ManagerImage (1) Below
audits – view synonym auditsviewSynonymAudit,synonymManagerProvides access to synonym audits in the Synonym ManagerImage (2) Below
audits- view audits in schedule managerviewAudit,scheduleManagerProvides access to audits in the Schedule ManagerImage (3) Below
audits- view audits in drug Assignment ManagerviewAudit,drugAssignmentManagerProvides access to audits in the Drug Assignment ManagerImage (4) Below
audits- view audits in drug container managerviewAudit,drugContainerManagerProvides access to audits in the Drug Container ManagerImage (5) Below
audits- view audits in shipment managerviewAudit,shipmentManagerProvides access to audits in the Shipment ManagerImage (6) Below


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
coding – Code ManagercodeManagerProvides access to Code ManagerImage (1) Below
coding – reset codes in two waysupdateCodeupdateCode,codeManagerAllows codes to be reset in the Code Manager through the dropdown list or Reset columnImage (2) Below
coding – reset codes in one wayupdateCodecodeManagerAllows codes to be reset in the Code Manager through the dropdown list onlyImage (3) Below
coding – search and complete codessearchCode,updateCodesearchCode,updateCode,codeManagerAllows incomplete and complete codes to be updated through the code search featureImage (4) Below
coding – approve codesapproveCodecodeManagerAllows codes to be approved through the dropdown listImage (5) Below
coding – view medical codeviewMedicalCodeBy default, all roles can view medical codes on forms. If the App Property “viewMedicalCodeDefault” is set to false so that no roles can view medical codes, this permission allows selected roles to view medical codesImage (6) Below
coding – Synonym ManagersynonymManagerProvides access to the Synonym ManagerImage (7) Below
coding – Synonym detailssynonymManager,viewCodeProvides access to synonym details screen in Synonyms Manager though the View columnImage (8) Below
coding – Create SynonymcodeManager,createSynonymAllows for the creation of synonyms through the Code ManagerImage (9) Below
coding – Delete SynonymdeleteSynonymsynonymManagerAllows for the deletion of synonyms through the dropdown list in the Synonym ManagerImage (10) Below


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
comments- Comment ManagercommentManagerProvides access to the Comment Manager and allows for the viewing of existing comments on a formImage (1) Below
comments- create commentscreateCommentAllows for the creation and viewing of comments on a formImages (2 & 3) Below
comments- view commentsviewCommentAllows for the viewing of existing comments on a formImage (4) Below

Data Entry

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
data – enroll subjectcreateRecordProvide access to the Enroll Subject button within the Subject Widget on the DesktopImage (1) Below
data – create formcreateFormProvides access to the button used to add formsImage (2) Below
data – create specified formcreateForm-FormType
Ex: createForm-ae
Provides access to the button used to add the specified forms onlyImage (3) Below
data – changeEnrollmentchangeEnrollmentProvides access to the change enrollment featureImage (4) Below
data – process formprocessFormAllows for the editing and saving of all questions on a form except for PlaintText questions; also enables the missing data buttonsImage (5) Below
data – edit plain text questionsprocessForm,plainTextEditAllows for the editing and saving of PlainText questionsImage (6) Below

Fountayn DCT 

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
Unlink subject connected to Fountayn DCTunlinkDirectRecordsAllows the unlinking of EDC records with Fountayn DCT subjects. This permission is useful in the test and design phases of a build where the configuration can change and the old subjects are removed and need retested.Image (1) Below
Renew Fountayn DCT Incremental StaterenewDirectIncrementalStateAllows for the next import execution of the DCT Integration Import to do a full resynchronization. This permission is useful in cases where the integration configuration has changed.Image (2) Below
Reconcile DCT LinkagereconcileDirectLinkage
Allows all subjects of the current application that are not linked to Fountayn DCT to be checked against the currently configured directSubjectOn expression. This permission is useful for when changes are made to the directSubjectOn expression and retrospective subjects need reconciled against the change to determine if they are ready to be enrolled into Fountayn DCT. Image (3) Below
Enroll DCT SubjectenrollDirectSubject
Allows the user to see and interact with the enrollment banner at the top of the form. This will traditionally be given to the data entry roles. Image (4) Below


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
delete – remove dynamic formsremoveFormAllows for the deletion of dynamic forms through the dropdown menu on the form summary (Also see the note below this table)Image (1) Below
delete – remove all types of formsremoveAllFormAllows for the deletion of dynamic and static forms through the dropdown menu on the form summary (Also see the note below this table)Image (2) Below
delete – remove subjectremoveRecordAllows for the deletion of subjects through the dropdown menu of the subject managerImage (3) Below
restore- restore formrestoreFormAllows for the restoring of forms through the dropdown menu of the form summaryImage (4) Below
restore- restore subjectrestoreRecordAllows for the restoring of subjects through the dropdown menu of the subject managerImage (5) Below
Note: Users with the 'removeForm' permission will be able to delete any form that is created by a script that does not pre-exist in the Forms Template. Any form that is created with a Form ID that does not pre-exist in the Forms Template will be considered to be a dynamic/'log form' and therefore delete-able by only the 'removeForm' permission. Normally any form that is 'static' or created by design in the Forms Template requires the 'removeAllForm' permission to remove it but this caveat exists in contrast to that concept due to the creation mechanism. 

Difference Manager

Permissions related to the Difference Manager can be found on the Difference Manager design page.

Dynamic Status


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
dynamic status – manage dynamic statusesmanageDynamicStatus Provides access to the Manage Dynamic Status screen used to create new dynamic statusesImage (1) Below
dynamic status – assign dynamic statusesassignDynamicStatus Provides access to the ‘Assign Dynamic Status’ action in the dropdown list of the Subject Manager; Dynamic statuses created through the Manage Dynamic Status screen are included in the list of statuses available for assignmentImage (2) Below
dynamic status – clear dynamic statusesclearDynamicStatus Provides access to the ‘Clear Dynamic Status’ action in the dropdown list of the Subject Manager; Dynamic statuses created through the Manage Dynamic Status screen are included in the list of statuses that can be unassignedImage (3) Below
dynamic status – assign DA dynamic statusesassignDynamicStatus,
 Provides access to the ‘Assign Dynamic Status’ action in the dropdown list of the Subject Manager; Dynamic statuses created through the Manage Dynamic Status screen and the DA are included in the list of statuses available for assignmentImage (4) Below
dynamic status – clear DA dynamic statusesclearDynamicStatus,
 Provides access to the ‘Clear Dynamic Status’ action in the dropdown list of the Subject Manager; Dynamic statuses created through the Manage Dynamic Status screen and the DA are included in the list of statuses that can be unassignedImage (5) Below



ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
exports – Complete and subset exportsexportDataexportDataProvides access to the Exports tab and subset export featureImage (1) Below
exports – view archiveviewArchiveProvides access to the ‘View Archive’ column on the Exports screenImage (2) Below
exports – view export logviewExportLogProvides access to the ‘failure’ log generated by the export if it failsImage (3) Below

Form Flow


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
form flow – view form flow column viewFormFlowColumnAllows the Form Flow column to be displayed in the Forms ManagerImage (1) Below
form flow – form flow transitionsformFlowTransitionformFlowTransitionAllows for the transition of a form from one status to anotherImage (2) Below


If configuring form flow for an existing study, additional form flow permissions related to study modifications are also available.


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
Imports – view and perform configured importsimportDataimportDataProvides access to the Imports screenImage Below

Info Mode

Info Mode is for debugging purposes only. For more information on the different permissions available, view the Info Mode feature page.


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
alerts – Alert ManagerviolationManagerProvides access to the Alerts ManagerImage (1) Below
audits – Audit ManagerauditManagerProvides access to the Audits ManagerImage (2) Below
codes – Code ManagercodeManagerProvides access to the Code ManagerImage (3) Below
codes – Synonym ManagersynonymManagerProvides access to the Synonym ManagerImage (4) Below
comments – Comment ManagercommentManagerProvides access to the Comment ManagerImage (5) Below
forms – Form Manager (Status Manager)statusManagerProvides access to the Forms ManagerImage (6) Below
queries – Query ManagerqueryManagerProvides access to the Query ManagerImage (7) Below
questions – Question ManagerquestionManagerProvides access to the Question ManagerImage (8) Below
visits – Visit ManagervisitManagerProvides access to the Visit ManagerImage (9) Below
subjects – hide Subject ManagerhideGlobalSummaryrecordManagerThe Subject Manager is displayed by default; This permission hides the Subjects ManagerImage (10) Below
See User TasksusertaskManagerProvides access to the User Task Manager used for AdjudicationImage (11) Below
All users tasksviewAllUsersTasksProvides ability to see all tasks assigned to all users. Without this permission, users in roles with usertaskManager access will see only their own individual tasks.Image (12) Below


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
partial metadata – change meta data planschangeMetaDataPlansProvides access to the Change Metadata Plans action in the dropdown menu for the Subject ManagerImage (1) Below
metadata – complete and clear completecomplete,clearComplete,updateMetaDataAllows forms to be marked as complete, as well as allows complete statuses to be clearedImage (2) Below
metadata – data review and clear data reviewdataReview,updateMetaDataAllows forms or questions to be marked as data reviewed, as well as the clearing of data review statusesImage (3) Below
metadata – SDV and clear SDVsdv,clearSdv,updateMetaDataAllows forms or questions to be marked as SDV’d, as well as the clearing of SDV statusesImage (4) Below
metadata – freeze and unfreezefreeze,updateMetaDataAllows forms or questions to be marked as frozen, as well as the clearing of frozen statusesImage (5) Below
metadata – signature and clear signaturesignForm,clearSignature,updateMetaDatasignFormAllows for the signing of a form and the clearing of signature from a form.Image (6) Below
metadata – lock and unlocklock,updateMetaDataAllows for the locking of forms and questions, as well as the clearing of locked statusesImage (7) Below
partial metadata – require SDVrequireSDVProvides access to the requireSDV action in the dropdown menu for the Subject ManagerImage (8) Below

If configuring the partial metadata status feature for an existing study, additional partial metadata status permissions related to study modifications are also available.

Information related to the query metadata status can be found in the Queries section.


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
misc – study homepagehomeProvides access to the Study Homepage; with the release of version 14.1, this permission is no longer required.Image (1) Below
misc – manage notificationsmanageNotificationsProvides access to the Manage Notifications feature which is available through the green actions menu on the study homepage. The email notification system uses configurable .vm files as email templates. If no customized VM files are associated with the study, the default system template is used. The default files are in English.Image (2) Below
misc – generate PDF of eCRFformPrintAllows the currently viewed form to be printed to PDF through the ‘Standard Form’ action in the green actions menuImage (3) Below
misc – upload documentuploadDocumentuploadDocumentAllows files to be uploaded to a form through the ‘Upload File’ button. Additionally allows user to grant file access to sub forms.Image (4) Below
misc – attach documentattachDocumentviewDocumentsAllows files from the File Manager to be attached to a form through the ‘Attach Files’ buttonImage (5) Below
misc – remove attached or uploaded documentsremoveDocumentremoveDocumentAllows files uploaded or attached to a form to be removed by clicking the remove iconImage (6) Below
misc – fill with sample datafillRecordProvides access to the ‘Fill Sample Data’ action in the dropdown menu of the Subject ManagerImage (7) Below
misc – local labviewLocalLabAllows the user to see local lab data on a form when the Local Lab Lookup feature is configured for the trialImage (8) Below
misc – view of Missing Forms ReportmissingFormsAllows the user to access and export the Missing Forms standard report.Image (9) Below
misc – configuration of Missing Forms ReportmissingFormsConfigurationAllows the user to modify the configuration of the Missing Forms standard report.Image (10) Below
Adjudication RestartrestartAdjudicationAllows the user to access the ‘Restart Adjudication’ action within the actions menu.Image (11) Below

Note: 'Restart Adjudication' property works in conjunction with the 'formType.actionHandler' application property. Without the property, the action will not appear in the list of available actions. 


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
queries- Query ManagerqueryManagerProvides access to Query ManagerImage (1) Below
queries- create querycreateQueryAllows queries to be created on a formImage (2) Below
queries – generate queries from Alert ManagergenerateQueryviolationManagerAllows queries to be generated from alerts through the dropdown menu in the Alerts ManagerImage (3) Below
queries – close/reopen queriesupdateQueryqueryManagerAllows queries to be closed and reopened through the dropdown menu in the Query ManagerImage (4) Below
queries – view query details screenviewQuery,queryManagerProvides access to the query details screen. Also allows a query to be printed to PDF while viewing it by selecting the ‘Download PDF’ action from green actions bar.Image (5) Below
queries – update queries on query details screenupdateQueryviewQuery,queryManagerAllows queries to be closed, reopened and updated on the query details screenImage (6) Below
queries – address queryrespondQueryviewQuery,queryManagerAllows queries to be addressed on the query details screenImage (7) Below
queries – answer queryanswerQueryqueryManagerAllows queries to be answered through the dropdown list in the Query ManagerImage (8) Below
queries – print queries to PDFsgetQueryPdfviewQuery,queryManagerAllows multiple queries to be printed to PDF through the ‘Download PDF’ action in the dropdown menu of Queries ManagerImage (9) Below

The following section is found at the bottom of the Roles sheet and controls access to different query statuses. The available values are:

  • set – allows the user to set a query in this status
  • view – allows the user to view queries with this status
  • both – allows the user to view and set a query in this status
  • neither – denies the ability to see or set queries that have this status
Query Permissions/DescriptionQuery StatusPermission
Unconfirmed queries are typically used to hide queries from site users until reviewedunconfirmedboth
New queries are the initial state for queries that are visible to sitesnewboth
Answered queries are queries that the site has responded toansweredboth
Reopened queries are queries that require further clarification after an initial answerreopenedboth
Closed queries are queries that have been answered and accepted by the data review staffclosedview
Declined queries are rejected queries from either a query workflow or the result of a query that will not be confirmeddeclinedneither


Randomization and Inventory permissions can be found in the Randomization & Trial Supply Management manual.

Standard Reports

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
standard report – Averages ReportaveragesReportProvides access to the Averages ReportImage (1) Below
standard report – Form Statistics ReportsformStatisticsProvides access to the Form Statistics ReportImage (2) Below
standard report – Patient Management ReportpatientManagementProvides access to the Patient/Subject Manager ReportImage (3) Below
standard report – Statistics reportsstatisticsManagerProvides access to the Alert Statistics, Query Statistics, Subject Statistics and Data Point reportsImage (4) Below
standard report – Trial SummarytrialSummaryProvides access to the Trial SummaryImage (5) Below
standard report – Visit SchedulevisitScheduleProvides access to the Visit ScheduleImage (6) Below


Study Modifications

Modifications Through Study Homepage

This section lists the utilities available from the Study Homepage’s green action menu.


ActionsActions Required
Screens RequiredDescription
utilities – enable/disable questionsupdateQuestionDisplay Allows you to enable or disable questions for your displayImage (1) Below
utilities – reconcilereconcile Provides access to the Reconcile and Reconcile Process Assignments utilitiesImage (2) Below
utilities – reconcile recordchooseRecordreconcileRecord,
Provide access to the Reconcile Record utility; this utility also uses the Choose Record utilityImage (3) Below
utilities – reconcile code status reconcileCodeStatusProvides access to the Reconcile Code Status utilityImage (4) Below
utilities – update questions updateQuestionsProvides access to the Update Questions utilityImage (5) Below
utilities – upgrade dictionaryupgradeDictionaryupgradeDictionaryProvides access to the Upgrade Dictionary utilityImage (6) Below
utilities – update nameupdateNamesupdateNamesProvides access to the Update name utilityImage (7) Below
form flow – activate form flowactivateFormFlow Provides access to the action used to activate the Form Flow feature for existing studiesImage (8) Below
form flow – activate record level form flow transitionsactivateRecordLevelFormFlowTransitions Provides access to the action used to activate record level form flow transitions for existing studiesImage (9) Below
record status – activate record statusactivateRecordStatus Provides access to the action used to activate record status feature for existing studiesImage (10) Below
metadata – reconcile metadata plansreconcileMetaDataPlans Provides access to the action used to updating existing records’ metadata plans when changes are made to metadata plans in the DAImage (11) Below
metadata – reconcile metadata countsreconcileMetaDataCounts Provides access to the action used to update existing metadata counts. This might be required when changes are made to metadata plans in the DA or when casebook modifications are made that affect the number of questions presentImage (12) Below


Modifications Through Subject Manager

This section lists the utilities available from the Subject Manager’s dropdown menu.


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
utilities – move recordmoveRecordmoveRecordProvides access to the Move Record utilityImage (1) Below
utilities – move formmoveFormmoveFormProvides access to the Move Form utilityImage (2) Below
utilities – update form configurationupdateFormConfigupdateFormConfigProvides access to the Update Form Configuration utilityImage (3) Below
utilities – insert forminsertForminsertFormProvides access to the Insert Form utilityImage (4) Below
utilities – refresh metadatarefreshMetaDatarefreshMetaDataProvides access to the Refresh Metadata utilityImage (5) Below
utilities – rename formrenameFormrenameFormProvides access to the Rename Form utilityImage (6) Below
utilities – update question typeupdateQuestionType,
 Provides access to the Update Question Type Utility; this utility also uses the Choose Question utilityImage (7) Below
utilities – reconcile formreconcileFormreconcileFormProvides access to the Reconcile Form utilityImage (8) Below
record status – show record status dependenciesshowRecordStatusDependencies Allows roles to see record status dependencies which are useful when configuring the record status feature with casebooks that are dynamically generated through scriptsImage (9) Below


Modifications Through Code Manager

This section lists the utilities available through the Code Manager.

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
utilities – update codesreCodecodeManagerProvides access to a utility that attempts to automatically re-code terms after synonym tables or dictionaries are upgraded Image Below

Modifications Through Forms

This section lists the utilities available on the Form Summary and through the Form Manager.

ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
utilities – update sequenceupdateSequenceProvides access to the Update Sequence utilityImage Below

Subject Status


ActionsActions RequiredScreens RequiredDescriptionExample
record status – view record status historyviewRecordStatusHistoryviewRecordStatusHistoryProvides access to the Record Status History screen through the dropdown menu in Subject ManagerImage (1) Below
record status – delete subject status historyviewRecordStatusHistory,
viewRecordStatusHistoryAllows for the deletion of historical record statuses on the record status history screenImage (2) Below


If configuring the record status feature for an existing study, additional record status permissions related to study modifications are also available.

Need more help?

Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.