
This article defines the roles that are standard and available to include through the roles worksheet.

Table of Contents

The Roles worksheet defines the roles used in the application and the permissions assigned to those roles. Roles are defined along the top side of the worksheet (each role has its own column), while permissions are defined along the left side. The standard options for DataCollector are provided in the Roles template.

Note: All users must be granted access to the home screen.

Application Roles:

The following roles are Fountayn’s standard roles for internal use and should be included in every trial:

FTYN TDTrial Designer
FTYN  SDSoftware Development
FTYN PMProject Manager
FTYN SCHelp Desk
FTYN DebugUsed for design and testing only (not production)
FTYN  RandHelp Desk role for studies with randomization
FTYN Lab ImportUsed for running Lab Imports
Note: At a minimum, these roles should have access to all of the managers with Read Only permissions, the 'Info Mode' permissions, and the standard utilities used to perform what are commonly referred to as Mid Study Changes (Reconcile, Update Questions, Update Names, etc.). These roles should also have admin privileges to Reports and be able to run all Exports. (There may be exceptions for roles like 'FTYN Rand' and 'FTYN Lab Import'.)

The following roles are the standard set of application roles included in the DataArchitect template; they can be modified and standardized on a per-client basis (both the names and the associated actions):

  • Auditor
  • Coordinator
  • Coder
  • Data Manager
  • Investigator
  • Monitor
  • Sponsor
  • Stat

Note: The following role names conflict with internal systems and should not be used: 'Design', 'Display', 'exposeDTRT', 'Foundation', 'Standard', 'Volatile' and 'Zoom'.

Role Attributes

Default View Type

In the Unified UI, this attribute has been deprecated such that role permissions should now be used to configure the views. Unless the trial is in the design stage and a role should have debugging privileges, this attribute should always be set to “formBase” in the Unified UI.

XML Name: defaultViewType


  • formBase – Provides basic access to the form including the viewing of forms
  • formDebug – Adds debugging information and utilities to forms

Form and question-level edit restrictions can also be configured through a set of Partial Editing features.

Report Access

Determines the access level of the role for the Ad-Hoc Reports Manager.

XML Name: reportAccess


  • none – No access to the Ad-Hoc Reports Manager, therefore no access to reports. This access is generally issued to site users (coordinator, investigator)
  • viewer – Read-only access to Ad-Hoc Reports. User cannot edit or create reports.
  • admin – Can view, create, and edit reports. No restrictions when accessing the Ad-Hoc Reports Manager. Generally issued to Data Managers, Monitors, and Statisticians. This access also provides the ability to Load Reports from one environment/cluster to another. For example, a report built and accepted in the Approve environment can be loaded to Production.

Created Query Status

Determines the status of a query after a user of that role enters it.

XML Name: createQueryStatus


  • new – A query is created an ready for site to address
  • unconfirmed – A new query must be approved by another role before the site can address

Data Access

View Query History

Determines whether a user can view query history.

XML Name: viewHistory


  • X – Allows the user to view query history
  • Blank – User cannot see query history

Tool Level

Determines whether can view data from child tools or only the local tool they have access too.

XML Name: tool


  • * – Global setting. Allows the user to view data of the tool to which they have been assigned, and the data of any child tools.
  • this – Local setting. Only allows the user to access data of the tool to which the user’s role has been assigned.

Object Level

XML Name: entity


  • * – Global setting. Allows the user to view objects created by any user within the scope of their tool permission set.
  • this – Local setting. Allows the user to view objects only within their tool permissions set that they created.

Standard Actions

A description of available standard actions can be found here.

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