
This article covers the contents and usage of the Display Worksheet.

Table of Contents

The Display Worksheet is the database setup file where questions and organizational structure are defined for each form.


This is drawn from the formTypes – Definition and forms – Template worksheets. It is a database setup file allotting for a certain number of questions (slots) in the database for each form and what specifically goes there; mapping between form types and individual questions that appear on forms. formTypeIds determine the database tables in a standard export.

Note: formTypeId should not exceed 32 characters.


This is drawn from the QuestionLayout – Template file and must be unique within a form. It can be left blank to allow for a footer to be placed on a page. It is the variable name appearing in export tables. Order is important on this worksheet; it determines the order of questions on the eCRF (screen) and in the export tables.

Note: questionId should not exceed 32 characters.

Group Id

This sets up logical question groups and allows questions to be gathered into specific groups (questionGroup) on a form. For example, Inclusion criteria with four subquestions can be grouped together. Group Id defines the sequence of questions on a page. Any questions sharing the same Group Id will be gathered together, but Group Ids must be sequential. They can be numeric, alpha, or alphanumeric. The Group Id must be unique per form. In a form, each occurrence of a different group will indicate a grey line on the eCRF.

Group Title

This is the descriptive title of the group that appears in the grey bar, defining the display text seen by the user on a form. It can be used to supply a header, supplemental text, or a footer. For example, place help text or a note at the bottom of a form by defining the form in the Display worksheet, leaving the questionId field blank, entering a new group number, and entering text in this, the Group Title, field.

By default, a grey bar will appear at the first occurrence of a new Group ID on the Display file. If the useLegacyHR property is set to true the system will include a horizontal rule with the group header when <HR> is used.

Including <BR> at a new Group ID will expand the width of the grey bar.


Visual dividers will be placed between groups when the format is set to ‘yes’. Default is ‘no’.


The Active configuration allows you to enable and/or disable questions for your display. If a question is no longer valid, you can remove it from a trial with the Display.Active configuration set to (false) and, if needed, add it back in at a later date. By default the configuration is set to (true). Once a question is set to false, the designer should run the Update Question Display Utility to activate the changes.

Note: Deactivated questions will not appear in the Text, Excel, or SAS exports unless the Export Formatter parameter ‘exportQuestionTemplate’ is set to true.
Note: If a question’s active field is initially “false” and you want to reactivate the question, remove “false” and leave the field blank (using the default) or set the value to “true” before executing the Update Question Display Tool again.

Tab Order

The Tab Order configuration allows you to specify a unique tab order for fields on a form. The value in the Tab Order column provides a sequence of tabbing from one field to the next.

You do not need to enter values that are strictly sequential. You can specify any order and only the relationship between the values determines the tab movement across the form. The ordering can be numeric or alphanumeric. In the case of numeric ordering, all tab order values need to be consistently numeric.In general, the system follows an expected order without the need for leading zeros in the case of numerical comparison. For example, the following three orders are equivalent:

  • C|A|B
  • X|D|K
  • 111|88|99

If you do not specify an order for all fields on a form, the fields without an order will be accessed (tabbed to) after the fields with a specified order. In practice, you should specify the tab order for all the fields (or none) within a given form.

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