
This article covers the contents and uses of the Forms-Template Worksheet.

Table of Contents

The Forms – Template Worksheet defines the forms to be used in the application, as well as the instances of a formType and their sequencing in the casebook. This worksheet is also used to configure the Visit Manager.


This is a unique computer-variable name for each instance of a form; e.g., inclusionExclusion might represent the form “Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.” When the record is created, the system supplies the dotted hierarchical ids. Therefore, a simple CamelCase word or group of words will suffice. The DataArchitect compiler will indicate when the identifier is not unique, or when the dynamic form is specified multiple times.

Note: Dynamic forms should not use the same naming convention as static forms. When dynamic forms are created, they will have an alias which ends in a sequential number that corresponds to the instance of the form. If a static form uses a formId that will be the same as a dynamically generated ID on a dynamic form, you will have 2 forms with the same alias (e.g. a static form with formId ‘ab1′ will have the same alias on the second dynamic form with an formId of ‘ab’). This could affect the processing of scripts or alerts that reference the form alias
Note: formID should not exceed 255 characters. 


This is the unique Id of the form type; i.e., “registrationForm.” – defined in the FormTypes – Definition worksheet. It is a database setup file, which allots for a certain number of questions (slots) in the database for each. It can be used as a basic container and renamed later, such as defining a form called “visit” and then changing the name to “screening” and/or “baseline.” A formTypeId can appear multiple times in a casebook. In this occurrence, the formId should identify the location of the form, i.e., “vitalsV1, vitalsV2, vitalsV3 – all having ‘vitals’ as the formTypeId. formTypeIds determine the database tables in a standard export.

Note: formTypeId should not exceed 32 characters.

Form Name

This is the screen-readable name of the form (defined with formType) as it appears in the navigation tree; e.g., ‘Registration Form.’ 

Note: The Form Name cannot be left blank. An error will be returned that includes the line number on the Forms-Template that was missing the Form Name. 
Note: Form Names have a character limit (up to 103 characters). If the form name exceeds 104 characters, up to the 103rd character will be displayed, and after the 104th character, "..." will be displayed


This specifies the location – a specific form or the “record” – where the form exists in the organizational hierarchy – like specifying tabs in a workbook. If the form is a top-level form, then the parent should be “record.” The forms marked with a parent of “record” will appear in the application when a new record is created. Forms may also be designed for organizational purposes to simplify navigation. In this case, a form’s parent would be another form – the form just above the form being created in the form tree. The formId is used to make the association. If a form has no parent, then it can only be added as a dynamic form. For dynamic forms, the formTypeId and formId should always be the same. Dynamic forms only need to be defined once, even when they appear in multiple places. Otherwise, an error will occur when compiling the DataArchitect file.

Note: Dynamic forms should not have a parent defined as they will be created via the add form link on the form summary.


This setting defaults to ‘true’ in order to automatically create static forms upon creation of the record. If this is set to ‘false’ when a record is created, static forms will not be created automatically. In this case, an extension must be written to add forms based on answers to specified questions (triggers).

Note: The AutoCreate parameter should be left blank for dynamic forms as this parameter was developed specifically for use with static forms.

Visit Manager

Instructions related to Visit Manager configuration can be found on the Visit Manager page.

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