
This article describes the steps for uploading and modifying uploaded files through a Multi Document Field. 

Table of Contents

A Multi Document Field is used to attach documents to a form. Attached documents can then be accessed from the original form to which it was saved, the Documents Manager, or the Files Manager (with permission). This page describes the steps for uploading and modifying uploaded files through a Multi Document Field.

Initial Saving of a File

  1. Select Choose Files and find the file(s) to attach.
  2. When a file is selected the file name will appear next to the Choose Files button. If more than one file is selected the text will display “X files”, where X is the number of files. Please note that the files will not attach to the form until the form is saved (saved button is selected).
Note: At the initial upload of the file, the File Name field will be the name of the file itself. After this point, the name of the document must be changed/set by modifying the File Name field.
  1. Once the Save button is selected the file will be attached to the form and display in the Document Table. The file name will contain a hyperlink to select and open/download the file.


Modify Files

Once files are uploaded they can be modified by clicking the icon in the Update Details column. Available options are:

Update Details of the document:

  1. Select the Update Details icon for the document you wish to update. The Update Dialogue will appear.
  2. You can rename the file here. Upon adding the file originally, the Name column in the Documents table and the Documents Manager inherits the file name. Changing the file name here will update the Name as it displays in the Name column of the Documents table as well as updating the file name in the CTMS Files Manager.
Note: When renaming a file, the system will automatically provide that document with the file extension of the most recently uploaded major version of the file. (.pdf, .xlsx, .docx, etc.).
  1. You can update the Document Type by clicking on the drop-down menu.
  2. You can add or edit the Expiration date for the document in the Expiration Date Field.
  3. The Commit Message field provides an area to advise users information about what has changed, the reason for the change, or the state of the file. An alert will appear if a Commit Message is not provided and the Save button is selected. If the Commit Message field is saved blank, the system will provide a pre-generated message to the version history table.

Update with a new Version

  1. A new major version of the file is created with every instance of a new upload of the file. Minor versions are created when any other update/change takes place.
  2. Select the Update Details icon for the document you wish to update. The Update Dialogue will appear.
  3. Select Choose File and find the file with the updated version. When a file is selected the file name will appear next to the Choose File button.
    If desired, enter a Commit Message to convey information about what has changed, the reason for the change or the state of the file.
  4. Click the Save button. Updating the file will result in a new version of the file. Previous versions of a file can be accessed through the Version History.


Version History

View History will display the version history for uploaded documents.

  1. Select the View History Icon. The Version History Dialog will appear with the Version History table.

The Version History table contains an entry for each version of the file. For each version, this table includes information regarding who changed the file, the time at which the change occurred, and the commit message associated with the change. The file name in the Version History table contains a hyperlink to select and open the version of the file desired.

Delete File Association to Form

  1. Select the Delete checkbox.
  2. Select Save on the form. The document will not be deleted from the association on the form until the form has been saved.

Please note that the file will still be located in the CTMS section of the File Manager but will no longer be associated to the form and will not be available in the Documents Manager.

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