
This article covers the available functionalities of the site visit report template manager.

Table of Contents

The Site Visit Report Template Manager allows the user to define the templates that will be used to report monitoring activities for the studies. Once the template has been created and activated, these templates can be quickly associated to the study to use for each site visit type.

The Site Visit Report Template Manager allows for the storage and tracking of all templates and the ability to add a new template.

Access Site Visit Report Template Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the Actions menu on the CTMS homepage.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Site Visit Report Template Manager is comprised of columns that can be dragged and dropped between the manager and filters menu. The values of the Template Name column serve as a link to the records they represent. The Edit icon in the Monitoring form serves as a link to the Edit Site Visit Report Template Configuration form. For more information see the article on CTMS Managers.

The following table defines each column, available column actions and the filter/sort options.

Template NameDisplays the name of the template.Links to the Add/Edit Site Visit Report Template form.YesText
Monitoring FormDisplays the Edit icon.Links to the Edit Site Visit Report Template Configuration form.NoNone
Visit TypeDisplays the site visit type defined on the Add/Edit Site Visit Report Template form.(none)YesChoice
CopyDisplays the Copy icon.Creates a copy of the template with (Copy) appended to the Template Name.NoNone
DeleteDisplays the Delete icon.Deletes the template.NoNone
ActivateDisplays the Activate icon.Activates the template based on the configurability defined.NoNone
DownloadDisplays the template version number.Links to the Template Version screen.NoNone
VersionDisplays the download icon.Downloads zip file containing current template.NoNone
Archived StatusDisplays the Archival Status.(none)YesChoice

Copy a Template

Templates can be copied to become a new template records.
It is recommended to create standard templates of company default templates and copy them for each study to make changes as needed.
To copy a template:

  1. Select the Copy Icon.
  2. A new template record will appear with “(Copy)” appended to the Template Name.
  3. The user can begin editing using the Edit Site Visit Report Template and Configuration as required.

Delete a Template

Templates that have not been assigned to a study through the Monitoring Plans can be deleted. The templates that have been assigned to a study will display a disabled delete icon.
To delete a template either:

  1. Select the Delete icon.
  2. The Delete Confirmation screen will appear.
  3. Select Remove to remove the template.


  1. Click the checkbox next to the desired template(s).
  2. Select Delete from the Choose an Action – Press Go menu.
  3. Select the ‘Go!’ button.
  4. Select Remove to remove the template.
Note: This method can be used to delete multiple templates in one action.

Note: Once a template has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

Activate a Template

Templates must be activated to appear in the Site Visit Report Template dropdown option on the Monitoring Visit.
Once a template has been activated and no changes have occurred to the edit site visit report template form or the configuration the activate icon will be disabled. If changes are made to the edit site visit report template form or the monitoring configuration the activate icon will be active.

To Activate a Template:

  1. Select the Activate icon.
  2. The Activate Confirmation screen will appear. 
  3. Select Confirm to activate the template.


  1. Click the checkbox next to the desired template(s).
  2. Select ‘Activate’ from the Choose an Action – Press Go menu.
  3. Select the ‘Go!’ button.
  4. Select ‘Activate’ to remove the template.
Note: This method can be used to activate multiple templates in one action.

Archive a Template

Once a template has been archived the template will no longer be visible or selectable in studies. Studies that use the template at the time the template is archived, will continue to do so after the template is archived.

To Archive a Template:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the desired template(s).
  2. Select ‘Archive’ from the Choose an Action – Press Go menu.
  3. Select the ‘Go!’ button.
  4. Select ‘Archive’ to remove the template.
Note: This method can be used to archive multiple templates in one action.


The Actions Menu can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options.

Add Site Visit Report Template

By clicking the Add Site Visit Report Template action, you will be directed to a new Add Site Visit Report Template form that can be saved to add a new record to the manager.


By clicking the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the manager table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.


Template Version Screen

Selecting the version number in the Version column will open the Template Version screen.

The Template Version screen will list all versions that have been activated. The Visit Data Version Manager will contain columns with the Version Number, the Activated At and Activated By. Version 0 will contain the blank version for a new template allowing the ability to compare from the default blank template.

The Choose an Action – Press Go! dropdown will contain a compare option. Select the two versions to compare and select Go.

The Differences Between screen will appear with a row for each different setting between the two selected versions.

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