
This article covers the contents of the patient report and how to export the report.

Table of Contents

The Patient Report will display the questions defined for each Patient at each site for each study. The report will contain a column for each question configured for the study Visit Schedule. When the Patient Report is accessed the Select a Study screen will appear, a study must be selected to display the Patient Report.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Patient Report for the selected study will appear. The report will display the study selected patient listing.

The Patient column (comprised of the patient primary and secondary identifiers) serves as a link to the related patient form. The form provides related site and screening dates. If the Visit Schedule includes configured questions, the question headers will also be displayed in this report.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV or PDF in the Actions menu, the system will provide an export of the Patient Report table. The export will also contain an Export Summary table to provide details of the report, such as the export requestor, their role, the study chosen, and the generation and start times of the report export.


Before exporting as a PDF, configure your export by following the instructions for PDF Configuration.

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