
This article provides an overview of all the components of the monitoring status report.

Table of Contents

The Monitoring Status Report is an overview of the monitoring status for each study. This report includes “Monitoring Overview”, “Monitoring Overview Table”, “Monitoring Status”, “Monitoring Reports”, and “Monitoring Averages”. When the Monitoring Status Report is accessed the Select a Study screen will appear as a study must be selected to display the monitoring status report.

When a study is selected and the Save button is clicked, the Monitoring Status Report for the selected study will appear.

Choose which sections to view by selecting from the menu. Click the section a second time to remove the section from the screen.

Monitoring Overview

Monitoring Overview is a bar chart to display the actual versus expected numbers based on the Monitoring Visits table on Monitoring Visits screen. The blue bar will display the actual numbers and the arrow will highlight the expected numbers.
A user can hover their mouse over the bar and arrow to display the number value for the actual and expected numbers.

Monitoring Overview Table

Monitoring Overview Table is a table to show the actual versus expected numbers based on the Monitoring Visits table as displayed in the Monitoring Overview. The table includes columns for the status labels assigned to “Expected”, “Actual”, “Percentage”, and “Difference”.

Monitoring Status

Monitoring Status will show a bar chart of the status a monitoring visit report is in the Monitoring Transition Workflow by CRA. The CRA assignment is located in the upper right hand corner of the report. A user can hover their mouse over the bar to display the number value and CRA assignments.

Selecting the Stacked option over Grouped will display one bar chart for each status and color code the number of reports.

Monitoring Report

Monitoring Report is a table to show the status of Monitoring Reports on Site Visits. The report columns will display the field labels assigned to the statuses “CRA”, “Site”, “Visit Type” (will contain a hyperlink to the report), “Status” and “Days from Visit”. The Days from Visit is determined by the date the report is entered into the system (uses the server date/time) versus the Stop Date of the Visit on the report, if the Stop Date is not provided the Start Date is used.

Monitoring Averages

Monitoring Averages will show in a table format the average days it takes to transition a monitoring report on average from one step to the next in the workflow. The table will include columns “Level”, “Transition From”, “Transition To”, “Average Days” and “# of Transitions”. The table will show levels at the study overall level (labeled Study) and each user who transitioned a report.

Average Days is calculated to the millisecond and then rounded to the first decimal digit. If the transitions are performed right away 0.0 might display but the millisecond value is used for the Study Average calculations.


By clicking the options Excel, CSV, or PDF in the Actions menu, the system will provide an export of the Monitoring Overview Table, Monitoring Report table and Monitoring Averages table. The export will also contain an Export Summary table to provide details of the report, such as the requesting user, their role, the study chosen, and the generation and start times of the report export.

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