
This article covers the contents of the the deviation trends report. 

The Deviation Trends report will show the status on Study Deviations at an enterprise or study level. The report contains the Deviation Category Pie Chart, Deviation Status Pie Chart, and Site Deviation Pie Chart.

When the Deviation Trends report is accessed the report displays the status for all deviations across all studies. To view the trends for a particular study, select the study from the Select Study multi-dropdown selection.

Each pie chart will contain a Details button which once selected a table will display to show the data that populates the pie charts.

  • Deviation Category Pie Chart displays the recorded deviations sorted by Deviation Category.
  • Deviation Statuses Pie Chart displays the recorded deviations sorted by deviation status of Study Deviations Transition Step.
  • Site Deviation Pie Chart displays the sites with the most deviations. The number of sites displayed will be based on the Top Number of Reports set in the CTMS Setting . The details table will display the site and study name.


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