
This article covers how to access and add personal documents.

Table of Contents

Once a Personnel form is saved, that Personnel record includes a submenu for personnel documents (documents associated with the personnel). These documents can then be accessed from the Personnel record submenu, the Documents Manager, the Files Manager (permission-based) , or (when applicable) referenced on the Study Regulatory Body Screen as Site Personnel Documentation.

Access Personnel Documents

The Personnel Documents can be reached by clicking “Personnel Documents” in the navigation menu on the Edit Personnel screen.

Add Personnel Documents

By clicking the Add Personnel Documents action, you will be directed to a new Add Personnel Document form that can be saved to add a new document for the personnel. The Add Personnel Document form is labeled Add Personnel Document for a new record and Edit Personnel Document for an existing record.

The Add Personnel Documents screen contains by default:

Document Type

The Document Type is a dropdown field used to identify the type of document being added. These options can be configured via the Personnel Documents Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default the Personnel Documents Managed List options are 1572 and CV. The Document Type field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the document type is not provided. The form cannot be saved until the Document Type data is entered.

File Field

The File field is a Document field used to upload the related document. The display name of the document in the Name column of the Personnel Documents Table will be automatically set to match the name of the file. Only one document can be uploaded on the Add Personnel Document screen. The File field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the file is not uploaded. The form cannot be saved until the file is uploaded.

Expiration Date Field

The Expiration Date field is a Date field used to identify the date the document expires.

Commit Message Field

You can enter a message to note pertinent information about the file.


Personnel Documents Table

Name Column

The Name column displays the document name provided for the personnel document. Clicking the Name column gives the user the option to download and open or save the document. The Documents Manager can be utilized to download multiple documents attached to multiple personnel records. See Documents Manager for more information.

Update Details Column

The Update Details column contains the update icon and is used to upload a new version of the file or to edit the details of the file. When the update icon is selected, the Edit Personnel Document screen will appear.

The options for editing the document are as follows:

File Name Field: You can rename the file here. Upon adding the file originally, the Name column in the Personnel Documents table inherits the file name. Changing the file name here will update the Name as it displays in the Name column of the Personnel Documents table as well as updating the file name in the CTMS Files Manager.

Note: When renaming a file, the system will automatically provide that document with the file extension of the most recently uploaded major version of the file (.pdf, .xlsx, docx, etc).

Document Type Field: The Document Type is a dropdown field used to identify the type of document being added. These options can be configured via the Personnel Documents Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default the Personnel Documents Managed List options are 1572 and CV. The Document Type field is a required field and a black alert will fire if the document type is not provided. The form cannot be saved until the Document Type data is entered.

Expiration Date Field: The Expiration Date field is a Date field used to identify the date the document expires.

File Field: Use this field to replace the file with a new version. The file name will remain the same unless changed in the File Name Field

Commit Message Field: You can enter a Commit Message, which might contain information about what has changed, the reason for the change or the state of the file. An alert will appear if a Commit Message is not provided and the Save button is selected. If the Commit Message field is saved blank, the system will provide a pre-generated message to the version history table.

Type Column

The Type column displays the document type defined for the personnel document.

Expiration Date Column

The Expiration Date column displays the expiration date provided for the personnel document.

Upload Date Column

The Upload Date column displays the date the personnel document was last uploaded.

Uploaded By Column

The Uploaded By column displays the user who uploaded the personnel document.

Delete Column

The Delete column contains the delete icon and is used to delete a personnel document record. When the delete icon is selected, the confirmation to delete dialog will appear. Select Delete to remove the document.

View History Column

The View History column contains the view history icon and is used to view a summary of all of the changes to the document. When the view history icon is selected, the Version History screen is displayed.

The Version History table contains an entry for each version of the file. For each version, this table includes:

Version Column: The version number of the document displayed oldest to newest. A new major version of the file is created with every instance of a new upload of the file. Minor versions are created when any other update/change takes place.

File NameThe file name of the document which is also a hyperlink to select and open the version of the file desired.

Change By ColumnInformation regarding who changed the file.

Date Column: The date the file was uploaded or changed.

File Size Column: The size of the file.

Commit Message ColumnThe commit message associated with the change.

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