
This article covers the two main functions of the communication functionality, which are sending and responding to communications.

Table of Contents

There are two main functions to the communication functionality: sending and responding to communications. As an extension of these processes, you are able to manage response expectations and track response progress. These actions can be initiated from the Communication Manager, the Communication Widget, or the Communication Response Widget. To send a communication, the user’s role must have the proper permissions.

Send New Communication Form

Communications are generated in CTMS by the Communication form. During completion, the Communication form is labeled as Send Communication. Communications that have been issued are not editable (functions as standard email systems) and are labeled as Communication Details.

The Send New Communication form can be reached by clicking the “Send New Communication” action found in the Actions menu on the Communications Manager screen.

The Communication Form contains the following fields by default:

Subject Category Field

The Subject Category field is a dropdown select field used to identify the general type of communication being issued. These options can be configured by via the Email Category Managed List found in CTMS Settings. By default, the Email Category Managed List is populated with Other, Serious Adverse Event, and Notification. By default, the Subject Category field is a required field and a black alert (prevents save/send actions) will fire if an answer is not selected.


Subject Field
The Subject field is a text field for the user to provide a general topic for the communication. This is the value that will be displayed in the subject line of the email received by recipients’ email clients. By default, the Subject field is a required field and a black alert (prevents save/send actions) will fire if an answer is not selected.


Recipients Field
The Recipients field is a read-only field, used when reviewing an issued communication. This field will display to whom the communication was sent. Upon send attempt, this field will display a black alert, preventing sending/saving, when no recipients have been assigned.

Communications can be sent to manually-entered email addresses, selected personnel records, study site personnel, or personnel that are members of communication groups that can be created within the system. All communications are posted in the Communication Manager. Personnel with access to the system can view communications that have been sent to them in the Communication widgets or via the manager given their account has appropriate permissions. Personnel recipients will also have communications sent to their recorded email addresses, and can respond to them directly from their email client.


Send To (Email) Field
The Send To field is a text field used to address recipients who do not have a personnel record, though having a personnel record will not prevent a communication to be issued directly to their recorded email address.


Send To (Personnel) Field
The Send To (Personnel) field is a Personnel Select field used to identify personnel contacts who should be recipients of the communication. These communications are sent to the personnel within the system if they have a linked user account, and they will also receive the message directly in their respective email clients.


Send To (Groups) Field
The Send To (Groups) field is a Groups Select field used to identify Communication Manager Groups who should be recipients of the communication. These communications are sent to personnel within the system if they have a linked user account, and they will also receive the message directly in their respective email clients. For more information on Communication Groups, see Communication Groups Manager.


Choose a Study Field
The Choose a Study field is a dropdown select field used to identify the study to which the communication pertains.


Communication for Site(s) Field
This field appears only when a study has been chosen in the previous field. This field is a multi-dropdown select field to identify which study sites should be listed as communication recipients.


Site Personnel to Send to Field
This field appears only when a study has been chosen for the Communication and a site or sites have been selected. The Site Personnel to Send to field is a dropdown select field used to identify the specific site personnel (by role) or group of site personnel who should be listed as communication recipients. These recipients are in addition to any already specified in the above recipients fields.

The options for the Site Personnel to send to Field are:

  • Selected Recipients: The recipients selected in the Recipients section will receive the communication.PI: Individuals with the PI role at the site(s) chosen will receive the communication.
  • All Active Personnel: All active study personnel working at the selected sites will receive the communication.
  • Site Main Contact: Individuals assigned as a main contact at the site(s) chosen will receive the communication.


Recipients Must Respond, Track Responses Field
The Recipients Must Respond, Track Responses field is a dropdown select field used to identify the type of response that is expected. The dropdown select options for this field are:

  • No Response Expected: There is no need to track response activity as responses are not expected.
  • Response from Site Expected (when applicable): A response is expected from the selected sites, therefore tracking will occur and be available for review on the Communication Detail screen and on the Communication Response Widget. Once a response is received from any site personnel, the response expectation is met.
  • Every Recipient Needs to Respond: A response is expected from the all recipients of the communication; therefore tracking will occur and be available for review on the Communication Detail screen and on the Communication Response Widget.


Email Body Field
The Email Body field is a multi-text field used for the general content of the communication.


Upload Document Field
The Upload Document field is an attachment field utilized when a communication requires a file to be included with the communication message.



Send Actions

Send Button
When the Send button is selected the communication is created and sent, the data entered will be saved, and the user will be directed to the Communication Manager screen. The recipient will have the ability to read and respond to the communication either within the CTMS environment on the Details Screen or by using their email provider as designated by the email address on the recipient’s personnel record. The Details Screen displays the sent email, response information, and the ability to reply.


Cancel Button

When the Cancel button is selected, no communications are sent, the data entered will not be saved, and the user will be directed to the Communication Manager screen.


Communication Tracking

For communications expecting or requiring a reply, tracking information can be viewed on the Details screen. The “Recipients/Sites who have not yet responded to the communication” field will reflect the names of individuals, sites, or groups who have not yet issued a response. Once an expected response is received (based on the communication’s set expectations), tracking information is automatically updated. When the recipient chosen is a site or group, any member of that site or group can fulfill the response requirement.

Details Screen Tracking Information


Replying to Communications

Communications and their related replies can be read and replied to from the Communication Details screen. Here you can review the content of the communication as well as issue a reply. Because communications are also issued to the email address listed on the recipient’s personnel record (when applicable), users can also respond using their own email client.

*Replies submitted through CTMS will be available for review at the time of response. Replies sent through the recipient’s email client will be available for review within 5 minutes of issuance.

The Communication Details screen can be accessed 4 ways:

  • Communication Manager: A global-level manager accessed through the main CTMS menu.
  • Study Communications: Communications at a study-level, available from the study menu.
  • Communication Widget: A dashboard tool which provides a snapshot of recent communications.
  • Communication Response Widget: A dashboard tool which lists communications awaiting the user’s response.

Communication Widget

The Details screen can also be access from The Communication Widget, an optional tool which can be added to the CTMS Dashboard. This widget displays all communications received by the user. The widget will work only for Fountayn users with accounts linked to a CTMS personnel record, but is available to all users, regardless of permission. Communications will appear in order of the received response date.

Communication Response Widget

The Details screen can also be access from The Communication Response Widget, an optional tool which can be added to the CTMS Dashboard. This widget will work only for Fountayn users accounts linked to a CTMS personnel record. Each row in the Communication Response Widget Table corresponds to a communication that requires the user’s attention (in the form of a response). Communications will appear in order of the received response date. Once response expectations are met, the communication will be removed from the table.

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