
This article covers the option within the CTMS communication functionality to create communication groups.

Table of Contents

To assist with efficiency and message consistency, the CTMS Communication functionality provides the option of making Communication Groups. Users can group recipients by common criteria, such as study, site or company. This allows a user to issue a single email to many, rather than have to compose multiple emails to individuals. The Communications Group Manager stores and organizes Communication Groups by using the standard manager format and tools.

Access Communication Groups Manager

From within the CTMS platform, click the expandable menu to the left of the screen (global menu) and select Communication, then from the submenu, select Groups.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Communications Groups Manager contains a table listing all of the user’s existing Communications Groups. Just as is the case with most managers, you can rearrange, filter, and sort most of your manager columns. Columns can be dragged and dropped between the manager table and the filters menu, based on your workspace preference. For more information on managers, see the article on CTMS Managers


The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

Group NameName of the communication groupNoneYesText
Group MembersLists group membersLinks to study menuNoText
View MembersDisplays icon to view membersLinks to table of group members, provides option to delete membersNoNone
Editor OptionsDisplays icon to edit group nameLinks to screen to rename groupNoNone


Create Communication Group

By clicking the Create Communication Group action, you will be prompted to enter a name for the new group, then save, returning you to the Communications Group Manager.



By clicking the options Excel or CSV, the system will provide an export of the information currently displayed in the manager table in the chosen format. The content of this export will be based on the filters applied to the table at the time of export.


Choose an Action – Press Go

The Choose an Action – Press Go dropdown can be expanded by clicking and contains the following options:

Delete Checked

Communication Groups can be deleted form the Communication Group Manager by placing a checkmark in the desired checkbox, selecting Delete Checked from the Choose an Action – Press Go menu, then pressing Go. Your request will require a confirmation prior to completing the process.

Send Communication

Using the Choose an Action – Press Go, a new communication can be initiated by first selecting a recipient(s) with a checkmark(s). Selected Groups will appear in the Send to (Groups) field on the new communication. See Send/Reply to Communication for more information.

Adding Members to Communication Groups

Members can be added to a Communication Group by utilizing the Choose an Action – Press Go menu on the Personnel Manager.



Choose from the Communication Groups previously created in the Communication Group Manager.

Removing Members from a Communication Group

Members are automatically removed from a Communication Group when their personnel record is deleted from CTMS. To manually remove a member from a Communication Group, click the View Members icon from the Communications Group Manager, then select the appropriate delete icons from the table.


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