
This article describes the features shared by all CTMS managers. 

Table of Contents

All CTMS managers contain the Manager Table and Filter Table. The contents of these tables will differ based on the type of manager. However, the basic features of each manager are the same. This page describes the features shared by all managers.

Manager Table

The Manager Table provides ways to organize and analyze data through filters, searching and drag & drop functionality. This section describes each feature present in the Manager Table.


Table Manipulation

Toggle Paging Preference

By default, the Manager Table displays 20 entries per page. Based on the manager type, this could correspond to 20 studies, 20 personnel or some other type of entry. The paging preference can range from 1 to 100. To change the preference, enter a new value into the paging textbox and press the 'Enter' key.

Switch Pages

If the number of entries exceeds the paging preference, the entries will span multiple pages. The page numbers are located at the top of the Manager Table. To switch between pages, click a different page number.

Column Manipulation

The columns of the Manager Table may be sorted, filtered, and searched on the data that they house. What type of data is available to arrange the table by is determined by the actual manager the table represents. These data types are described in each of the individual manager pages.


Sort Columns

Most columns can be sorted into ascending or descending order.

  1. Click the arrow beside the column that should be sorted.
  2. Choose either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’ by clicking the appropriate radio button.
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button.
  4. The Manager Table will change to reflect the new ordering and the arrow will turn into a filter to designate that a sort has been applied.


Filter Columns

Depending on the column, different filter options exist based on the data field.

  1. Click the arrow beside a column that supports filters.
  2. Check the checkbox beside the appropriate option.
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button.

The Manager Table will change to reflect the requested filter and the arrow will turn into a filter icon to designate that a filter has been applied.

To clear the filter, click the Filter icon, uncheck the checkbox and click the ‘Apply’ button or click the ‘Clear’ button.

Search within a Column

Some columns support a search feature that can be useful to find entries containing a specific character or a specific set of characters.

  1. Click the arrow beside a column that supports searching.
  2. Enter text into the search field/
  3. Click the ‘Apply’ button.
Note: When trying to search for multiple items, the symbol “|” can be used to separate the two items. It will treat the “|” symbol as a logical “OR” expression.


Some columns support a search and filter feature within a column.

  1. Click the arrow beside a column. If the search box contains “Select Options” in faded text this column supports the search and filter feature.
  2. Click on the “Select Options” box and a dropdown with options should appear.
  3. Scroll to desired option or enter text to narrow down selection options. Multiple options may be selected at once.
  4. Once options have been selected, click the “Apply” button.

Drag and Drop

Columns can also be rearranged within the Manager Table and moved to the Filter Table. The column will retain its filter and sort settings when moved within the Manager Table. However, when a column is moved to the Filter Table sorting does not persist.

  1. Hover the mouse over column name the until the cursor changes to a 4-way arrow.
  2. Click and drag the column to another portion of the Manager Table or to the Filter Table.

Filter Table

The Filter Table can be used to store components of the Manager Table you do not wish to view, or to allow you to save your search and filter settings for future use.


Each of the fields in the Filter Table is a potential component of the Manager Table. Moving them to the Filter Table allows you to perform a search of items based on the possible values for those attributes.

  1. Enter/select values for each of the fields you wish to filter on.
Note: Each filter will have its own data format. Some may be completed by choosing values from a list, others may require you to enter a numeric, text, or date value.

  1. Click the ‘Search’ button.

The Filter Table allows you the option of saving a search. This will store your current search and filter settings and allow you to reuse them in the future.

  1. Enter values into each filter you wish to use for the search.
  2. Click the ‘Save Search’ button
  3. Enter a name for the new saved search.
  4. Click the ‘Save’ button.

The newly saved search should appear in the ‘My Checklists’ widget on the CTMS homepage. This allows you to store frequently performed searches and rerun them all from the same location.

Drag and Drop

Just as in the Manager Table, components of the Filter Table can also be dragged and dropped. By hovering over a filter’s title in the table until cursor changes to a 4-way arrow, you may drag and drop the filter back into the Manager Table to display it as a new column. These newly-created columns will maintain any filters that they had prior to being moved.

Manager-Level Actions

Each manager has two locations the user may access actions from. The first is the green ‘Actions’ dropdown menu that is in the upper-right corner of most pages. This menu will typically contain actions that are allowed based on the manager. The second is the actions dropdown menu at the upper left corner of the Manager Table. This list will contain actions that can be applied to individual or batches of items.


Green ‘Actions’ Tab

This menu contains Manager-specific actions like adding a new record for the manager, viewing English text when English is not the chosen system language, or export functions. The contents of this menu may change based on the manager you are viewing and the role you are accessing it from.



The contents of any manager can be exported to an Excel file or a CSV (Text) file. The export will contain the records based on the applied sorts and filters.

  1. Apply any sorts and filters to the Manager.
  2. Hover the mouse over the ‘Actions’ tab.
  3. Select either ‘Excel’ or ‘CSV’ to start the export.

The export will be available as a zip file for downloading. The presentation of the zip file is dependent upon the software installed on your local machine.


Manager Table Actions

Based on the manager and the set of available permissions, you can execute different actions within the managers. Those found in the dropdown list at the top of the Manager Table can typically be applied to one or many items at one time.

  1. Check the checkbox beside each item to which the action should be applied.
  2. In the ‘Choose an Action’ dropdown menu, select the appropriate action.
  3. Click the ‘Go’ button.

Available actions vary with the manager you are viewing. The actions specific to particular managers are discussed on their respective pages.

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