
This article covers how to view permission history, file location, and the history of deleted files.

Table of Contents

View Permission History

The Permission History tracks changes to permissions and share requests. Changes to the file content and file name are tracked through the Version History. Changes to other file properties such as file descriptions and folder locations are not tracked.

  1. When viewing the File Directory Table, click the ‘Properties’ icon beside the appropriate file.
  2. On the ‘File Properties’ screen, click the ‘View Permission History’ button.

The Permission History table will display historical information about the file relating to when a permission event or share event was performed on the file and who made the change.


View File Location (Reference)

Clicking the Reference icon will reveal if a file is attached to an eCRF or CTMS form by listing the location.

Users with the access to the location will be able link directly to the document by clicking the green button.

View History of Deleted Files

View History of Deleted Files in Existing Folder Structure

A list of files that once existed in a file directory but have since then been deleted can be viewed by clicking the ‘Show Deleted Files’ button.

Note: Deleted files cannot be downloaded. Only the name of the file and its version history table are preserved.

When viewing deleted files, click the ‘Show Active Files’ button to switch back to the view of all active files in the file directory.

View History of Deleted Files from Deleted Folder Structure

When a folder containing deleted files is deleted, the history of those deleted files is moved to the folder’s parent folder if the parent folder is not a top-level folder (Personal Folder, My Studies or My Workgroup folder). If the only available parent folder is a top-level folder, a folder named “Trash Can” is created at the same level in which the deleted folder existed, and the history of the deleted files is moved to the Trash Can folder. The Trash Can folder only exists if at least one deleted file exists within the folder.

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