
This article covers how to view historic actions and filter job actions in the job log. 

Table of Contents

The Job Log is accessed by clicking the ‘View’ link in the Log Column of the Scheduler Main Screen. The log contains information related to past job executions and modifications to the job. The owning Job Scheduler can also download Job Packages from previous executions, both manual and scheduled, if they haven’t expired. Job Packages expire 30 days their creation.

View Historic Actions

The Job Log is sorted by Date with the most recent actions listed first. Actions are classified as either “Manual” or “Automatic”. The Job Log also includes the first and last name of the Job Scheduler who changed the job settings or for whom the job was executed.

Filter Log Actions

The action search bar can be used to filter the Job Log to different action types. The search bar only displays options for which at least one log record exists.

Based on the actions logged for the job, the Job Log could contain some or all of the action types listed below. Definitions of those actions that may not be clear from the name are described below the list.

  • Job-Related Actions
    • Job Created
    • Job Name Changed
    • Job Enabled
    • Job Disabled
    • Job Deleted
    • Workgroup Changed
    • Job Type Changed
  • Task-Related Actions
    • Export Task Added
    • Import Task Added
    • Report Task Added
    • Custom Task Added
    • Export Task Removed
    • Import Task Removed
    • Report Task Removed
    • Custom Task Removed
    • Task Settings Changed
    • Task Site Changed
    • Task Study Changed
  • Recipient-Related Actions
    • Recipients Added
    • Recipients Removed
  • Recurrence-Related Actions
    • Timezone Changed
    • Start Time Range Changed
    • Recurrence Pattern Changed
    • Recurrence Count Changed
    • Starts On Changed
    • Ends On Changed
  • Ownership-Related Actions
    • Owner Changed
  • Execution-Related Actions
    • Manual Execution Scheduled
    • Job Started
    • Job Completed Successfully
    • Job Completed With Failure
    • Task Started
    • Task Completed Successfully
    • Task Completed With Failure
    • Sent Notifications
  • Task & Job Failure-Related Actions
    • Insufficient Credits
    • No Email Address
    • Missing Email Template
    • IOException On Email Generation
    • System Disabled
  • Actions Related to Study Changes
    • Task Item Changed

Insufficient Credits

The log will display this message if the workgroup that owns the job is out of credits at the time that the job executes.

No Email Address

If an internal user is selected as a job recipient and they have no email address associated with their account at the time of job execution, the log will display this message.

Missing Email Template

If the email template for a job is missing at the time of job execution, the log will display this message.

IOException on Email Generation

When an internal error occurs during job execution, the log will display this message. Such internal errors could be caused by an error during the email sending process or a hardware error.

System Disabled

The system will disable a job when the job owner is no longer a job scheduler for the job’s workgroup. When this occurs, the log will display the ‘System Disabled’ message.

Task Item Changed

This action is triggered by changes made to the task outside of the scheduler. This can occur when someone makes changes within the study such as changing the name of an export or changing an ad-hoc report’s output setting.

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