
This article covers the Trial Manager 2.3.0 Release notes. 


Welcome to the Trial Manager version 2.3.0!

New Features and Improvements

11756: Update custom audits

Custom audit trails are created for actions such as Committing, Flagging and Loading. These functions were updated to be consistent with the new 5.0.0 metadata audit structure.

11757: Remove checklist summary information

The updates creating a checklist in standard trials were removed from Trial Manager, as the workflow is different for this product.

11759: Pass the trial name and version to Visual Architect

This change allows Visual Architect access to the trial display name and the current loaded version number.

11761: Update compilation success algorithm

With the addition of imports and randomization to Data Architect, the algorithm that determined compitlation success or failure had to be updated.


11782: Correct view of contact questions

The current value of contact questions was not visible to certain roles in a read only view. This change allows all roles to see the contents of the PM, Backup PM, DM, Backup DM questions.

Outstanding Issues

  • 9800: If one of the design server is down, it still publishes the DataArchitect file on the other server. It should not publish to the other server if either server is down.
  • 9985: If a cluster is down when saving the setup form then the creation of all “All Sites” forms will fail.
  • 10250: Data Architects containing “{0, 1}” and other similar strings do not appear in the testing manager.
  • 10727: Changes to description on setup page do not update the workgroup.
  • 11133: Illegal exception when clicking on some forms if Setup form has not been saved
  • 11135: Child site can not become parent again.
  • 11136: Sites imported from CSV file are not sorted
  • 11137: Java filename should be removed from the end of the path in the publish message
  • 11149: Invalid randomization.xml produces an exception
  • 11278: User should be alerted when removing roles from a tool
  • 12059: Testing manager does not correctly eliminate all unnecessary tests
  • 12071: Permission denied error that only occurs on a particular on a staging server

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