
This article covers the Trial Manager 2.6.0 Release notes. 


Welcome to the Trial Manager version 2.6.0!

New Features and Improvements

11149: Display user friendly message on publishing of invalid randomization.xml file

When a user attempts to publish an invalid randomization.xml file, an error message has been added that will be displayed.

12400: Improve the efficiency of publish/commit java files through TM

When compiling java or jsp files, all study specific code is compiled together. This ensures that dependent files are available for any Java compiling and that jsp files will always reference the latest java files.

15933: Testing Manager “New Value” and “Old Value” columns do not show all information.

Within the Testing Manager, the ID column size how now been increased 255 characters. The ‘New’ and ‘Old’ columns can now hold values of any length.

16411: Tester role should be able to add sites on the Test server

The Tester role can now add sites on the Test server.

16748: Record attribute changes as full element changes

When any attribute (including expression and alert texts) is added, modified, or removed, a full element change is shown in the Testing Manager. Additionally, highlighting has been added to attribute changes.

16750: Speed up testing manager

Various changes have been made to the Testing Manager to increase its responsiveness.

16913: Update Java Developer role with access to flag studies for test

The Java Developer role can now flag studies to the Test environment.

16944: Allow Trial Designer role to flag and load to Approve

The Trial Designer role can now flag and loag to the Approve environment.

17214: Add a time stamp to the version overview of the “Edit Architect form”

A time stamp has been added to each version of a trial in the Edit Architect screen.


12712: Can publish/commit DA with name different then the trial name

A DataArchitect file can no longer be published or committed to a trail if the file name does not correspond with the trial.

15729: Click OS error on site import if Application ID is missing

Click OS error no longer occurs under reported conditions.

15775: When a tool is created after saving the Setup form, the default role should be assigned to the default site

If the ‘All Sites’ site is added to a trial while a cluster is non-responsive, the default role set will still be applied to the site.

15779: Unexpected roles, sites are added when Setup form is saved with missing or invalid information

Trial setup forms cannot be saved with required/valid information anymore. Additionally, roleset assignment behaves correctly if redundant assignments are made.

15583: Therapeutic Area graph color code is trancated

Previously, the Therapeutic Area graph color code legend could get truncated in some cases. This has been fixed.

15995: Site and application descriptions should be updated when Setup/Site forms are saved

When updating site and application descriptions through Trial Manager, changes are reflected correctly in Enterprise Manager.

16029: Export of Testing Manager filters incorrectly

Exporting the Testing Manager with the “myTests” filter now works correctly.

16059: Trial config files are not properly removed from root directory

Config docs that are not included in the DataArchitect file will now be removed from a trial’s root directory if they exist (with the exception of randomization.xml).

16375: Cannot load code in Trial Manager

Improvements have been made to the code loading process in Trial Manager.

16684: Cannot pass test in Testing Manager

Passing tests in Testing Manager now works properly.

16751: Widen display view of Testing Manager

The display view of the Testing Manager has been altered to make better use of space on the page.

16911: Testing Manager does not show correct old value for multiple changes

If two or more diff elements in the Testing Manager belonged to the same object, the displayed “Old” value is sometimes incorrect. This has been fixed.

17035: Cannot edit site that was just imported

Instances where a user was unable to edit a site immediately after importing it have been fixed.

17078: Change display of ‘old’ and ‘new’ values in Testing Manager

In the Testing Manager, the ‘old’ and ‘new’ values were moved to the the left and right columns respectively.

17089: Cannot lock the configuration path question

The configuration path question can now be locked and unlocked as intended.

Outstanding Issues

  • 9800: If one of design server is down, publishing of DataArchitect file can have undesired behavior
  • 12071: Permission denied issue on Staging server
  • 15559: Users can check Java files into TrialManager when there are compiler errors
  • 16749: Filter out redundant added/removed lines with changed objects in Testing Manager

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