
This article covers the 3.1.0 DBP Release notes.   


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 3.1.0!

Marketing for this Release

Marketing webpage splash screens will be provided starting with the 4.0.0 release

  • 4.0.0 One-page Splash Preview Is Not Available 
  • 3.1.0 One-page Splash Preview Is Not Available

Updates in this 3.1.x Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of DBP after 3.1.0. We list the most recent patch first.


  • 10811: Create form script now inserts form in proper location when adding forms to the record.


  • 9414: Correct: DataGenie cases that would prevent the results of the report from displaying. Cases included reports that only have formula fields and reports with formula fields as the last field.
  • 10114: Add: System output of class path helps DATATRAK engineers debug configuration issues.
  • 10211: Correct: Min and Max functions for both string and number datatypes. Aggregate functions display the proper number of rows in the result set.
  • 10220: Add: EDC Acknowledgement can be made available via the EULA agreement that users must accept prior to using the system.
  • 10390: Correct: Issue regarding a DataGenie report which contains columns of missing values
  • 10418: Add: PDF Archival error reporting for invalid date formats
  • 10462: Correct: Sorting not works if Aggregator is added
  • 10468: Add: PDF Archival close date for alerts was missing “UTC”.
  • 10481: Correct: Scripting Language slow full path resolution
  • 10519: Add: Numerous PDF export file renaming options.
  • 10520: Correct: Form insertion using scripts will use the Template order to assist where the form is inserted.
  • 10526: Correct: DataGenie Excel Output error for Expression Columns
  • 10535: Correct: Proper label on the Close Query confirmation page
  • 10555: Add: Scripting Language method to resolve all occurences of a path
  • 10580: Add: Script command “assign” and “bmi”
  • 10726: Corrected: In the Query Manager the pop-up calendar will fail after closing a query
  • 10751: Add: Script command to test for duplicate entries.
  • 10755: Corrected: Edit login page message available again.


  • 8542: Added ‘Forgot Password’ functionality to the ‘Incorrect password’ page
  • 8921: Changed wording from ‘Forget Password’ to ‘Forgot Password’
  • 9566: The ‘Forgot password’ link was moved to a more prominent location on the Web page
  • 9567: Added ‘Forgot username’ functionionality to eClinical.
  • 10142: Additional Password lockout functionality was implemented. – More administrative functionality is now available.
  • 10143: The change password functionality forces the change password user action.
  • 10167: Additional password controls were implemented to disable reuse of passwords.
  • 10388: When sending an eMail from the Forgot Password page, the system now uses the preferred email address of a user if this property was set to one of the addresses.
  • 10422: Problem with site ID field in reports is fixed.
  • 10424: A check has been implemented that prevents the creation of roles using the same name within a tool.
  • 10426: A new method has been implemented for Report creation to uniquely identify question types for report output.
  • 10432: A bug in the creation of expression in Data Genie has been fixed.
  • 10436: Data Collector internal function: Added a record command to address the record directly in a script.
  • 10437: Data Collector: An issue with underscores in the path form names caused failures and is fixed now.
  • 10438: Scripting Language: We added alias and name parameters to the createForm’ command
  • 10450: DataCollector: an issue with the expression save function was fixed which avoided to save certain expressions
  • 10451: Data Collector: When adding ‘Value’ and ‘Name’ to the dynamic form questions an error message occurred. This issue is fixed now.
  • 10469: Scripting Language: The ‘numberPath’ command did not work for the Integer data type. This is corrected now.
  • 10484: The read timeout in automated request dispatcher was raised from 10,000 milliseconds to 500,000 milliseconds. To allow the compiler more time for compiling the java code.
  • 10530: Enterprise Manager: The default value for password age function setting was removed to allow a proper work of the password aging.


  • 10374: Corrected: Manager exports to excel (and text) do not work with date filter
  • 10375: Corrected: Manager Date Closed filter does not apply to exported results
  • 10389: Corrected: ClickOS error when committing with an import.xml in Trial Setup
  • 10412: Corrected: In Trial Setup the Tool Role with a null name will cause list of roles to fail to display.
  • 10421: Added: Ability for DATATRAK support staff to add administrator to workgroups.


  • 10337: Enhanced export functionality to properly handle special characters.
  • 10348: Change done in Trial Manager which enables to compile java files with two inner classes, one of which extends the other.
  • 10369: ‘QuestionType’ filter made available to all users that have access to the Coding Manager.
  • 10370: Corrected: Contact question type fails to load if the contact was deleted.


  • 10209: Correction in generating the path for static under dynamic forms in Data Genie used for reports.
  • 10296: Compile error in Trial Manager fixed.
  • 10330: Deletion of appending 0 at the alias of a static form created under a dynamic form.


  • 10279: In version 3.0 DATATRAK offered an improved reporting framework to provide faster reporting times. The reports which are created using this new functionality are marked as new to better distinguish them from reports created with the old functionality. Also copies of reports now are marked as old or new type.
  • 10280: Additional record properties made available in Data Genie: createDate, primaryName and secondaryName.


  • 10276: Correction of misspelling


  • 10204: Optimized Managers to increase speed
  • 10224: Form branching did not allow for created targets to be specified by alias. This has now been corrected. The target in a branch statement will now be created by alias first and if that does not work an attempt will be made to create by type.


  • 10129: DATATRAK server property update
  • 10131: DATATRAK administrative update
  • 10132: DATATRAK configuration enhancement

New Features and Improvements

The Help link will not be available this release because the contents are undergoing renovation.

10023: Default Unconfirmed Status to Hidden in Query Manager

The Query Manager’s Unconfirmed status will not be shown in any filters unless the user has access to view or used the Unconfirmed status.


9799: Coding manager does not work when auxilliary question is missing

The Coding Manager does not crash even when an auxilliary question is not available for a specific code.

9910: Missing Data (NA/ND/NK) not working on formPartialEdit and formRestricted

The Missing Data options now appear for forms that have restricted or partial edit capabilities.

9958: Form ordering of dynamic forms is incorrect when data is not saved

Creating a dynamic form that is sorted now sorts properly in all cases.

10019: isQuestionAbove property is not being applied until server is restarted

The configuration is now updated when the isQuestionAbove property is modified.

The link to the Help Manual is updated to point to the correct version of the manual.

10089: Parent Meta Data not updated when child form created

When a new form is inserted the meta data of the parent now changes properly.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export does not always format the columns properly. The work-around is to format the columns once it is viewed in Excel. This can be done quickly by selecting the top-left cell between “A” and “1″. Once the sheet is selected double-click on the line between columns “A” and “B”.
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number Display – Sometimes the week identifier is not presnted properly to the user. It shows Week 2 (27-3) December. It should show Week 1 of December or Week 5 of November for 2006.
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message using the HTML editor.
  • 6667: The “Active Status” functionality is not implemented
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6670: Documentation is needed for the proper way to remove alerts when the check if blank attribute is used.
  • 6671: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions in some situations
  • 6672: State Lookup Field is not searchable in some administrative views
  • 7050: Portal logo uses http not https
  • 7833: Upload document action failed in isolated cases
  • 7933: Spelling errors in the Compiler error messages
    - “Error: Formulas Line X: formulaId must be unique within the Foumulas worksheet..” It should be “Formulas” instead of “Foumulas”.
    - “Error: Dependencies – Definition Line X: Corretion Required can not be empty.” It should be “Correction” instead of “Corretion”.
    - “Error: Question Types – Definition Line X: Field Size must be empty or two positive integers seperated by::, e.g. rowSize::colSize.” It should be “separated” instead of “seperated”.
  • 8002: Expression evaluation related with PartialDate should be better documented
  • 8003: SAS Report issue – The "
  • character string must be used to denote a double-quote (“) string qualifier.
  • 8182: Custom Import with Partial Date should be better documented
  • 8473: Duplicate query display ID for the same application
  • 8537: Status Manager Filter Layout – On smaller resolutions, the filters above the listing wrap to the next line, specifically the subject line.
  • 8549: Link to Status manager is Missing from Action Box
  • 8734: Reference type question to partial date shows internal value – If a reference type question references to a partial date question, then the partial date value shown on the reference question is in internal format.
  • 9861: Fill data doesn’t fill partial dates questions. Fill Data is a useful testing tool for quickly filling a form with data.
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form

    In the 2.5 if you have uploaded file through Upload button on a form this file would be attached to the form at the same time. You would be able to see the link to this file on the form and couldn’t delete this file from the File manager.

    Now in 3.0 if you have uploaded a file from a form it would be “partially” attached: you can’t delete it from the File Manager but you also can’t see the link on the form. In this case there is no way to release the hold of these files.

  • 10061: Question assignment may not work with large batch processing
  • 10242: Search with wild card by Question Type does not work in Query, Alert, and Comment Managers

    Search with wild card by Question Type does not work in the Query, Alert, and Comment Managers. It works only if you enter complete question type. Also, in the Query Manager you can search by Response Text but there is no such column exist.

  • 10249: An error will occur in the logging in special circumstances
  • 10586: formPartialEdit view type does not support viewing of contact control
  • 10633: Customized formatters are not reloaded
  • 10753: User can agree with EULA before it was saved or canceled – As soon as the EULA file is loaded and Is Active is checked a user on his login will be requested to agree with EULA text. After the user accepts this agreement the agreement can be canceled since it wasn’t saved yet.
  • 10759: List of Old License Agreeements history needs investigation.
  • 10791: Standard PDF Archival close date for alerts is missing “UTC”
  • 10838: Additional PDFs on footer are sorted by hash code – The choices should be sorted alphabetically or with a clear algorithm (possibly Standard first and then alphabetically).
  • 11003: User Account settings transfer between Secure and Approve

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