
This article covers the 5.0.0 DBP Release notes.  


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2008 Q1 Release!

The 2008 Q1 release of the DBP contains some great enhancements and some significant performance improvements that will prove to be very valuable and useful.

Marketing for this Release

  • 2008 Q1 New Release Flier Is Not Available 

Updates in this 2008 Q1 Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of
DBP after 5.0.0. We list the most recent patch first.


  • 13005: incrementProperty Command
  • 13006: setProperty Command
  • 13008: Labels for Data Fields in DataGenie are no persistent
  • 13017: VA: Decompiling drops lines in the display that are not to a question


  • 10543: modifications to annotated CRF
    • 12563: Add annotation note to VA
    • 12565: Add Annotation crf note to the decompiled DataArchitect
  • 12409: VisualArchitect
    • 10869: Undo fails in some scenerios
    • 10872: cannot create form/questions with typeids that were undone.
    • 10974: Creates additional coding entry under Medical Codings.
    • 11001: Dynamic forms must all have same child static forms.
    • 11062: It is possible to have same divider ids in two different Forms
    • 11063: It is possible to have same divider ids under different forms when copying from Library
    • 11091: Dynamic forms are not created properly if FormType is changed.
    • 11455: VA – User Preferences should be added to allow users to configure VA.
    • 12180: VA – “Paste Form” does not work if FormType ID was changed.
    • 12210: Tool tip of Disable icon should change to Enable
    • 12260: questions can be selected again
    • 12291: VA compiler/decompiler does not handle casebook properly.
    • 12329: Visual Architect – Update Role Icon
    • 12533: VA – Offline mode should be removed
    • 12534: VA – Move Scripts to Setup tab
    • 12535: VA – Properties should be on Basic Setup node.
    • 12536: VA – Remove ‘Custom Type’ from Export nodes
    • 12537: VA – ‘Form Property’ (importForm) needs ‘Paste’ menu item
    • 12538: VA – Remove uneditable properties from Basic Setup
    • 12539: VA – VPI Builder enhancements
    • 12621: VA – Help contents search functionality
    • 12626: If you change form to dynamic form you get inconsistent results
    • 12627: You are allowed to create questions with same questionid.
    • 12628: a question is not created for all visits
    • 12636: Properties are missing in expression builder.
    • 12637: depedencies are missing in compilation
    • 12643: can’t bring Trial window back up
    • 12647: can’t open VA if language is not English
    • 12664: menu option to reset preferencies to default settings
    • 12667: It is possible to have different forms under dynamic forms of same formtypeids
    • 12673: Help for Divider should be updated.
    • 12679: If you commit the first time via VA it gives an error
  • 12417: Order of agg columns in DataGenie
  • 12526: Export Filter
  • 12624: page cannot be displayed errors when creating/updating queries
  • 12702: Approve server errors should show friendly error
  • 12707: IVRS Pin Code Reset


  • 12366: Problems in locking
  • 12367: The context used in Import does not contain application output parameter
  • 12396: Trim input fields in upload files for user administration
  • 12398: Most queried and alerted links fail from trial summary
  • 12415: assign script not executing during reconcile
  • 12426: upgrade randomization manager to 2.0.4
    • 12413: ClickOS error on drug assignment
    • 12430: Check Activation Status works not properly for an activated patient that has drug inventory criterion
  • 12454: patient manager filter
  • 12455: column sequencing of mapped exports
  • 12456: Recursive transaction detection gets false positives
  • 12483: Database address column maximun length is too short for some users
    • 12508: upload process stops if address line is more than 100 characrters


  • 11457: VA – Default References should be implemented on the Medical Coding node
  • 11463: VA – Visual Programming Interface
  • 12344: viewInventory.jsp has portions commented out incorrectly
  • 12350: Incorrect Ordering within Managers
  • 12364: incorrect count of search results in the searchCode page
  • 12365: Unable to load DCQuestionAudits with a currentValue > 255 characters
  • 12384: Upgrade to Randomization 2.0.3
    • 12373: ClickOS error on activation

New Features and Improvements

6987: Improvement of Lab Import Process

The process that was used to handle exports in recent versions is now being applied to lab imports. Lab imports run in the background so the user may continue working on other tasks while the import runs.

7384: Addressing Session Time Out in Lab Import Process

Time outs that occurred previously because it was taking too long to process the file are no longer an issue. The user now uploads the file and the processing is done on the server so the browser is not tied up while it performs the import.

8143: User Interface fixes

Previously selected tabs and links, Application Home and Exports, were not highlighted. Now selected tabs are highlighted when active.

8146: Lab Import Discrepancies

It is now easier to identify problems with lab imports so fixes can be made in a timelier manner. Lab import logs will now provide better troubleshooting to users performing lab imports.

8926: Enhance Audit Trail

We have enhanced the audit trail to bring more information to the interface. We have always tracked this information and now we are adding it to the audit trail reporting so user tracking can be performed more efficiently. It provides further traceability and enhanced metrics on PI Signatures, Locking Forms/Questions and Source Document Verifications.

8931: Query Manager – Filter enhancements

Queries were not able to be filtered based on site ID or multiple site groups. The query filter has been enhanced to provide further usability by being able to filter by Site ID, Site Group or by Multiple Sites. This will reduce end user’s time to find queries that need to be addressed.

9568: Visit/Form/Form Summary navigation indication

We have changed the naming convention for Global Summary, Visit Summary, Form Summary and Sub-form Summary to make user navigation more user-friendly. Global Summary is now ‘Patients’ or ‘Subjects’ and the navigation will appear similar to the following: User, Demo > eClinical Demo (Site 1) > Patients > M0-123 > Registration

9576: Search By Site

Searching for subjects in specific sites used to be done using Subject ID’s and wildcards. Now sites can be listed as a filter to make the search process more user-friendly.

9578: Site Summary Report

Currently, the Trial Summary displays a table listing of the sites and its metrics. The user can now click on the site name from the table and display a filtered view of the entire Trial Summary for that one site.

9583: Permission Based Action List

Items from the action list dropdown that you do not have permission to use are removed.

10066: Centralized Lab Import Process

Centralizes storage of the import history files and files uploaded using permissions via DataCollector.

10068: Overall Caching Strategy Enhancements

The Managers (Alerts, Coding, Queries, etc) have been rewritten and configured to use a much more efficient data retrieval method which results in greatly improved performance in viewing and filtering results within the Managers. These changes also reduce the number of queries and trips to the database to reduce the overall traffic on the database which should translate to increased performance throughout the application.

10199: DataArchitect Interface to Configure Randomization

We now have the ability to build and configure Randomization within the DataArchitect. Previously this was handled with custom code for each trial.

10244: Excel and CSV exports from Coding Manager do not have Status, Coding Method, and Approval columns

Excel and CSV exports from Coding Manager did not have Status, Coding Method, and Approval columns. These columns are now included in Excel and CSV exports.

10272: Advanced internationalization (i18n) feature

A professional localized application cannot be achieved by translating single words. Sentence structure differs significantly with natural languages. The advanced internationalization (i18n) feature provides for a high level of localization.

10399: Additional Alert Manager Status filters

In the Alert manager we could only filter on All, Closed, and Open alerts. Additional filters were implemented to now be able to filter on the following: All, Open, Open with Reason, Open without Reason, Closed, Closed with Reason and Closed without Reason.

10638: Subject Lines for Login information

The subject lines for the login information emails have been modified to indicate to which part of the login information the email pertains. This update reduces confusion when receiving multiple emails from the Solution Center that appear to contain the same information.

10643: Coding Manager Filters do not apply to pagination

All filter combinations are now applied to all results when paging through results and certain filter combinations. Modifications have been made to improve clarity and accuracy.

10656: Expand formMonitor Default View Type

The formMonitor View Type now has the ability to see the SDV flag for each question as a read-only checkbox if they do not have the ability to set the SDV flag.

10657: Filter on Reason for Override in Alert Manager

The Alert Manager now provides a filter on Reason for Override.

10658: Aging of Alerts in Trial Summary

Trial Summary now includes Alert aging for ‘X’ number of days as it does for Queries. Now aging of alerts can be seen in the Trial Summary and are hyperlinked with Open and Closed alerts.

10660: Check All Box for Question Actions

A ‘Check All Box’ has been added to eCRFs. Users can now click on the ‘Check All Box’ for all question actions (SDV, Lock, etc.) and then unselect any individual data items that do not meet the requirements. This makes the process much quicker for Monitors and Data Managers completing the action items.

10663: EM: Show workgroup’s full path

We want to provide the full path to workgroups for Tool Search in Enterprise Manager to reduce the time to find the correct workgroup.

11053: VA should show trial name and version somewhere

VisualArchitect now shows the trial name and version of the open trial reducing confusion as to which revision of the trial is being modified.

11108: Add Column Case Translation to Export Parameters

When creating custom exports in the Exports tab of the DataArchitect, the user can now indicate the case of the column with a formatter property “modifyColumnCasing”. The values are ‘toUpper’, ‘toLower’, and ‘none’. The default is none. If the “modifyColumnCasing” property is used all columns will be set to the specified casing.

11131: Remove training information from user setup

Training accounts no longer exist so the email template has been modified. Users will now use their personal login information to access training sites.

11148: Scripting Language: Add a “contains” command

The ‘contains’ command has been added to the Scripting Language. This command allows Trial Designers to write scripts that will find results based on a specific part of a string that is passed to the script command.

11153: Scripting Language: Display script information with DT_DEBUG role

The DT Debug role can now be used to view the details of scripts that are added by the Trial Designers. You can see the script path, script id, and the contents of the script. This is useful in troubleshooting scripts as they are being written.

11168: Accommodate Dynamic Visits and Baselines in the Visit Schedule

The Visit Schedule has been reconfigured to handle dynamic visits as well as multiple relatives and deltas.

11206: Disable PDF Archive Hook from Code

Existing PDF Archive functionality is being disabled and replaced with PDF eSubmission Archive. It is being disabled to prevent usage of the old format.

11313: Update Coding Manager Columns/Images

We are updating the Coding Manager to improve its usability. We have replaced the ‘thumbs up’ icon with a traditional check mark. The Status Column will contain the icons for coding: magnify (not coded), pencil (partial), green check (coded) and the Reset Column will contain the Trashcan Icon.

11314: Add name to data item report

This will add the Study Name to the Data Item report which will save time during billing periods and also enhance study reporting. This is an intermediate step for the billing framework, but will help relieve some of the routine work of getting these reports out of the system. It will also allow us to create reports that extend beyond one study.

11329: Enhance DataGenie to include Union Reports

We have enhanced DataGenie and added the ability to create union reports. With this enhancement, you can combine data from different sources with similar data structures into a single report.

Please note that this feature is not accessible by the user at this time. A future 5.x release is planned in order to implement this functionality.

11330: Enhance DataGenie to include Reporting Packages

We have enhanced Data Genie with the ability to combine multiple reports into a single “report package”. These report packages can be used to combine reports of similar output into one file (Excel) or one archive (text/SAS).

11331: Rename Export sets to Report Package

Renamed Export sets to Report Package to be consistent with option of Report Package in Data Genie.

11334: Add Type Column to View Reports Screen

Added Column to View Reports Screen in Data Genie to include the following: Report, Union, Package. Please note: old reports will not have the type specified.

11335: List All Reports on the View Reports Screen

Data Genie will now list all reports on the View Reports Screen, including Reports, Union Reports and Report Packages.

The DataGenie Help Manual link will link to the Help Center and open in a separate browser window. It will no longer open the PDF manual.

11340: Add a Multi-Select Option to the Report Package Tree

With the ability to create Report Packages we have also added in the multi-check box and select button to the tree that displays the reports to include in the Report Packages to make usability much easier.

11342: Add Filters, Sorts and Parameters to the Properties Screen in Union Reports

Data Genie now has Filters, Sorts and Parameters added to the Properties Screen for the Union Reports. This will work for Union Reports just like the Properties Screen works for individual reports created in Data Genie. This new functionality will aid in making reporting much more efficient.

11343: Update Create Report Process

The ‘Create Report’ Link has been modified to include a single select list of report types which include: Report, Union Report and Report Package so users can appropriately choose the report type to create. Since Union Reports and Report Packages have been added to DataGenie being able to effectively create the reports is a necessity and this tool will help users do just that.

11359: Update Compiler/Decompiler to Include Import Structure Changes

Compiler needed to be updated to support the new lab import processes. It will now support the new centralized import process.

11364: Clinical Process Manual

A manual has been added to the Help Center that is designed to explain the eClinical logic behind our workflow and processes built into our application. This is an in-depth look at how the Clinical Process could be applied most effectively within the eClinical application.

11366: Compiler: Enhance the compiler to give warnings for invalid paths found in scripts

The compiler has been enhanced to give warnings for invalid paths found in scripts so Trial Designers are aware of where the invalid paths occur.

11436: UTF-8 Support in Help Center

The Help Center has been updated to support multiple languages including the Kanji character sets.

11438: Ability to Search Dictionaries on Code ID

Currently dictionaries can only be searched for by using the code name (medication name or event name). We have added the ability to search based on Code ID on the interface. By doing so Coders can find codes tied to specific dictionaries quicker.

11450: VA – VisualArchitect should work in Internet Explorer and Firefox

VisualArchitect has been modified to work in Internet Explorer. Firefox was the supported browser up until this point but our goal is to make VisualArchitect cross-browser compatible.

11451: VA – Help Section upgrade to use generic javascript object.

The Help Section in VisualArchitect has been rewritten to be more generic. The help will remain dynamic, so when a node is selected the associated help is displayed, but will contain a generic set of items with more content.

11452: VA – Technology Upgrade

The underlying technology engine for VisualArchitect was upgraded to take advantage of the new features and cross-browser capabilities.

11453: VA – Translation support for VA interface

The VisualArchitect has been modified to support and translate into multiple languages.

11454: VA – Offline Mode should be created to allow as much functionality as possible while offline.

Since VisualArchitect is an online tool, we’re taking as many steps as possible to make it available offline if necessary.

11456: VA – Reports and Workviews should be supported

VisualArchitect now supports Reports and Workviews. These can be designed similarly to the functionality in DataArchitect.

11458: VA – Pinger object should keep the user logged in when working in VA

VisualArchitect has been enhanced to continually talk to the server so that the user does not get logged out by the system timeout feature.

11459: VA – Login object should allow/force user to log in when performing certain actions

The Login object has been created to manage the user?s interaction with the DATATRAK system. There are several items which the user must be logged in to perform, such as Load Library, Commit Trial, Publish Trial, and Save Preferences. When activating an action which requires a login, the login status should be checked.

11460: VA – Html Builder: A configuration of the VPI

An expression builder has been added to VisualArchitect to aid the user in generating HTML output.

11461: VA – DC Expression Builder: A configuration of the VPI

An expression builder has been added to VisualArchitect to aid the user in generating DataCollector expressions/dependencies/edit checks.

11462: VA – Script Builder: A configuration of the VPI

An expression builder has been added to VisualArchitect to aid the user in generating Scripts.

11465: Enhance the “round” command to select the number of decimal places

The Scripting Language command has been enhanced to allow the Trial Designer to specify the number of decimal places that the round function will retain.

11471: Automated User Setup

Enhancements to the user administration portion of eClinical include the ability to upload and setup users via our Excel User Request Form and an enhanced audit trail for each user so all changes made to each account can be tracked. This will increase efficiencies for the Solution Center when setting up accounts.

11513: Load large result sets from the database without holding them all in memory at once

This improvement ties into the change enhancements which will result in major performance improvements in retrieving data from the database and displaying it to the user.

11514: Rework Managers to utilize our standard object structure

We now fully utilize the object structure in the manager display which allows us to automatically retrieve or display any differences quickly. It will also make adding managers much easier due to a standardized structure.

11515: Propagate form deleted status when a parent form or record is removed

The deleted status of all child forms will be updated when a parent form is deleted.

11516: Update the record primaryText and secondaryText to not use getGlobalRecords

We have made enhancements to the methods that are used to grab the primary and secondary question text. This should provide performance boosts to those actions within the application. These methods are now used in all the managers since the object for all managers is the same.

11518: Optimize the loadNodes method in DataCollectorServlet

In order to decrease the execution time of bulk object operations, the loadNodes method was optimized to load a list of nodes by id in a single query.

11525: Enhance the path commands to ignore blank and/or invalid values if desired

When using path commands in the Scripting Language (numberPath, datePath) that include dynamic forms, the command should no longer fail. Instead, it should place a null into the list that is returned. This allows commands like gte, gt, lt to use the default/merge even when some of the values are blank.

11526: Merge and default should work with between condition.

The ‘merge’ and ‘default’ attributes should work with the between condition.

11690: VA – Version Control Repository should only have necessary files

Many files have been removed from the Version Control system to lighten the load of VisualArchitect. With their being so many files the check-out process and build procedure was slowed.

11795: Randomization Decompiler

Enhance the DataCollector Decompiler to support the randomization.xml files. The enhancement to DataArchitect Decompiler reads randomization XML file and saves the randomization configuration in the following Excel worksheets: Configuration, Strata, Activation, Inventory, Error Messages, Email Triggers, and Bridges. If a trial has no randomization XML file, none of the above sheets should be generated.

12100: Synonym table filter needs to be added in the Code Manager

The synonym tables have been added in the Show Dictionary filter in the Code Manager to display the questions coded using synonym tables. Now users can differentiate the questions coded with synonyms from the ones coded with terms.

12271: Consolidated Logging Provides Improved grep Capability

The log out was enhanced to consolidate basic request information to a single line in the log so that it may be easily “grepped”. This updated format will save lots of time when debugging specific activity for a user, date, or action.


7933: Spelling errors in the Compiler error messages

  • “Error: Formulas Line X: formulaId must be unique within the Foumulas worksheet..”. “Formulas” instead of “Foumulas”.
  • “Error: Dependencies – Definition Line X: Corretion Required can not be empty.” “Correction” instead of “Corretion”.
  • “Error: Question Types – Definition Line X: Field Size must be empty or two positive integers seperated by::, e.g. rowSize::colSize.” “separated” instead of “seperated”.

8003: Report Parameter: Quote Character

Column qualifiers like ” and ‘ are now escaped for SAS and text reports so that they are not read as ‘"’.

8182: Import with Partial Date

The file imports now accept partial dates in the format specified for the field in the eCRF.

8189: Query Detail Audit Trail Does not Show Display and Stored Value

This addresses an issue with the query generation and query audit display. The automatic system generated queries state that the question is unanswered, however it has been answered. The audit log on the form is accurate but differs from the audit log at the bottom of the query which is inaccurate. The audit information in both spots should match and the question should not register as unanswered in the query.

8537: Status Manager Filter Layout

This prevents the Status Manager Filter Layout from wrapping to the next line on smaller resolutions. This makes the filters less confusing and more visually appealing for end users.

10222: BlockRandomizer Suspect: Blocks 3 X or More Than Minimum Block Size

The BlockRandomizer Java code was modified to fix the bug of potentially generating incorrect sequence if the block size is large, and modifications were also made to generate a sequence composed by strings instead of integers, which allows the treatment type id to be any string.

10242: Search with wild card by Question Type does not work in Query, Alert, and Comment Managers

Corrections have been made to the Query, Alert, Coding and Comment Managers so that using a wild card on Question Type will provide results. You no longer need the entire question type to get results.

10586: formPartialEdit view type does not support viewing of contact control

Project Managers cannot see the assigned Project Manager in the setup page in Trial Manager. The view formPartialEdit was not supporting a read-only view of this control. This has been modified so Project Managers can see who the assigned Project Manager is for a specific study.

10753: User can agree with EULA before it was saved or canceled

As soon as EULA file is loaded and Is Active is checked a user on his login will be requested to agree with EULA text. After the user accepts this agreement the agreement can be canceled since it wasn’t saved yet. Now users can’t edit or delete a license once it is picked as the current license for the portal.

10759: List of Old License Agreements is not saved correctly.

The list of old license agreements now saves correctly.

The footer.jsp adds additional PDF choices to the bottom of a form. The sort order on the choices depends on the hash code of the form type name. The choices are sorted alphabetically or with a clear algorithm. Sorting now leaves the “Standard Form” at the top and the remaining forms are sorted alphabetically below.

10962: VA – When editing multiple scripts pressing Ctrl+Z produces unexpected results

Undoing and redoing of edits done on scripts is now working. They will no longer change the contents to the previously edited script.

10988: Query audit will have two records of same action

When the same query window is opened by different users and both users close this query at same time, the audit for the query will have two “close” records of the same time and different users.

11043: VA – Issue with “<” symbol

If you have a “<” symbol in name followed by some text without a space then the name was not displaying properly. This has been corrected by wrapping the text in xml tags so there will no longer be an issue with “<” symbols.

11069: Date Comparision Does not work

The date comparison issue with Data Genie Reports has been fixed and reporting on date comparisons will provide accurate results.

11086: Script error should display friendly message

Script errors now display a friendly message instead of the ClickOS error.

11110: If expression has text such as <variable, then it is not seen on the eCRF with DT Debug Role

If a dependency have text such as <variable, e.g. (this<datePart1) then it is not seen in on the form when you click on the dependency in the DT Debug role. This has been corrected and now if the expression has text such as <variable, it will show up on the eCRF.

11127: Navigation Bar for Help Center

The Navigation Bar for the Help Center will provide consistency in the interface and allow users to easily retrace their steps.

11344: Broken Image on Architecture Section

The image was not displaying in the Architecture section. This has been corrected.

11439: Alert Manager Export does not display “Current Question Response”

Alert Manager was not exporting the ‘Current Question Response’ but it was showing up within the application. This has been corrected and now the Current Question Response will appear on the export.

11599: Change “assign” command to set numbers without thousands delimiters

When using the assign command the return value included a comma if the value was greater than 999.99. This did not work correctly if the value was to be stored into a float field. Introducing the comma turned the result into a string and created errors in reporting. The assign command no longer inserts the comma in values greater than 999.99.

11849: DataGenie – Dates sorting as strings, not dates

Data Genie was not sorting dates as dates, but as strings. Dates are now sorting in ascending order as dates in chronological order depending on the sort order (ascending or descending).

11883: VA – Support Reading and Display of UTF-8 in VisualArchitect

VisualArchitect now supports opening (DataArchitect) and publishing (xml) files containing UTF-8 characters.

11891: Filter Expression Resolution with Parameter

Modified filter expressions so that every filter is checked for correctness before it is stored. Error messages are returned when an incorrect expression is entered.

11908: VA – Add Date Format yyyy to dropdown list

The option ‘yyyy’ has been added to the config file for the ‘Date Format’ property of Question nodes. Thus, the option ‘yyyy’ is now available as an example date format from which the user can select.

11938: primaryPath of MedDRA coding not work

When the coding is configured as autEncode=”yes” and primaryPath=”yes”, an adverse event with multiple coding options will now be coded by the primary path from LLT to SOC, where the primary path is determined by the primary SOC defined in PT table.

11950: VA – Incorrect handling of ampersand character

Modified Visual Architect to generate a definition.xml file if the ampersand character is used in question text or otherwise.

12024: Alphabetize the site selection list

The site drop down list used to pick a site when you enroll a new subject or tool is now alphabetized.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export did not correlate properly
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6667: The “”Active Status”” functionality is not implemented
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6670: Document proper process for creating a new dependency
  • 6671: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 7050: Portal logo uses http
  • 7833: Upload document action
  • 8002: Expression evaluation related with PartialDate
  • 8652: Reconcile doesn’t clear deleted dependencies in some cases
  • 8734: Reference type question to partial date shows internal value
  • 9861: Fill data doesn’t fill partial dates and reference questions
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10061: Question assignment does not work all the time
  • 10249: Toplink logging error
  • 10602: Looping dependency network
  • 10633: Customized formatters are not reloaded
  • 10869: Undo fails in some scenarios
  • 10872: VA – Cannot create form/questions with type ids that were undone.
  • 11001: VA – Dynamic forms must all have same child static forms
  • 11040: VA – Clicking Other windows locks VA
  • 11051: VA – Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results
  • 11062: VA – It is possible to have same divider ids in two different Forms
  • 11063: VA – It is possible to have same divider ids under different forms when copying from Library
  • 11091: VA – Dynamic forms are not created properly if FormType is changed
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11236: White screen is displayed when you try to SDV a lot of patients
  • 11802: VA – Font Color and Background Color buttons do not work in the HTML Builder in the IE
  • 11810: VA – Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE
  • 11863: VA – Trial config files are put into temp directory and not deleted
  • 11907: Unions give clickOS error for some reports
  • 11913: Deleting Report which is included in a package creates issues in content screen
  • 11940: If you try to edit field name more than 41 characters in report then it gives unexpected results
  • 12081: SAS Import fails for certain reports
  • 12180: VA – “Paste Form” does not work if FormType ID was changed
  • 12187: Export does not push the result to the user
  • 12203: VA – Library panel looses its size in IE
  • 12210: VA – Tool tip of Disable icon should change to Enable
  • 12215: VA – actionId should be unique within a WorkView
  • 12283: Error when renaming form
  • 12260: VA – Questions can be selected again after changing questionTypeId to blank
  • 12289: VA decompiler does not handle exports properly
  • 12291: VA compiler/decompiler does not handle casebook properly
  • 12301: Minor issues in eClicnical EDC Manual
  • 12332: VA – Copy and Paste of Nodes Works Inconsistently

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