
This article covers the 6.0.0 DBP Release notes.  


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2008 Q2 Release!

The 2008 Q2 release of the DBP contains some great enhancements and some significant performance improvements that will prove to be very valuable and useful.

Marketing for this Release

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Updates in this 2008 Q2 Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of
DBP after 6.0.0. We list the most recent patch first.


  • 13644: oracle.toplink.exceptions.ValidationException when run two scripts on the form.
  • 13680: Update the Japanese translation properties file
  • 13690: ToplinkUtil in method misses end option of list
  • 13692: Upgrade Randomization Version
  • 13693: Update POM to check out production version of randomization and trialSetup2 project in a design build
  • 13694: Missing options in Toplink IN expressions
  • 13724: Move from DBP to Randomization Manager
  • 13774: Cannot close queries from viewQuestionQueries.jsp when comment is required


  • 12835: Script problem with alert on same page
  • 12836: Script alert is not shown, when form is saved
  • 13480: Discrepancy between user history and history export
  • 13485: password policy inherits former tool memberships
  • 13503: Query Manager performance at form level
  • 13506: Alert on one dynamic forms updates all dynamic forms
  • 13511: Release Notes
  • 13531: Text, SAS, and Excel export do not have Response Date and Response By values for closed queries
  • 13590: Adding Properties to study via ManagementServlet does not get propagated to different servers
  • 13607: Query Manager – sorty by display ID
  • 13641: Upgrade Randomization Version


  • 12723: Pop up Select field not displaying free text
  • 13040: OC4J cache invalidation causes slow responsiveness
  • 13272: Translation Updates for Japanese Language
  • 13296: Deleted Columns null in design/test/approve
  • 13299: ManagementServlet Access
  • 13301: Synonym Manager Permission Bug
  • 13333: Show Status: switching from Active to Deleted when click on Go for Items Per Page
  • 13350: Questions with blank values should not be coded
  • 13378: Recent Codes are built from the database after server restarts
  • 13389: Release Notes Update – CA CM00007995
  • 13390: Release Notes
  • 13399: Hide the English/Japanese link in the login page
  • 13400: IVRS System unable to retrieve pages via https

New Features and Improvements

Documentation for configuring documents as static links on the user’s homepage was added to the VisualArchitect manual.

8930: Flag to denote user type – internal vs. external

The ability to search users by email address was added to the Enterprise Manager so that users can be filtered to denote internal and external users.

10376: Plus sign disappears

Modified compiler to display an error when the plus sign is used in alert text. As the ‘+’ is a reserved character in our string evaluator, the user must use ‘&#43′ to display a ‘+’ in the alert text.

10640: Clear Complete should mark blank not In Progress

DataCollector was modified so that any time there is a mixed status on subforms, the parent displays ‘In Progress’.

11130: Remove KeyName from the DataArchitect

The Key Name field was removed from DataArchitect, the decompiled DataArchitect and the definition.xml.

11132: EM – Enhance Search Capabilities

The Search functions within Enterprise Manager were re-designed to allow for searching of multiple fields from the User’s profile. The interface and design mimic the new Managers interface and functionality (rewritten in DBP 5.0.0 release) as much as possible.

11162: EM Export for all users

Enterprise Manager was enhanced to use the advanced tool/role history search function to export a history of all users. Users can be filtered using the new search interface.

11246: Reformat Definition Summary

The Definition Summary was modified to include a Dependency Summary to facilitate testing. This worksheet includes the Dependencies – Definition worksheet from the DataArchitect file plus a extra column called Form Types which is a comma separated formTypeId list.

11262: Split the Debug Hide/Show Info permission out of debug

Enhanced the permissions so that functions previously available on the DT Debug role can be assigned to other roles within a study.

11424: Make Window Close Button Placement Consistent

Added the Close button to some pop-up windows so that system functioned consistently across all pop-up windows.

11508: PDFArchive not parsing HTML correctly in question text

Updated the PDF Archive functionality to correctly parse HTML in question text when producing PDFs.

11512: The toNumber command doesn’t work with multiple values

The toNumber command now works with multiple values.

11836: Additional Math/Number Scripting Commands

Created the new script commands Floor, Ceiling, Max, Min and Truncate.

11879: Collaboration: Request Membership Restriction

When utilizing the membership functionality, the [All Workgroup] option was removed from the user’s dropdown menu. The system displays (in the dropdown) the first Workgroup the user is a member of, and the page shows the potential members of the selected workgroup.

The Add Dynamic Link (for sub-forms) was updated to only display on the eCRF when the user has the createForm action permission.

12223: Form Header Signature Display

The getSignatureAudit no longer returns the first encountered applicable signature audit, but instead runs through a comparison of all applicable signature audit dates and displays the one that occurred last.

12274: Restore missing functionality from annotated eCRFs

The following functionality was restored to the annotated eCRFs:

  • Form architecture for the annotated eCRFs
  • Form architecture for the non-annotated eCRFs
  • FormID and formTypeID are displayed on the annotated eCRFs. When they are equal, the form type ID is padded into angle brackets to visualize the equality. Example: (myform, ). The same applies to question alias and question type ID.
  • The glossary in the file has been removed. Instead the web glossary can be referenced. Clicking on an annotation will open a web page from our web server that explicitly describes the type annotation that was clicked.
  • The default “English” header line has been changed in the properties. It no longer contains the user’s name and timestamp. The timestamp has been moved to the footer.

12355: Report on role type

The Get Usage functionality has been expanded to report a count of users by role. The Role Count functionality includes a filtering by time period and duration of role assignment.

12356: Scripting Language: Partial Date Compare

The ability to compare partial dates against full dates using scripts was added to eClinical.

12369: Remove the lock around the record

Removed lock around the record and write log messages when concurrent modification or optimistic lock exception occurs.

12375: Enhance Script Network: allow Import to use script

Method added to script network to support imports running scripts.

12403: Support medication (term) + indication (auxiliary question) within the auto-coding

A new attribute, auxiliaryTerms, was added in the codeType for the questionTypes to be coded. The auto-code function now evaluates the term and the auxiliary questions when searching for a match within the dictionary.

12404: Support user-defined synonym terms

The user has the ability to remember terms that have been coded. Remembered terms are added to the synonym table so that they will automatically be coded the next time it is encountered by the system.

12406: Improve import to use script

The Import process now directly executes the Script system expanding the import possibilities.

12411: Synonym table support of full-path mapping

The Synonym table now supports full-path mapping for the lowest term to the highest term.

12462: Add audits for missing data handling

Added audits for missing data types (ex: NA, Not Done, Not Known).

12490: Ability to View Role Access History by User

A view of a user’s history for all tools/roles is now included when exporting the user within Enterprise Manager.

12512: Update Help Information

The “Click here if you have problems signing in” help information was updated to be consistent with our other published contact information.

12523: Ability to Export Site User History

The tool history tracking was enhanced to provide the ability to export the user history by tool and across tools (ability to export all tools per study – one worksheet per tool).

12525: Export and Import Parameter Documentation

Parameters for reader and writer of export and import were documented in the DataArchitect manual.

12531: Password Expiration should only be checked at log on

Updated the Password Expiration functionality to prevent the user from being forced to change their password if it expires in the middle of a session.

12546: User Admin – New Access Request

Implemented a new user access request workflow within Enterprise Manager. Through the use of email triggers and queues, various levels of approvals have been implemented for creating a new user.

12613: Make Global Locks Re-entrant

Global locks have been re-entrant to avoid any issues with nested transactions.

12650: Add Unlock user function to search user page

Added Unlock user functionality to Search User Screen.

12656: Remove manageAdministrators and manageMembers actions from the tree menu and add them to the view organization detail page

Removed manageAdministrators and manageMembers actions from the Enterprise Manager tree menu and added them to the Workgroup details page.

12661: Add Invalid Format Alert and Required Correction Dependencies to DCFormProcessor

Added the warning text message as an error during commit to cover the following warnings: Format Alerts, Length problems (data over 4000 characters), Required Dependencies and Pending.

12662: Add Advanced Search Functionality to Tool/Role History

Added advanced searching functionality to the Enterprise Manager, including:

  • Added view history action to the searchTool page.
  • Added the selection of multiple tools.
  • Added multiple field searching to the view history page.
  • Added excel export functionality to the view history page.

12680: Imports should allow the Trial Designer to specify how many input files are stored on file server

Added ability to specify number of input files stored on the file server for each trial. The value for Depth can be any positive integers or ‘n’ which means unlimited or empty.

12697: Correct Punctuation in Login Screen Error

Corrected punctuation error on the Login Screen – deleted erroneous period.

12704: New attributes for coding need to be added in DataArichtect

Two attributes were added in the Codes sheet of the DataArchitect file:

  • auxiliaryTerms: Defines the other questions that are combined with the question that this code belongs to for auto-coding. The value of this attribute is a list of comma separated expressions or blank by default. Please NOTE: The error check for this attribute was not added as expressions are not checked at this point.
  • useAppSynTable: A flag that defines if the question that this code belongs to is coded with the dynamic application synonym table. The value of this attribute is either “Yes” or “No”. By default, its value is set to “No”.

12761: VA imports changes

Updated import properties ‘Script Id’ and ‘Depth’ in VisualArchitect.

12769: VA – Make all JS code valid

Validated all JavaScript code via JSLint (, which is a JavaScript validation tool.

12774: Add method to control how the translation keys are displayed

Added method to control the display of translation keys. The translated words can be displayed in three ways:

  1. No annotation.
  2. Annotate Missing Keys (Keys are missing from the properties file for the current language).
  3. Annotate All.

12798: User login should support special characters

Updated login functionality to support special characters.

12834: New attributes for coding need to be added in VisualArchitect

Two attributes need to be added in the code element in Visual Architect:

  • auxiliaryTerms: defines the other questions that are combined with the question that this code belongs to for auto-coding. The value of this attribute is a list of comma separated expressions, or blank by default.
  • useAppSynTable: a flag that defines if the question that this code belongs to is coded with the dynamic application synonym table. The value of this attribute is either “yes”, or “no” by default.

12845: Release Notes for 6.0.0

This document.

12878: Enterprise Manager Manual

Documented functionality of the Enterprise Manager in a users’ manual.

12889: Plural for record name should be able to be set

The “recordNamePlural” property is added to the DataArchitect and Visual Architect. If this property is empty or not defined, the plural form of the record name will be displayed as “recordName” + “s”.

12928: Highlight the node in the tree when a workgroup is selected

When selecting a workgroup on the Search Workgroup screen, the corresponding node should be opened and highlighted in the tree.

13045: Update JSPs to be UTF Compatible

Each JSP that acts as an HTML page was updated to include the appropriate lines that make the JSP UTF-8 compatible.


6667: The “Active Status” functionality is not implemented

The Active Status flag is accessible via the EM with the ability to turn on and off an active status flag for each tool.

7050: Portal logo uses http

The portal logo path now uses https instead of http, and the mixed content dialog is not seen.

The thrown runtime exception referenced in the initial description is caught and displayed in a user friendly format.

8734: Reference type question to partial date shows internal value

Questions that reference a partial date question now show the display value instead of the internal value.

10249: Logging error

Updated code to support the writing of any field with braces({}) surrounding a number. The system used to throw an illegal argument exception when logging – this has been corrected.

11720: PDF export can not display Kanji data correctly

PDF export displays Kanji data and question text correctly.

11913: Deleting Report which is included in a package or a union report creates issues in content screen

Implemented warning screen that notifies users when they try to delete a report that is included in a report package.

12215: actionId should be unique within a WorkView

The actionId is now created to be unique within a workview node.

12289: VA decompiler does not handle exports properly.

If a trial has no exports, the DataArchitect decompiler will create an empty export sheet.

12301: Minor issues in eClinical EDC Manual

Updated incorrect button and screen shot graphics.

12332: Copy and Paste of Nodes Works Inconsistently

The method of copying the properties did not account for the property being an object. It now makes a full copy of every property, meaning that they will not be references. Changes on a copied node will not affect the original node.

12473: The Randomization Error Checking does not work properly when compiling

The DataArchitect Compiler now displays all randomization configuration errors properly.

12515: Listings of users do not order alphabetically

Users are now listed in the alphabetical order on the Manage Administrators, Manage Members and Search Users screens.

12521: Calendar difference calculation incorrect when using days

The calendar difference code now calculates the difference in days instead of seconds.

12545: Import log messages should not cache on the server

Import writes log messages directly to the file server.

12569: Optimization of Managers

Optimized the managers for better oracle execution plans.

12570: Code Manager status filter is very slow

Improved performance of code manager when filtering with status filter.

12633: Re-institute the node path<

Re-instituted a path link at the top of each page to display the path of the current clicked node in the Enterprise Manager.

12639: Divider text overwritten

Cascading of divider properties is now based on relationship. Only highlighted dividers are modified.

12648: error on page when switching between roles

The All Sites filter is replaced by “all” in the url, instead of stringing all the child tool values in the url. Now, no script error is shown when switching roles for study with lot of sites.

12649: Filter persistence is lost when an export is run

Added export persistence to export refreshing.

12668: child form not shown properly in tree

When inserting a node, the indents are now recalculated, and when you drag one form to another form at the same level, it shows it as child.

12669: Enhance equals-type commands to handle merge/default

The equals, ne, and regex commands handle lists and merging like the other comparison commands (i.e. gt, gte).

12696: Update Text For Forgotten Username Password Screen

Corrected grammatical errors in the text on the Forgotten Username Password screen.

12699: Sorting does not work when you have aggregate fields

Data sorts properly in dataGenie when using aggregate fields.

12713: All column text in DA should be bold

In DataArchitect, template column text Dividers on the Display worksheet are displayed in bold style.

12716: coding node should be displayed on copy from the library event

Corrected coding copy function so that when you copy a question with Coding Information from the Library, it also copies the coding information.

12722: “Undo” does not work after “Overwrite Design” from Setup Library was performed

The ‘Overwrite Design’ function now has transaction logging, which enables the undo/redo feature for this function.

12724: reference is missing in Data Type Value drop box

Added ‘Reference’ to the dataType editor. This will affect questions, formulas, reports, and codeLists.

12731: default Form Type Name should be added to the new form

When creating a new Form node, the text entered as the node name is inserted into the ‘FormType Name’ property as well. This means that no form can be created without a ‘FormType Name’ property.

12733: DT Debug role should display code instead of code Value in Show Info

Updated Code Lists to display as [code]code Value instead of [code Value]code Value.

12746: Search fields in Enterprise Manager should support special characters

Updated all Enterprise Manager screens to be UTF-8 compatible.

12747: EM: state/province only mandatory for CA/US

When creating a user account, the state field is only mandatory for countries the US and CA.

12760: Remove the Key Name field

The Key Name was removed from VA. It is no longer read from the XML, stored in VA, editable in VA, nor written into the XML.

12773: Question should be allowed to have the same question Id as divider's Id.

For all nodes, when generating a new name for a node, only nodes of that type will affect the new name. Any time a node is added, pasted, dropped, etc, a check is performed to see if it needs a different name. If it does, the generator creates a new name for it based on the old name and the new sibling nodes. Both of these actions (the check and the name generation) look at only the siblings which are the same type as the node which is being renamed. This means that questionIds won't be affected by questionGroupIds or Form Names.

12776: Add support for Japanese MedWatch PDF Form

The MedWatch PDF Form now displays Japanese characters correctly.

12802: Release Notes 5.0.x

Documented Release Notes for 5.0.1, 5.0.2 and 5.0.3 Patch releases.

12821: VisualArchitect Manual Updates

Updated the VisualArchitect manual to reflect the changes made in the 5.0.3 patch.

13004: DBP jar needed as dependency of other products

The DBP core classes are now built as a JAR on Continuum server, which is needed as a dependency for building other products such as the Randomization Manager.

13080: Labels for Data Fields in DataGenie are not persistent

Changed DCDataField to save labels to the database. Renaming a datapoint within a report should now be saved to the database and the change should remain even if the object is removed from cache.

13105: Release Notes for 5.0.4

Documented Release Notes for the 5.0.4 Patch release.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export did not correlate properly
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6670: Document proper process for creating a new dependency
  • 6671: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 7833: upload document action
  • 8652: Reconcile doesn't clear deleted dependencies in some cases
  • 9861: Fill data doesn't fill partial dates and reference questions
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10061: question assignment does not work all the time
  • 10602: looping dependency network
  • 10633: Customized formatters are not reloaded
  • 11040: Clicking Other windows locks VA
  • 11051: Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results.
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11124: User Profile is not Synchronized Among Clusters
  • 11126: User Profile Can Only Be Updated in Production Cluster
  • 11173: Show Status filter should be set to Closed.
  • 11187: Patient Record Restoration Audit not Viewable in Audit Trail
  • 11236: white screen is displayed when you try to SDV a lot of patients
  • 11441: Missing data handling unavailable in group after locked question
  • 11802: Font Color and Background Color buttons do not work in the HTML Builder in the IE
  • 11810: Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE.
  • 11907: Unions give clickOS error for some reports
  • 11940: If you try to edit field name more than 41 characters in report then it gives unexpected results.
  • 11994: 'Is Default' can be answered 'Yes' for multiple portals
  • 12066: Parameters not working consistently in Data Genie
  • 12081: SAS Import fails for certain reports
  • 12187: export does not push the result to the user
  • 12203: VA - Library panel looses its size in IE
  • 12254: Union report should not return duplicate information
  • 12283: Toplink error when renaming form
  • 12298: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time
  • 12507: Address gets trim in user details screen in EM
  • 12509: Trial Summary links to the Alert and Query managers show incorrect count.
  • 12514: DataGenie field renaming does not work when original is part of the new name
  • 12541: Expression Assignment with a date or time field that has blank value gets wrong result
  • 12590: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question
  • 12655: Filter is not set correctly in Trial Summary
  • 12659: can't expand Library and Help panels
  • 12672: it is possible to have same formids for multiple forms in same study
  • 12674: Help contents search box does not allow to select text.
  • 12703: the new line in Annotation note is lost with compilation
  • 12712: can publish commit DA with the name different then the trial name.
  • 12715: Large Trials hand when committing in IE
  • 12717: can't open trial, committed in CVS, in VA
  • 12723: Pop up Select field not displaying free text
  • 12758: Future date checks only look at server time, not user's local time (as set in profile)
  • 12835: Script problem with alert on same page
  • 12836: Script alert is not shown, when form is saved
  • 12861: VA - Version number is not updated after committing the changes made in the Casebook tab
  • 12887: Partial dates cannot be compared against properties
  • 12932: VA - Drag and drop form placement incorrect
  • 12957: Deleted ManagedObjects are not viewable in the system
  • 12958: Fill Sample Data output is in a random order
  • 12965: toNumber command generate clickOs on blank value
  • 12983: Coding manager - reset codes
  • 13003: Query PDF always shows Patient for any record name
  • 13016: Rename Dynamic formType fails
  • 13023: When OC4J needs restarted it can hang in the "init" status
  • 13039: OC4J Deadlock occurs when invalidating distributed session
  • 13040: OC4J cache invalidation causes slow responsiveness
  • 13070: delete, create synonym permissions shouldn't be lost when decompiled to VA
  • 13082: "Move Record" action shows Global Summary in the navigation bar
  • 13083: Issues if report added to Union is Edited or Deleted
  • 13086: Trial Manager Decompiler - Export Mapping
  • 13098: DataGenie Delete Issues
  • 13129: Filter persistence is lost when run an import
  • 13159: Toplink not refreshing cached lists on updates
  • 13236: Minor issues in Enterprise Manager Manual

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