
This article covers the 6.1.0 DBP Release notes. 


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2008 Q3 Maintenance Release!

The 2008 Q3 Maintenance Release of the DBP contains some great enhancements and some significant performance improvements that will prove to be very valuable and useful.

Marketing for this Release

  • 2008 Q2 New Release Flier Is Not Available 

Updates in this 2008 Q3 Maintenance Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of
DBP after 6.1.0. We list the most recent patch first.


  • 14360: Scripts update answer status incorrectly
  • 14371: 6.1.2 Release Notes
  • 14378: Assign command changes the complete status of locked form


  • 12758: Future date checks only look at server time, not user’s local time (as set in profile)
  • 14171: FillRecord has invalid attribute in batch selection
  • 14197: 6.1.1 Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

7578: Randomized vs. Screen Failure Count

Added DCDynamicStatus in order to filter managers on predefined statuses.

9418: Global Summary Filter: Screen failures/Study Completions/In Progress

As per ticket 7578, added DCDynamicStatus in order to filter managers on predefined statuses. This allows for filtering in all managers.

11503: Enhance View Differences Report

Enhanced the View Differences Report to include the following:

  • Allow the creation of difference reports
  • Results should be calculated in the background (similar to exports)
  • Results should be easily browsable with paging
  • Restrictions on records and form types should be possible

13904: Update POM to check out sales image projects

Created a new profile to check out sales image projects in addition to the the core projects.

13307: Standard ECG Export and ECG Import plus ECG Viewer

Created a standard ECG Import and Export (similar to the existing Third-Party Data Import functionality).

14113: 6.1.0 Release Notes

Release Notes for this release.


Trial Summary links to the Alert and Query managers showed the incorrect count as they included all deleted patients and forms. The deleted patients and forms have been removed from the counts.

12758: Future date checks only look at server time, not user’s local time (as set in profile)

When entering dates in date fields, future date checks fire/don’t fire based solely on current server time, not user’s local time as set in their eClinical profile. Added a custom formula that is accessible by all studies to compare the entered date to the user’s local date/time.

12887: Partial dates cannot be compared against properties

Implemented a change that allows partial dates to be compared against the values of properties. The property value can be an internal date format for partial dates or a date in study date format. Furthermore it is possible now to directly compare to a date in study date format (Example: this > 18/Jun/2002) and a modified current date (Example: this > @@currentDate+1|M).

13913: Cannot view uploaded files

Corrected the issue so that Uploaded Files can now be viewed/opened.

Modified implementation to only show the export links when the permission allows exporting.

13961: ClickOS — Error Message when switching role on Differences report page.

Implemented the “Friendly Error” for the ClickOS, which allows the user to return to the role with the correct permissions.

13973: Add svgTest2008 to the checkoutProject profile

Added the svgTest2008 project to the checkoutProject profile.

13985: Ability delete a View Difference Configuration/Report

Added the ability to delete a View Differences Report/Configuration along with all of the existing associated archives.

14112: 6.0.3 Release Notes

Added the 6.0.3 Release Notes to the 6.0.0 Release Notes file.

14119: Trial Summary shows @@ before record name if it is not a common name like patient or subject.

Removed @@ from record name throughout trialSummary.jsp.

14127: Queries/Alerts Older than” count shows incorrect number.

Updated trialSummary.jsp to set the filter for queries and alerts to LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO instead of LESS THAN.

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