
This article covers the 8.0.0 DBP Release notes. 


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2009 Q1 Major Release!

The 2009 Q1 Major Release of the DBP contains some great enhancements and some significant performance improvements that will prove to be very valuable and useful.

Marketing for this Release

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Updates in this 2009 Q1 Major Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of DBP after 8.0.0. We list the most recent patch first:


  • 16486: Database Exception when large number of forms are created and updated
  • 16487: Add the ability to customize the query PDF with user defined parameters
  • 16500: Query PDF uses workgroup name instead of site name
  • 16510: Double data entry: Forms that are locked above are considered open
  • 16516: Usability improvements for double data entry
  • 16517: Update 8.0.0 Release Notes to Contain 8.0.4 Bugs
  • 16526: Exports do not report lock status correctly


  • 16428: Unnecessary logging messages need to be removed.
  • 16429: NTT Translation Errors
  • 16430: Dependent script triggering does not work in certain cases
  • 16446: Release Notes
  • 16447: Add script error if comparing lists of items without specifying a merge condition


  • 15973: Visit and Form information needed on PDF export
  • 16198: Mid-level tools in tool network are counted twice in trial summary
  • 16201: In xml import, the parent context node did not get restored correctly after processing a child node
  • 16202: Include query comments in Export
  • 16212: Add Not Blank option to drop down for the Answer Status Filter
  • 16216: Translation of Keys
  • 16223: Include query audits in PDF export
  • 16227: Locale needs to be set to DCExecutionContext during standard import
  • 16250: Trial Summary reports wrong counts if the middle site has records.
  • 16273: Question Audits should be sorted by timestamp
  • 16284: SAS dataset label should be added to the sas script
  • 16326: DDE: Property for case insensitivity
  • 16351: Primary path for MedraJ12.0 was not used
  • 16381: Load Documents for each File Tool using query instead of Indirection
  • 16385: 8.0.2 Release Notes


  • 16099: Add the ability to restrict View Differences Report on meta data status
  • 16120: Import script can’t resolve path related questions, forms, etc.
  • 16146: Japanese query PDF files require user to download Chinese font
  • 16164: Add users to ManagementServlet
  • 16165: Role Access screen for a user does not display correct role instance id
  • 16183: Double data entry: Form path should be added to display of differences and export of differences
  • 16190: 8.0.1 Release Notes

New Features and Improvements

12052: Provide advanced warning about password expiration

The user can set the timeframe in which he/she would like to be notified that their password will expire. Notification is displayed on the screen next to the Sign Out link, and if chosen, an email can be sent to the user. The number of days in advance of the password expiration in which the user would like to be notified can be set between 0 and 14. Also, the default for email notification is No. The user must access their profile in order to turn on email notification.

12910: Checklist limitation

If properly configured during study setup, both the Data Entry and Data Cleaning Checklists are displayed on the user’s study homepage.

13179: Split export permission for Exports and Manager Exports

The exportData permission is no longer required in order to export from the Managers. The exportData permission is only required for exporting data from the Exports tab.

13184: Email notification of tool/role assignment

An email is sent to the email address of record each time a role is granted to the user.

13909: EM: Search tools/users

The default search option on the Search Users screen is ‘Last Name, First Name’.

14700: Coding – Retain page

Paging location is retained within the Coding Manager.

15061: Calendar Translation

All files related to the Calendar Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15062: Contacts Translation

All files related to the Contacts Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15063: File Manager Translation

All files related to the File Manager Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15064: Tasks Translation

All files related to the Tasks Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15065: Workgroups Translation

All files related to the Workgroup Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15066: Membership Translation

All files related to the Membership Collaboration tool now support multiple languages.

15067: Randomization Translation

Selected files related to Randomization now support multiple languages.

15338: Export Parameter for Forms Output

Created export parameter ‘exportMetadata’ that allows for the exporting of the form metadata. The following metadata status are exported: Patient, Form Name, Parent Form, Form Path, Answer Status, Alert Status, SDV Status, Query Status, Lock Status and Signed Status.

15355: Update Interface to Allow Addition of Multiple Users from the Tools screen

Implemented a multi-action option in the Enterprise Manager that allows a user to select multiple tools and then assign a single user (or multiple users) to the selected tools in a single step/action.

15440: Increase Default File Manager Space Allocation

The default manager space is 50 MB in each cluster.


This release contains the translation of the Collaboration Tools (This release supports Japanese). The bugs listed below were identified during this process. Each bug will not be explained individually but collectively as issues found during the translation of the system that have been corrected in this release.

  • 15236: Modify the custom tag ‘paging’ to add translation component
  • 15238: Modify the custom tag ‘search’ to include translation component
  • 15300: Store the Task Priority Level name in the java file instead of the database.
  • 15326: Store the Task Status Level name in the java file instead of the database.
  • 15618: System exception pages translation
  • 15679: Properties Pages Translation
  • 15694: Append “@@” to the system category names in the database.
  • 15695: Append ‘@@’ to the name of the default categories
  • 15696: No not allow users to edit or delete the ‘Members’ category in the Contact Tool.
  • 15704: Use Japanese Popup Calendar for Japanese users
  • 15708: Display the date using a standard format in Calendar, Contact Directory and Task tool
  • 15740: Internal Server Error when you click New or Edit Announcements
  • 15743: Delete Electronic Address page under Edit Workgroup does not translate EAddress Type
  • 15744: Permission choices are not translated
  • 15745: Spelling error in the “Cancel New” button under Folders for all Properties
  • 15747: Display the Date in Enterprise manager in English only
  • 15972: Paging and Record count does not work for Manager Member page of workgroup
  • 16015: Add the Japanese Email Template
  • 16016: Add Japanese Email Template
  • 16021: Page Layout looks messed up when language is changed to Japanese

13236: Minor issues in Enterprise Manager Manual

Corrected broken links and missing/incorrect icons and buttons in the Enterprise Manager manual.

13667: Quotes in tool names can cause My Applications tree to disappear

Escaped double quotes in data collector tool and application names when placed in the application tree.

Corrected the ‘Search For Code Id’ filter so that results display properly.

14674: Fill data doesn’t populate Checkbox question

The Fill Data testing tool fills a checkbox without any default value/answer option.

14691: Script command ‘setDynamicStatus’ should return a string

Updated the setDynamicStatus command to return the value set by the command. If no value is set due to an invalid status name or an invalid value will return null.

14752: Double data entry params in result file

Corrected display errors in the View Differences report.

14807: Difference Manager shows ‘View Archive’ in the Navigation Bar for the Edit, Customized Run, and Delete pages

Modified the double data entry code to display the form title.

15072: Visit Date to Data Entry in Average report calculates using deleted patients

Visit Date to Data Entry in Average report calculation no longer includes deleted patients.

15130: SAS export should allow the TD to specify the format used for a particular variable

The SAS export configuration allows the TD to specify the format used for a particular variable instead of using the one generated by default.

15131: SAS export should allow the TD to specify which encoding to use

The SAS export configuration allows the TD to specify which encoding to use instead of using a universal one for every language.

15132: Export should allow the TD specify the record name used

The export configuration allows the TD to specify the record name used per export format.

15141: Add permissions to DA template

Added viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit to audits under the Roles tab in the DataArchitect template file.

15247: Union Report does not show data with aggregates and sort

Union Reports support sorting across aggregate data.

15276: Sheet name cannot be greater than 31 chars in Excel reports

When creating reports in DataGenie that have a report name of greater than 31 characters, the title of the report/worksheet is truncated to 31 character long. Any special characters are replaced with the ‘_’ character.

15353: Update the Move Tool Interface

Updated the Move Tool interface for easier selection of the appropriate workgroup.

15356: Error when adding a user to a large number of sites

Users can now be added to a large number of sites in a single assignment. (Testing was performed with over 200 sites.)

15418: Wrong XML element is used as permission.

Permission restrictions are no longer affected when a role and action have the same name.

15436: Study Home page checklist – ‘Prepare – Visits Expected +5 days” does not work

Erros with the ‘Prepare – Visits Expected + X days’ and related data entry check lists have been corrected.

15651: Audits Manager Documentation

Documented the features and functionality of the Audits Manager in the EDC Manual and the DataArchitect Manual.

15677: Reset code should not reset filters in Codes Manager

Reset code action triggered from menu or by pressing the delete icon does not reset filters on Codes Manager page.

15678: Remove blank lines from coding audit log

Instead of blank rows in the coding audit log, the repeated actions like RESET CODE or RECODE are recorded in audit with a new time stamp, the action that was performed and the user that performed the action.

15681: ClickOS error when adding user

Corrected the issue associated with intermittent ClickOS errors when adding a user.

16107: Release Notes

This document.

16108: TM 2.5.0 Release Notes

Release Notes for the Trial Manager 2.5.0 release.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export did not correlate properly
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6670: Document proper process for creating a new dependency
  • 6671: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 7833: upload document action
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10061: question assignment does not work all the time
  • 10602: looping dependency network
  • 10799: Security issue with eTrain.
  • 11040: Clicking Other windows locks VA
  • 11051: Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results.
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11124: User Profile is not Synchronized Among Clusters
  • 11126: User Profile Can Only Be Updated in Production Cluster
  • 11753: Embedded HTML code
  • 11802: Font Color and Background Color buttons do not work in the HTML Builder in the IE
  • 11810: Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE.
  • 11994: ‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals
  • 12081: SAS Import fails for certain reports
  • 12203: VA – Library panel loses its size in IE
  • 12283: Toplink error when renaming form
  • 12298: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time
  • 12541: Expression Assignment with a date or time field that has blank value gets wrong result
  • 12590: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question
  • 12659: can’t expand Library and Help panels
  • 12672: it is possible to have same formIds for multiple forms in same study
  • 12674: Help contents search box does not allow to select text.
  • 12703: the new line in Annotation note is lost with compilation
  • 12712: can publish commit DA with the name different then the trial name.
  • 12715: Large Trials hang when committing in IE
  • 12717: can’t open trial, committed in CVS, in VA
  • 12861: VA – Version number is not updated after committing the changes made in the Casebook tab
  • 12932: VA – Drag and drop form placement incorrect
  • 12965: toNumber command generate clickOs on blank value
  • 13003: Query PDF always shows Patient for any record name
  • 13016: Rename Dynamic formType fails
  • 13023: When OC4J needs restarted it can hang in the “init” status
  • 13039: OC4J Deadlock occurs when invalidating distributed session
  • 13070: delete, create synonym permissions shouldn’t be lost when decompiled to VA
  • 13159: Toplink not refreshing cached lists on updates
  • 13292: DA Manual Updates
  • 13328: Scripts assign a blank before the actual value
  • 13332: local permissions to Tool and Object Level are lost when DA is red to VA.
  • 13397: Pop-up select question shows internal data value
  • 13414: Internal Server Error on Manage Applications page
  • 13490: Add Validation Statements to Help Center
  • 13505: alert script behavior inconsistent when changing dependent question
  • 13537: Decompiler uses an old DA file template
  • 13538: Decompiler changes sequencing of Forms – Template entries
  • 13539: Decompiler changes sequencing of Display tab entries
  • 13540: Decompiler changes sequencing of Question Layout tab entries.
  • 13541: Decompiler drops the scripts tab description column
  • 13542: Decompiler changes DA file Roles
  • 13543: Decompiler overwrites role permissions with default values
  • 13544: Decompiler adds blank rows to excel
  • 13545: Visual Architect drops AppSetup > queryStatus values
  • 13546: Visual Architect drops FormTypes record entry
  • 13547: Visual Architect adds Divider answers to some forms
  • 13548: Visual Architect overwrites role permissions with default values
  • 13557: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Type Name rename does not appear
  • 13558: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Id does not auto-name correctly
  • 13559: Visual Architect missing cursor in popup rename windows.
  • 13614: DataGenie: contact control should resolve to user name
  • 13628: Race issue when creating new queries
  • 13688: requires the third save to display alerts if alert waits for dependent question
  • 13710: Query address text box always re-populated with the last comment
  • 13711: query comments can be virtually saved blank
  • 13773: Open option in Show Status filter is saved as Open-New
  • 13866: can’t unlock user account on design
  • 13980: deleting of application properties is not synchronized between the servers.
  • 14029: Script-Errors not displayed for “after” scripts
  • 14042: RuntimeException when delete difference report archive
  • 14296: If you perform any action in record manager on a different page it returns back to the 1st page
  • 14391: when reconcile script might create unexpected forms when forms are locked
  • 14431: Visit Schedule and Patient Management give ClickOS error if studyDateFormat and Visit Date format are different
  • 14504: Queries are not sorted by display id in the viewQuestionQueries page
  • 14777: Alerts from Deleted Pages in Data Export
  • 14788: Query PDF shows html tags for the question
  • 14811: NullPointerException when run WorkView
  • 14812: report doesn’t return data with Null value
  • 14832: Difference Manager Warnings have several words that are not tagged
  • 14834: Exports of Managers show html tags for the question name.
  • 14887: In Edit EULA Window links for language do not work
  • 14995: Configuration files are reloaded when performing some actions
  • 15138: Definition XML is reloaded when Fill Sample Data action is used.
  • 15163: Scripts: createform needs to be able to set the sequence number
  • 15277: Sorting on DATE and Time fields does not work in DataGenie
  • 15488: eMail Triggers cannot distinguish between servers if the app id is the same
  • 15496: Script alerts with targets on a dynamic form are inconsistent
  • 15616: Cannot add user to workgroup from client EM
  • 15617: Metadata refresh does not update complete status if a question is added
  • 15656: Translation Properties of Automated Text
  • 15698: Container should be passed to the import custom extension method
  • 15706: DataGenie dynamic form reporting associates incorrect parent form
  • 15727: Add user filter to Audit Manager
  • 15728: Add Metadata audit support for Question Audits in AuditManager
  • 15756: Add viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit to VA
  • 15757: can’t open trial in VA
  • 15862: EM Reports the wrong toolRoleInstanceID if user has the same role on more that one tool
  • 15912: Invalid custom export Excel sheet names in DA
  • 15924: Date time questions should have values in sas tables
  • 15925: One check box image is missing for the PDF form writer
  • 15940: Failed exports need an error message
  • 15962: The file history event name and comments are English only
  • 15977: If you invite a new member via membership in a group it checks the user after the member is invited
  • 16022: formPartialEdit, formRestrictEdit needs formEdit changes
  • 16041: when forms are deleted and the restored it shouldn’t change Form Transition counts
  • 16079: There is an inconsistency in the system for the Remove tools from a user in EM
  • 16081: Add Users should allow to add users which don’t have access to sites
  • 16084: Excel report titles should show warning when greater than 31 characters
  • 16089: Visit Transition counter doesn’t reset
  • 16100: Run Reconcile as background process
  • 16111: email should be send to preferred email address
  • 16144: If no roles are assigned to site, it gives clickOS error when you try to add user
  • 16145: Fix the message on moveForm.jsp
  • 16171: approve code action doesn’t change sorting order
  • 16172: the page number will be reset if use delete code icon
  • 16205: Save prompt needs new translation
  • 16207: Update the Manuals with new properties added to the Difference Manager
  • 16266: add the option to cancel dynamic filter assignment
  • 16271: The option “All” shown for dynamic status options does not have an internationalization key.
  • 16296: Code audits are sorted by ID
  • 16319: Date Format in VA should show warning when blank for date question
  • 16343: Add Legend to the Data Point Report
  • 16389: PDF Archive – Incorrect handling of special characters
  • 16390: Enterprise Manager – Incorrect handling of special characters
  • 16410: Translation of Keys
  • 16417: Restriction on Start and End Levels should work in Search Results
  • 16468: Change Definition Summary to Write to CSV
  • 16474: User upload template needs to be updated
  • 16498: Missing Data Type filter should submit the changes when the value is changed

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