
This article covers the 8.1.0 DBP Release notes. 


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2009 Q2 Maintenance Release!

The 2009 Q2 Maintenance Release of the DBP contains several new reporting enhancements.

Marketing for this Release

  • 2009 Q2 New Release Flier Is Not Available 

Updates in this 2009 Q2 Maintenance Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of DBP after 8.1.0.


  • 17469: Prolonged time when creating dynamic form
  • 17486: Move form does not work as expected
  • 17519: Update 8.1.0 Release Notes to Include 8.1.5 Tickets


  • 17124: Add a configurable property to collapse form links tree
  • 17125: Add a configurable property to only display MedDRA primary SOC
  • 17127: Add Alternate Inventory ID to Inventory Sheet in the DA
  • 17133: Add as-stag303 to the staging cluster
  • 17134: Update 8.1.0 Release Notes to Include 8.1.4 Tickets
  • 17160: Exception when you log out of test on production and you do not log out of secure
  • 17163: Exceptions in ExceptionServlet cause a recursive processing error in OC4J
  • 17168: Update pom.OC4J.xml to prepare dependency for randomization 2.0.8
  • 17176: Update Move Record Utility


  • 13159: Toplink not refreshing cached lists on updates
  • 17029: Update export to prevent a list of records from being held in the memory for a period of time
  • 17043: Update 8.1.0 Release Notes to include 8.1.3 tickets
  • 17063: RFC icon prompts new save functionality


  • 16117: EM: exclude users
  • 16808: Get Usage Enhancements
  • 16839: Set user category
  • 16870: Update System Requirements for Vista and IE8 Testing
  • 16886: Add new Query to PDF functionality
  • 16928: Japanese translation
  • 16929: Add 8.1.2 items to the 8.1.0 Release Notes
  • 16933: Queries are not sorted by timestamp
  • 16935: closed script alerts will reopened after reconcile is ran
  • 16936: Update translation of ‘SaveOnExit’ popup window


  • 13312: Display of HTML tags in exports
  • 16753: Unnecessary Html tag in the answer options of CRF-PDF
  • 16754: Add 8.0.0 Validation Statement and 21 CFR Part 11 Docs to Help Center
  • 16807: Add the option to force the user to save the form before navigating away from the page or closing the browser
  • 16829: Display of medical code a configurable attribute
  • 16857: Add new line character to body of email scripts
  • 16861: 8.1.1 Release Notes
  • 16864: Translate the key ‘SaveOnExitMessage’ to Japanese

New Features and Improvements

15975: Addition of Filters to Statistics Reports

Dynamic filter support and the ability to export data were added to the statistics reports: Trial Summary (just export), Form Statistics, Query Statistics, Alert Statistics, and Data Point Report.

15979: Create a Group Management Editor

A dynamic status manager was implemented. This allows a user with the “manageDynamicStatus” action permission to user the dynamic status manager to create new types of dynamic statuses.

15980: Ability to Assign Dynamic Status

Added a new command to the drop down menu in the record manager. This command is available when the action permission of “assignDynamicStatus” has been granted to the user. This new command allows a user to select records and choose a dynamic status to assign to them. In addition, if the user has the “assignDADynamicStatus” permission then they are allowed to set dynamic status items that are defined in the DA File. This should allow for a manual “reconcile” of dynamic statuses in the case the a script is written incorrectly or an error occurs.

16132: Addition of Filters to Trial Summary

A record (or subject) filter as well as support for dynamic filters were added to Trial Summary report. The ability to export to Text and Excel was also included.

16213: Add Filter to Exclude Forms without Questions

Added a filter to the Forms Manager that allows users to exclude forms that do not have questions (usually container forms).

16214: Display of all Users in Search Function

A new filter to the Search Users screen allows the user to filter on All, Active or Non-Active users.

16337: Custom PDF Archive Properties

A list of form types that should be excluded from the PDF archive can be specified in the properties of the application or in the parameters for the export. The list is made of single parameters/properties having the prefix ‘pdfIgnoreFormType’ and an index in ascending order starting wither with 0 or 1.

16342: Add Needs SDV Column

Added the ‘Needs SDV’ column to the Data Point Report. Needs SDV includes filled data points or those data points that are answered using the missing data function.

Hyperlinked all possible counts within Trial Summary to the appropriate managers with appropriate filters pre-set.

16345: Ability to Customize Homepage Checklists

Created the ability to setup custom checklists on the user’s home page. Each checklist can be displayed on multiple roles’ home pages. These items have a custom title and will display the count of the number of items in the linked manager with the defined filter set.

16395: Show navigation bar on audit page

Added a new navigation bar for all audit views: form, question, code and synonym.

16396: Add Needs SDV Column to Forms column of Trial Summary

The ‘Needs SDV’ count is added to Form table under Site Summary statistics. The count is added as a link to Forms manager with following filters set: Answer Status to ‘Not Blank’ and Source Doc Verified to ‘No’.


15617: Metadata refresh does not update complete status if a question is added

Updated meta data for Answer Status so that meta data will refresh when reconciling. Also added a refresh to the process that adds new questions to forms when viewing them or using updateQuestions.

16084: Excel report titles should show warning when greater than 31 characters

For Excel report titles that are longer than 31 characters, the following warning is now displayed: “Warning Report names longer than 31 characters will be truncated when using Excel output.”

16176: Create new property to specify type of tree used in eCRF

A new column has been added to the in the Data Architect ‘Application Setup’ tab called ‘useNodeTreeForECRF’. The default is ‘no’, or false. This setting affects how the form structure view is presented in the eCRF: the current eClinical Java script expandable/collapse-able tree or the node-based navigation tree utilized in Enterprise Manager.

16197: fix text in “Parameters” section of Differences Report

Removed the ‘:’ from the text for consistency and reduction of internationalization keys.

16238: Add new permissions to templates

Added the following permissions to the dataArchitect template: manageDynamicStatus, assignDynamicStatus and assignDADynamicStatus.

16341: Optimize Data Point Report

Improved performance of the Data Point Report by rewriting the query and count logic.

16346: 8.1.0 Release Notes

This document.

16410: Translation of Keys

Translation of new keys to Japanese.

16482: When advanced filters are set they should be visible

Enhanced functionality in order to always show a filter if it is set. The only time filters are hidden is if they are not in use and the user has a preference set to hide them.

16508: Add column descriptions to manuals

Updated the EDC Manual to to include a definition of terms for the Form Statistics and Data Point reports.

16509: Create preference for items per page

Items per page on a per user, per page basis are now persistent.

16652: Compiler places From and To attributes on DA export worksheet to wrong place

Updated the compiler to correctly place the from and to attributes used by the writer to rename the exported table names and column names. The are now written inside the ‘writer’ element in our xml configuration file.

16553: Audits Manager: Active/Deleted Filter

Added “Deleted Status” filter to Audit Manager and updated the export to reflect this new functionality.

16668: Trial Manager 2.5.1 Release Notes

Release Notes for the Trial Manager 2.5.1 release.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export did not correlate properly
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6670: Document proper process for creating a new dependency
  • 6671: Report creation does not present wizard screen for permissions
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 7833: upload document action
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10061: question assignment does not work all the time
  • 10602: looping dependency network
  • 10799: Security issue with eTrain.
  • 11040: Clicking Other windows locks VA
  • 11051: Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results.
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11124: User Profile is not Synchronized Among Clusters
  • 11126: User Profile Can Only Be Updated in Production Cluster
  • 11753: Embedded HTML code
  • 11802: Font Color and Background Color buttons do not work in the HTML Builder in the IE
  • 11810: Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE.
  • 11994: ‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals
  • 12081: SAS Import fails for certain reports
  • 12203: VA – Library panel loses its size in IE
  • 12283: Toplink error when renaming form
  • 12298: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time
  • 12541: Expression Assignment with a date or time field that has blank value gets wrong result
  • 12590: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question
  • 12659: can’t expand Library and Help panels
  • 12672: it is possible to have same formIds for multiple forms in same study
  • 12674: Help contents search box does not allow to select text.
  • 12703: the new line in Annotation note is lost with compilation
  • 12712: can publish commit DA with the name different then the trial name.
  • 12715: Large Trials hang when committing in IE
  • 12717: can’t open trial, committed in CVS, in VA
  • 12861: VA – Version number is not updated after committing the changes made in the Casebook tab
  • 12932: VA – Drag and drop form placement incorrect
  • 13003: Query PDF always shows Patient for any record name
  • 13016: Rename Dynamic formType fails
  • 13023: When OC4J needs restarted it can hang in the “init” status
  • 13039: OC4J Deadlock occurs when invalidating distributed session
  • 13070: delete, create synonym permissions shouldn’t be lost when decompiled to VA
  • 13159: Toplink not refreshing cached lists on updates
  • 13292: DA Manual Updates
  • 13328: Scripts assign a blank before the actual value
  • 13332: local permissions to Tool and Object Level are lost when DA is red to VA.
  • 13397: Pop-up select question shows internal data value
  • 13414: Internal Server Error on Manage Applications page
  • 13490: Add Validation Statements to Help Center
  • 13505: alert script behavior inconsistent when changing dependent question
  • 13537: Decompiler uses an old DA file template
  • 13538: Decompiler changes sequencing of Forms – Template entries
  • 13539: Decompiler changes sequencing of Display tab entries
  • 13540: Decompiler changes sequencing of Question Layout tab entries.
  • 13541: Decompiler drops the scripts tab description column
  • 13542: Decompiler changes DA file Roles
  • 13543: Decompiler overwrites role permissions with default values
  • 13544: Decompiler adds blank rows to excel
  • 13545: Visual Architect drops AppSetup > queryStatus values
  • 13546: Visual Architect drops FormTypes record entry
  • 13547: Visual Architect adds Divider answers to some forms
  • 13548: Visual Architect overwrites role permissions with default values
  • 13557: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Type Name rename does not appear
  • 13558: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Id does not auto-name correctly
  • 13559: Visual Architect missing cursor in popup rename windows.
  • 13614: DataGenie: contact control should resolve to user name
  • 13628: Race issue when creating new queries
  • 13688: requires the third save to display alerts if alert waits for dependent question
  • 13710: Query address text box always re-populated with the last comment
  • 13711: query comments can be virtually saved blank
  • 13773: Open option in Show Status filter is saved as Open-New
  • 13866: can’t unlock user account on design
  • 13980: deleting of application properties is not synchronized between the servers.
  • 14029: Script-Errors not displayed for “after” scripts
  • 14042: RuntimeException when delete difference report archive
  • 14296: If you perform any action in record manager on a different page it returns back to the 1st page
  • 14391: when reconcile script might create unexpected forms when forms are locked
  • 14431: Visit Schedule and Patient Management give ClickOS error if studyDateFormat and Visit Date format are different
  • 14504: Queries are not sorted by display id in the viewQuestionQueries page
  • 14777: Alerts from Deleted Pages in Data Export
  • 14788: Query PDF shows html tags for the question
  • 14811: NullPointerException when run WorkView
  • 14812: report doesn’t return data with Null value
  • 14832: Difference Manager Warnings have several words that are not tagged
  • 14834: Exports of Managers show html tags for the question name.
  • 14887: In Edit EULA Window links for language do not work
  • 14995: Configuration files are reloaded when performing some actions
  • 15138: Definition XML is reloaded when Fill Sample Data action is used.
  • 15163: Scripts: createform needs to be able to set the sequence number
  • 15277: Sorting on DATE and Time fields does not work in DataGenie
  • 15496: Script alerts with targets on a dynamic form are inconsistent
  • 15616: Cannot add user to workgroup from client EM
  • 15656: Translation Properties of Automated Text
  • 15698: Container should be passed to the import custom extension method
  • 15706: DataGenie dynamic form reporting associates incorrect parent form
  • 15727: Add user filter to Audit Manager
  • 15728: Add Metadata audit support for Question Audits in AuditManager
  • 15756: Add viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit to VA
  • 15757: can’t open trial in VA
  • 15862: EM Reports the wrong toolRoleInstanceID if user has the same role on more that one tool
  • 15912: Invalid custom export Excel sheet names in DA
  • 15924: Date time questions should have values in sas tables
  • 15925: One check box image is missing for the PDF form writer
  • 15940: Failed exports need an error message
  • 15962: The file history event name and comments are English only
  • 15977: If you invite a new member via membership in a group it checks the user after the member is invited
  • 16022: formPartialEdit, formRestrictEdit needs formEdit changes
  • 16041: when forms are deleted and the restored it shouldn’t change Form Transition counts
  • 16079: There is an inconsistency in the system for the Remove tools from a user in EM
  • 16081: Add Users should allow to add users which don’t have access to sites
  • 16089: Visit Transition counter doesn’t reset
  • 16100: Run Reconcile as background process
  • 16111: email should be send to preferred email address
  • 16144: If no roles are assigned to site, it gives clickOS error when you try to add user
  • 16145: Fix the message on moveForm.jsp
  • 16171: approve code action doesn’t change sorting order
  • 16172: the page number will be reset if use delete code icon
  • 16205: Save prompt needs new translation
  • 16207: Update the Manuals with new properties added to the Difference Manager
  • 16296: Code audits are sorted by ID
  • 16319: Date Format in VA should show warning when blank for date question
  • 16389: PDF Archive – Incorrect handling of special characters
  • 16390: Enterprise Manager – Incorrect handling of special characters
  • 16417: Restriction on Start and End Levels should work in Search Results
  • 16468: Change Definition Summary to Write to CSV
  • 16474: User upload template needs to be updated
  • 16543: date time filter used in our system does not return correct result
  • 16568: Data Point report needs filter to include counts from child sites
  • 16593: Password Error Counter does not get reset after login
  • 16596: Submitting the filter form on Trial Summary should send the user back to Trial Summary with filter activated upon reloggin
  • 16634: Free-text Dynamic Filters do not support wildcards
  • 16646: Dynamic created Synonym Dictionary does not come up in search.

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