
This article covers the 10.1.0 DBP Release notes. 


Updates in the DBP 10.1.0 Release

This section describes what’s changed in the most recent patch releases of DBP after 10.1.0. We list the most recent patch first:

DBP 10.1.4

  • 20700: Create Configurable Confirmation Message Presented During Signature Application
  • 20832: Frozen and Locked Status filters should be set to ‘All’
  • 20857: Charset restriction fails on script based alert
  • 20879: Add property to allow designer to specify create record action
  • 20881: Need to Support Georgian Language in PDF Output
  • 20883: Create Chinese Version of System E-mail Templates
  • 20884: Prevent Text in Japanese Freeze Translations From Wrapping
  • 20895: Create Ability To Prepend a Path to a Font file
  • 20896: Modify Chinese translation
  • 20897: Alert Total Error In Trial Summary
  • 20904: DBP 10.1.4 Release Notes

The following DTLC page has been updated to support the newly created properties in the DBP 10.1.4 patch:

App Properties

DBP 10.1.3

  • 18588: Improve Coding Manager Export
  • 20468: keys that need Chinese translations
  • 20487: Translation Keys for Graphs on Home Page
  • 20619: Study Homepage reports can be changed to Excel/SAS
  • 20641: Deleting reports causes error in some cases
  • 20657: Additional Properties Files Needed
  • 20660: Configure roles with consistent permissions
  • 20688: Study Homepage reports should have dynamic widths
  • 20766: Correct Chinese Translation Keys
  • 20778: the blank value shouldn’t be saved if case of invalid value
  • 20814: exports display current name in audits
  • 20827: Change CVS path in POM files from /home/cvs to /CVS
  • 20830: DBP 10.1.3 Release Notes

DBP 10.1.2

  • 18786: Messages in the import log should be configurable
  • 19799: Cannot publish from Visual Architect
  • 19969: Report option to add chart to application home page
  • 20170: Local Lab Lookup Feature Does Not Support Japanese Date Format
  • 20182: Create Regulatory Forms Node
  • 20183: Create CIOMS Related eCRF
  • 20184: Create MedWatch Related eCRF
  • 20185: Generate a CIOMS PDF Export From The CIOMS eCRF
  • 20186: Generate a MedWatch PDF Export From The MedWatch eCRF
  • 20282: Change Signed By PI Column Header
  • 20379: Expression based assignments to partial date questions fail
  • 20410: Enable Dynamic Tabular Display For All Form View Types
  • 20422: Caching of Login Prevents Users From Logging in to Other Environments When Account is Unlocked
  • 20431: sequenceNumber Parameter Does Not Work With Tabular Data Entry
  • 20436: Create Property To Support Default Value for Question Types That Did Not Support Default Values Before
  • 20437: WFPermission.dtd is not found when checking for permissions
  • 20438: Buttons of the action bar in a workflow tool are not working
  • 20439: Workflow visualization applet is not displayed correctly
  • 20441: Lock Is Released Before Inventory Is Assigned
  • 20442: Add Chinese Translation Keys
  • 20443: Enhance lock held email to add additional information
  • 20474: Change To User’s Name Causes Audit Trail To Display Differently
  • 20494: DBP 10.1.2 Release Notes
  • 20502: Update Graphical Reporting DTLC Content To Include Homepage Report Feature
  • 20504: Update EDC Manual to Support Signed Status

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support new and/or modified features included in the DBP 10.1.2 patch release:

Graphical Reporting
Data Genie Manual
EDC Manual

DBP 10.1.1

  • 20365: Date question box loses focus after date picker pops up
  • 20369: Extend expression language to be able to return Data Value or Display Value
  • 20371: Create Property To Control Display of Dynamic Form Tabular View Link
  • 20376: DBP 10.1.1 Release Notes

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support new and/or modified features included in the DBP 10.1.1 patch release:

Data Architect Manual
Question Paths
Tabular Display Configuration

Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2011 Q2 Maintenance Release!

Updates in this 2011 Q2 Maintenance Release

DBP 10.1.0

The 2011 Q2 Maintenance Release of the DBP contains some great enhancements that are certain to improve your eClinical experience. The changes in this update are grouped into the following sections:

Advanced User Administration Tools

19211 – Mechanism to associate requirements to gain access to a tool(s)

19406: Optional and Required Prerequisites

Prerequisites should be optional or required: a. Required prerequisite
completion should be mandatory prior to gaining access to a trial. b. Optional
prerequisite completion should not be mandatory prior to gaining access to a

19407: Setting User Based Prerequisites

Prerequisites should be selectively applicable to any of the following user
sets: a. Enterprise (All users in the enterprise must take this training) b.
Enterprise + Role (All Coordinators in the enterprise must take this training)
c. Application (All users of this study must take this training) d. Application
+ Role (All Coordinators in this study must take this training).

19408: Prerequisite Content

The content of a prerequisite should be any of the following: Training,
Required Document Reading, Other.

19409: Create Prerequisite Listing

The Prerequisite Listing should show a listing of all configured prerequisites
for the workgroup and child workgroups.

19410: Prerequisites Displayed in Separate Rows

The Prerequisite Listing should show each prerequisite in a separate row.

19411: Defining Prerequisite Listings Columns

The columns in the Prerequisite Listing should be Action Checkbox, Study
(Application), Role, Content (Training Course, Document to read), Edit (Link).

19412: Prerequisite Listing Actions

The Prerequisite Listing should have a series of actions that can be performed.

19413: Creating Prerequisite Listing Actions Dropdown List

The Prerequisite Listing actions should be in a dropdown list.

19414: Perform Prerequisite Listing Actions On All Checked Requirements

The Prerequisite Listing actions should be performed on all checked

19415: Define Prerequisite Listing Actions

The Prerequisite Listing actions list should contain the option “Delete”.

19416: Prerequisite Listing Pagination

The Prerequisite Listing should be paginated, allowing specifications of number
of items per page.

19417: Button To Create New Prerequisite Listings

There should be a button on the Prerequisite Listing screen to create a new

19418: Create Prerequisite Screen Selections

The Create Prerequisite screen should provide the opportunity to select the
following : a Application (All is the first option) b Role ( All is the first
option) c. Content (1. Training & Course & 2. Required Reading & Document) d.
Required or Optional.

19419: Required Fields For Create Prerequisite Screen

All fields on the Create Prerequisite screen should be required.

19420: Click Save To Save Create Prerequisite Form

Clicking save should save the Create Prerequisite form and re-display the
Prerequisite Listing.

19421: Notification Of Prerequisites Not Satisfied

Prerequisites that have not been satisfied should appear using the System
Notifications functionality.

Advanced User Administration Tools

19212 – Invitation to access a tool

19385: Present User With Invitation

The user should be presented with the Invitation Form, which contains a series
of rows and columns. Each row represents an invitation. The columns should be
First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Site, and Role.

19388: Send Invitations Upon Saving Invitation Form

Upon saving the Invitation Form, the system should send invitations to the
email addresses specified in each completed row.

19389: Auto-Populate Roles

Upon selection of a Site, the Role column should be auto-populated with all
valid study role options.

19390: Add New Blank Rows

Each time any portion of the bottom row is filled, a new blank bottom row
should appear, allowing the form to grow continuously.

19391: Invitation Form Row Limit

There should be a maximum limit of 200 rows per form Invitation Form.

19392: Consolidate Duplicate Rows When Generating Invitation

Rows with identical first name, last name and email Addresses should be
condensed into a single email.

19399: Customizable Invitation Email Template

The invitation email template should be customizable by enterprise.

19400: Customizable Invitation Email Template Variables

The following variables should be available for customization within the
invitation email template: applicationName, applicationID, siteNames, siteIDs, roles, firstName, lastName, emailAddress, matchedUsernames, matchedFirstNames, matchedLastName, and time.

19401: Default Invitation Email Template

Changes made to default invitation email.

19402: Invitation Form Import

The Invitation Form should be able to be populated using an Excel or CSV

19403: Invitation Form Import Downloadable Template

An import template should be available to download from the Invitation Form.

19405: Populate Invitation Form Via Import

The import action should fill the data on the form, which the user should then
be able to update and submit.

Allow further enterprise level customization of the user administration
related e-mails.

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support the use of the new user administration features:

Enterprise Manager Manual
Customizing User Administration E-mail Templates

19206 – Automatic reconciliation of cross form edit checks

19206: Automatic reconciliation of cross form edit checks

The auto-reconciliation feature programmatically removes associated data entry alerts that are no longer valid after data entry changes occur, which eliminates the need for sequence dependent data entry. The implementation of this features will not require any changes to trial design practices or trial content.

The following DTLC page has been updated to support the automatic reconciliation feature:

Data Architect Manual

19835 – Support CDISC ODM Snapshot Metadata Export

19836: Create Exportable Flat Hierarchy

Create exportable flat hierarchy of study events (visits), forms, item groups
and items (questions).

19837: Exportable Edit Check Ranges

Create exportable dependency expressions/range checks.

19838: CDISC ODM Multi-language Support

Map the multi-language feature of eClinical to the ODM multi language support.

19839: Create CDISC ODM MethodDef Elements

Transform eClinical assignments to ODM MethodDef elements.

19840: Create CDISC ODM Snapshot Metadata Export Parameters

Create properties and parameters required for ODM Snapshot Metadata export.

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support the use of the new CDISC ODM Snapshot Metadata Export features:

ODM Exports
Mapping Form Tree to CDISC ODM

19209 – Enhanced Graphic Reporting

19685: Annotated Timeline Graph

Created an Annotated Timeline Graph as a functional output of the Data Genie
report tool.

19686: Area Chart

Created an Area Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19687: Bar Chart

Created a Bar Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19688: Column Chart

Created a Column Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19689: Gauge Report

Created graphical output for the Data Genie reporting tool to support the use of
clinical trial related data using 1 or more gauges.

19697: Line Chart

Created a Line Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19699: Pie Chart

Created a Pie Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19700: Scatter Chart

Created a Scatter Chart as a functional output of the Data Genie report tool.

19704: Update Results Drop Down List

Updated ‘Write Results To:’ drop down list to include all newly added output
options and modify output parameter options based on selection.

19705: Combining Table With Graphic

Create a function to allow the display of graphic report output combined with a
table which includes the data used to generate the graphic output.

19878: Create new class for managing new graph types

The ChartWriter class was replaced by a class that is written to handle
the requirements for the Google API charts.

19885: Translation

Added translation keys for all interface changes.

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support the use of the enhanced graphic reporting features:

Data Genie Manual
Graphical Reporting

19207 – Medical Coding Update Utility

19592: Medical Coding Dictionary Upgrade Process

The medical coding dictionary upgrade utility will include of series of 6
screens which permit dictionary selection, previews of possible actions and
results of actions taken to support the dictionary upgrade process

The study homepage will have a link in the actions area to begin a dictionary
upgrade and to download the most recent log file.

19594: Create Screen to Display List Of Application’s Current Dictionaries

The first screen will display a list of dictionaries that are currently used
within the application.

19598: Create Drop Down List To Select Current Dictionary

The existing dictionary selection screen will now show a drop down option to select
the dictionary to upgrade from.

19599: List All Coded Dictionaries

This list of dictionaries to upgrade from contains all currently coded
dictionaries in the database.

19600: Create ‘Continue’ Button To Navigate To ‘Upgrade To’ Screen

The existing dictionary selection screen now contains a ‘Continue’ button.

19601: Create A Screen To Display List Of ‘Upgrade To’ Dictionaries

The second screen displays a list of dictionaries that the application can
be upgraded to.

19602: Create Drop Down List To Select ‘Upgrade To’ Dictionary

The upgrade dictionary list is presented as a dropdown list.

19603: List All Compatible Dictionaries

This upgrade dictionary list contains all dictionaries available in the
xml that are compatible with the dictionary being upgraded from. Compatible is
defined as dictionaries from the same vendor (WHO, MedDRA, etc) and of the same
format (C, B2, etc).

19604: Create ‘Continue’ Button To Navigate To’ Synonym Upgrade Preview’ Screen

The upgrade dictionary selection screen contains a ‘Continue’ button to
allow the user to advance through the upgrade process.

19605: Create ‘Back’ Button To Navigate back To The ‘Upgrade From’ Screen

The upgrade dictionary selection screen contains a ‘Back’ button to allow the user to go back 1 screen/form.

19606: Create Screen To Display A Synonym Upgrade Preview

The third screen displays a preview of the synonym upgrade actions.

19607: Perform Synonym Ugrade Analysis

The synonym preview screen will analyze the existing synonyms and match the
unique id to the new dictionary.

19608: Display Results Of Synonym Upgrade Analysis

The synonym preview screen will display the Count of Synonyms, Count of
Upgradable Synonyms & the Count of Synonyms That Will Be Lost.

19609: Create ‘Continue’ Button To Navigate To’ Synonym Upgrade Results’ Screen

The synonym preview screen will contain a ‘Continue’ button to allow the user
to advance to the ‘Synonym Upgrade Results’ screen.

19610: Create ‘Back’ Button To Navigate back To The ‘Upgrade To’ Screen

The synonym preview screen will contain a ‘Back’ button to allow the user to go
back to the ‘Upgrade To’ screen.

19611: Create Screen To Display Synonym Upgrade Results

The fourth screen will display the synonym upgrade results and will show the
count of upgraded synonyms and the list of not upgraded synonyms.

19613: Create ‘Continue’ Button To Navigate To’ Coding Upgrade Preview’ Screen

The synonym upgrade results screen will contain a ‘Continue’ button.

19614: Create Screen To Display Coding Upgrade Preview

The fifth screen will display a preview of the coding upgrade actions.

19615: Perform Coding Upgrade Analysis

The coding upgrade preview screen will analyze the existing codes and match the
unique id to the new dictionary.

19616: Display Results Of Coding Upgrade Analysis

The coding upgrade preview screen will display the Count of Codes, Count of
Upgradable Codes & the Count of Codes That Will Be Lost.

19617: Create ‘Continue’ Button To Navigate To’ Coding Upgrade Results’ Screen

The coding upgrade preview screen will contain a ‘Continue’ button to allow the
user to advance to the Coding Upgrade Results screen.

19618: Create Screen To Display Coding Upgrade Results

The sixth screen will be used to display the coding upgrade results and will
show the Coding Upgrade Results Log.

19619: Display Coding Results Log

The Coding Upgrade Results Log will contain a status indication including
counts of codes that were Upgraded, Recoded (Autocoded/Completed) & Uncoded (No
match found in ‘upgrade to’ dictionary.

19620: Permit Current Results Log To Override The Existing Coding Results Log

Each Upgrade Results Log will overwrite the previous Upgrade Results Log.

The Coding Upgrade Results Log should be downloadable via a link on the sixth

The Coding Upgrade Results Log should be downloadable via a link on the study
home page. The link should remain accessible until the next upgrade is

19623: Create ‘Upgrade Complete’ Button To Navigate To Study Homepage

The coding upgrade results screen will contain an ‘Upgrade Complete’ button
which will allow the user to navigate to the study homepage.

19624: Coding Upgrade Audit – Version Indication

Coding upgrade audits should contain a ‘from version – to version’ indication.

The following DTLC page has been created/updated to support the use of the Medical Coding Update Utility:

Medical Dictionary Upgrade Utility

19555 – Tabular Data Entry

19556: Create Tabular View To Support Dynamic Form Data Entry

Create a tabular view to support data entry in which dynamic forms of a
specific type are represented as rows within the table and questions are
represented by columns.

19557: Create Additional Rows To Support Dynamic Form Data Entry

When the table supports the entry of data into dynamic forms, the system should
initiate the creation of additional rows to support data entry as needed by

19558: Create Tabular View To Support Static Form Data Entry

Create a tabular view to support data entry of static forms in which question
groupings are designated in the Display worksheet and represented as rows
within the table and questions are represented by columns.

19559: Submitting Data From Tabule View

Permit a single click action to submit all data within the table.

19560: Create Dynamic Forms When Data Is Submitted From A Table

When the table supports the entry of data into dynamic forms, submitting all
data within the table should result in 1 dynamic form being created for each
newly recorded row of data.

19561: Support Optional Alert Notification/Interaction In Tabular Data Entry

Implement an interactive optional alert notification which permits the entry of
a ‘Reason for Override’ for each triggered alert prior to the data being saved.

19562: Support Required Alert Notifications In Tabular Data Entry

Implement a required alert notification which permits the entered data to be
corrected prior to data being saved.

19563: Support Notification/Interaction With Reason Form Change Function When Data Is Changed In Tabular Data Entry

Implement an interactive notification which requires a ‘Reason for Change’ when
previously saved data has been modified.

19565: Allow Application And Removal Of ‘SDV’ Metadata Status From Tabular View.

Allow application and removal of ‘SDV’ metadata status from tabular view.

19566: Allow Application And Removal Of ‘Frozen’ Metadata Status From Tabular View.

Allow application and removal of ‘Frozen’ metadata status from tabular view.

19567: Allow Application And Removal Of ‘Lock’ Metadata Status From Tabular View.

Allow application and removal of ‘Lock’ metadata status from tabular view.

19569: Support Tabular And Standard Data Entry Views Simultaneously

Create a configurable view which permits the display of a tabular data entry
module along standard question/form view.

19570: Support Vertical Or Horizontal View Of Data Entry Table

Create a configurable property which allows the tabular data entry view to be
oriented as either vertical or horizontal display.

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support the use of the tabular data entry and review features:

Tabular Data Entry and Review
Tabular Display Configuration

Visibility To Edit Check Management

19208: Record the user that closes an edit check

Update the alert related detail to record the user that closes an edit check

19514: Export The Name Of The User Who Closed Alert

The ‘applicationName’_alerts export dataset should be expanded to include the
name of the user who closed the alert

19515: Clear Closed Alert Detail If Alert Is Reopened From Closed Status

If an alert has been closed and is reopened, the data recorded for the date,
time and user who closed the alert should be cleared.

The following DTLC page has been updated to support the new Alert Manager features:

EDC Manual

Miscellaneous Updates and Corrections

18783: Be able to configurate and internationalize the import log messages

The current import log messages are hard coded. They should be configurable.

19254: Can’t Save Form

Resolved Issue concerning savePrompt and documentFormMain elements that prevented forms from being saved.

19772: Possible to bypass Automatic Dependency Reconciliation in form naming

The change sniffing associated with automatic dependency reconciliation will be
skipped if a form is named with a name > 100 characters.

20168: Round command rounding down when it should round up

Resolved a rounding error due to a scripting file.

20274: Foreign Language Restriction For Characters Used In Usernames

The character set restriction enforced when usernames are create should prevent
the use of foreign language characters.

20316: Initializing DCExcelWriter creates empty directories

Adjusted permissions of DCExcelWriter to only create directories upon execution.

19841 – Documentation – Release and Learning Center documentation created or updated for the 2011 Q2 Release.

20333: Enterprise Manager Manual Updates (DBP 10.1.0)

The Enterprise Manager Manual needs to be updated to include user instruction for new features.

20334: EDC Manual Updates (DBP 10.1.0)

The EDC Manual needs to be updated to include user instruction for new features.

20335: Data Genie Manual Updates (DBP 10.1.0)

The Data Genie Manual needs to be updated to include user instruction for new features.

20336: Data Architect Manual Updates (DBP 10.1.0)

The Data Architect Manual needs to be updated to include trial design instruction for new features.

20338: DBP 10.1.0 Release Notes

Release notes for the DBP 10.1.0 maintenance release need to be created.

Outstanding Issues

  • 2575: Format Param maxColumnWidth in Excel Export did not correlate properly
  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10602: looping dependency network
  • 11040: Clicking Other windows locks VA
  • 11051: Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results.
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11124: User Profile is not Synchronized Among Clusters
  • 11126: User Profile Can Only Be Updated in Production Cluster
  • 11802: Font Color and Background Color buttons do not work in the HTML Builder in the IE
  • 11810: Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE.
  • 11994: ‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals
  • 12203: VA – Library panel loses its size in IE
  • 12283: Toplink error when renaming form
  • 12298: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time
  • 12541: Expression Assignment with a date or time field that has blank value gets wrong result
  • 12590: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question
  • 12659: can’t expand Library and Help panels
  • 12672: it is possible to have same formids for multiple forms in same study
  • 12674: Help contents search box does not allow to select text.
  • 12703: the new line in Annotation note is lost with compilation
  • 12715: Large Trials hang when commiting in IE
  • 12717: can’t open trial, commited in CVS, in VA
  • 12861: VA – Version number is not updated after committing the changes made in the Casebook tab
  • 12932: VA – Drag and drop form placement incorrect
  • 13016: Rename Dynamic formType fails
  • 13023: When OC4J needs restarted it can hang in the “init” status
  • 13039: OC4J Deadlock occurs when invalidating distributed session
  • 13070: delete, create synonym permissions shouldn’t be lost when decompiled to VA
  • 13332: local permissions to Tool and Object Level are lost when DA is red to VA.
  • 13490: Add Validation Statements to Help Center
  • 13505: alert script behavior inconsistent when changing dependent question
  • 13537: Decompiler uses an old DA file template
  • 13544: Decompiler adds blank rows to excel
  • 13545: Visual Architect drops AppSetup > queryStatus values
  • 13546: Visual Architect drops FormTypes record entry
  • 13547: Visual Architect adds Divider answers to some forms
  • 13548: Visual Architect overwrites role permissions with default values
  • 13557: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Type Name rename does not appear
  • 13558: Visual Architect > Casebook > Form Id does not auto-name correctly
  • 13559: Visual Architect missing cursor in popup rename windows.
  • 13614: DataGenie: contact control should resolve to user name
  • 13688: requires the third save to display alerts if alert waits for dependent question
  • 13710: Query address text box always repopulated with the last comment
  • 13773: Open option in Show Status filter is saved as Open-New
  • 13866: can’t unlock user account on design
  • 13980: deleteting of application properties is not synchronized between the servers.
  • 14029: Script-Errors not displayed for “after” scripts
  • 14042: RuntimeException when delete difference report archive
  • 14296: If you perform any action in record manager on a different page it returns back to the 1st page
  • 14391: when reconcile script might create unexpected forms when forms are locked
  • 14431: Visit Schedule and Patient Management give ClickOS error if studyDateFormat and Visit Date format are different
  • 14777: Alerts from Deleted Pages in Data Export
  • 14811: NullPointerException when run WorkView
  • 14812: report doesn’t return data with Null value
  • 14995: Configuration files are reloded when performing some actions
  • 15122: EULA Acceptance Date not in user export
  • 15138: Definition XML is reloaded when Fill Sample Data action is used.
  • 15616: Cannot add user to workgroup from client EM
  • 15656: Translation Properties of Automated Text
  • 15756: Add viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit to VA
  • 15757: can’t open trial in VA
  • 15862: EM Reports the wrong toolRoleInstanceID if user has the same role on more that one tool
  • 15962: The file history event name and comments are English only
  • 15977: If you invite a new member via membership in a group it checks the user after the member is invited
  • 16079: There is an inconsistency in the system for the Remove tools from a user in EM
  • 16171: approve code action doesn’t change sorting order
  • 16172: the page number will be reset if use delete code icon
  • 16319: Date Format in VA should show warning when blank for date question
  • 16417: Restriction on Start and End Levels should work in Search Results
  • 16593: Password Error Counter does not get reset after login
  • 16596: Submitting the filter form on Trial Summary should send the user back to Trial Summary with filter activated upon reloggin
  • 16634: Free-text Dynamic Filters do not support wildcards
  • 16646: Dynamic created Synonym Dictionary does not come up in search.
  • 16681: Permission Denied when navigate to statistics reports from Trial Summary
  • 16692: Add error check to make sure the restock level is always larger than the threshold
  • 16718: Union Reports change integer values to float with 2 decimal points for excel output
  • 16846: EM: Users do not appear in a search
  • 16859: Audits of type OLD are still being written.
  • 16876: Do not allow a workgroup to be added under itself
  • 16878: add properties to Basic Setup
  • 16890: script’s commands under “text” tag are getting executed even when “expression” tag returns “true”
  • 16903: Dynamic filters do not persist
  • 16912: Evaluate the usage of Unicode file names for the PDF archival exports
  • 16970: null page title
  • 17022: EM: Set category of user does not work on locked users
  • 17053: Audits should exisit for insert form action.
  • 17054: Audits should have ReName form actions
  • 17055: Issue with sequence numbers on dynamic forms
  • 17064: issue with clear question’s sdv boxes
  • 17135: DA: Remove Visit Schedule granted permission
  • 17145: Order of parameters changes during or after copying/creating report
  • 17170: The IP address for user in management servlet is not updated properly.
  • 17188: Migrate the changes to VA
  • 17201: Bookmarks to sign out page result error message
  • 17215: The Application History export should show local time
  • 17236: Exported timestamps are not consistent
  • 17249: Record should be reassigned automaticaly with the new modified value of the dynamic filter.
  • 17253: Nested functions do not parse correctly
  • 17255: Many of the export parameters do not function inside CustomFormFormatter
  • 17281: Slider question display type loses keypress functionality when enterKeyAction is set to “nextField”
  • 17304: DA Template: Visit Schedule Permission should not be enabled by default
  • 17305: Comment Manager does not sort properly
  • 17315: Form tree does not expand to current form
  • 17328: Can’t add users to Test,Design,Approve
  • 17347: Compiler should catch missing DA work sheet
  • 17380: Remove Search For: filter when audit type is not All or Value
  • 17394: Click OS after you click Advanced Filters Show or Hide
  • 17407: Click OS error after you try to re-login after session time out.
  • 17419: tooltip should display help for longer time
  • 17456: A blank email address causes DA decompilation failure
  • 17472: Expression Language math Operators
  • 17476: missing data audits
  • 17484: DA compiler should throw error when dynamic form has different Id and TypeId in template document
  • 17497: Code Manager Export shows dictionary name instead of code level under Code column
  • 17498: CODE_FIELD_ACTIVE_STATUS key should be added to the Code Manager Audit
  • 17508: Audit Manager Export issues
  • 17511: If you make a copy in certain cases for reports with lot of fields, the order of fields changes
  • 17515: when form is saved it should redirect to parent
  • 17527: With large Case Books sequencing of forms is out of order in some cases
  • 17540: Lists of roles in EM do not match between servers
  • 17545: Total time spent for a parent activity not calculated correctly sometimes
  • 17546: Validation for a course during upload
  • 17582: PDFCrfWriter has two help links that do not exist in the new help center Trial Manager manual
  • 17618: Wrong translation key is used to describe the status of partial code
  • 18683: Freeze scripts are not shown in form debug page
  • 18774: Import Log: Insert the summary of rows in the import log
  • 18787: Show the allowed file type for import on the import page
  • 18913: Secure the user interface to not allow adding invalid chars
  • 19268: Data Gene “error in expression”
  • 19546: alert on frozen question doesn’t reconcile away
  • 19548: “Reconcile (Process Assignments)” allows script assignment
  • 19684: form’s sequences issue
  • 19706: createForm command issue
  • 19736: scripts are not processed upon reconcile
  • 20060: issue with “name” dependency
  • 20080: Gauge Report is not shown in IE8
  • 20146: Auto safe problems with Opera and Safari
  • 20234: Downloading Documents Using IE Produces Zip File With Incorrect File Extension
  • 20277: Exception when forms modified simultaneously in zoom mode
  • 20377: Calendar date Icon doesn’t work in FF
  • 20381: ‘this’ should be available in alert text
  • 20447: saveOnExit set to “no” should allow saving the data
  • 20468: keys that need Chinese translations
  • 20491: Improve Area Chart on Opera, Safari
  • 20492: Improve Scatter Chart
  • 20493: If the report is included on the application’s home page, everyone with access to the report will be able to view it
  • 20501: Update Safety Case Manager DTLC Page To Support Regulatory Form Addition

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