
This article covers the 11.1.0 DBP Release notes.  


Welcome to the DATATRAK Business Platform 2012 Q1 Maintenance Release!

DBP 11.1.3

  • 22814: Tabular Data Entry Display Not Functioning For Form Monitor View
  • 22817: DBP 11.1.3 Release Notes

DBP 11.1.2

  • 22758: Allow hiding of metadata statuses based on role
  • 22769: DBP 11.1.2 Release Notes

DBP 11.1.1

  • 22409: Issue accessing files uploaded to the eCRF
  • 22421: Print unauthenticated request’s IP address
  • 22521: DBP 11.1.1 Release Notes

Updates in this 2012 Q1 Maintenance Release

DBP 11.1.0

The 2012 Q1 Maintenance Release of the DBP contains enhancements that are certain to improve your eClinical experience. The changes in this update are grouped into the following sections:

Form Flow Updates

20727: Submit Action Should Be Accessible From Subject Manager

A user should be able to submit all applicable and non-opened forms for a subject from the Subject Manager.
Additionally, a user should be able to open all applicable and submitted forms for a subject from the Subject Manager.

21856: Supporting FormFlow Implementation For Existing Forms

Update the FormFlow feature so that is can be implemented as a post initial deployment update to existing studies/forms

The following DTLC pages have been created/updated to support the use of the new Submission Status Workflow features:

Form Flow

Export Updates

21975: Include parameter should attach the text to the beginning of sas script

Added a new ‘preInclude’ parameter that will take files from the web app and write them into the sas import script before the datasets are defined.

22049: Combining Form Types in an Export

Create an export feature that puts multiple form types into one export table.

22050: Include Formatting Blocks in the .SAS Export File

Create a SAS export feature that decodes a question type’s answer choices from
its coded value to its display value.

22051: Show Display Values in an Export

Create an export feature that inserts the display value alongside the coded
value for each question type in a form.

The following DTLC pages have been updated to support the use of the new export features:


uIRT Updates

21813: Decompilation Process Creating Bridge Configuration Errors

If the randomizatioVersion is not 3.0, there is no error if the bridge id is empty.

21834: Populate Inventory Doesn’t Record Generated Seed Value to Audit

The seed value needs to be recorded in the audit even when one is generated for the user using the current timestamp.

21840: Activation receipts are not in the same order as the DA

The activation receipt data should be presented in the same order it is configured within the dA file.

21847: Selecting Inventory Represented a Deleted Drug Type Should Produce Error Message

If a drug type is deleted from an application and a drug container that references the deleted drug type is selected/accessed, an error message
explaining that the drug type does not exist should be presented to the user.

22089: Deactivation message should be fixed

Change default message to read, ‘Are you sure you wish to proceed with deactivation for Subject?’

22151: Drug Assignment audit should record replace/cancel action

Drug Assignment audit should record replace/cancel action.

22157: Edit Container issue

Support need to edit container availability information manually.

22169: Update date fields appearance on Randomization pages

Update the Trial Supply Management date fields to use the same appearance and functionality as the uEDC dates.

The following DTLC pages have been updated to support the use of the uIRT 3.0.0 product:

Randomization Trial Design

Randomization System

Visual Architect Updates

11040: Clicking Other windows locks VA

Prevent VA from locking when other windows are clicked.

11083: Ability to change QuestionType Id using dialog box

Dialog box now displays current TypeId instead of old data.

11810: Toolbar icons are shown enabled in the IE

Corrected toolbar display in IE.

12203: VA – Library panel loses its size in IE

Library pane will maintain its size.

12659: Can’t expand Library and Help panels

Library and Help panels should be collapsable and expandable.

12672: It is possible to have same formids for multiple forms in same study

Restrict formIDs to a single occurrence within a study.

12674: Help contents search box does not allow to select text

Support the selection of text in the Help contents search box.

12932: VA – Drag and drop form placement incorrect

Support the ability to drag and drop a form from the top of the casebook tree down to a lower position.

13016: Rename Dynamic formType fails

Support the rename parameter for dynamic form types.

13070: Delete, create synonym permissions shouldn’t be lost when decompiled to VA

Delete and create synonym permissions will be maintained via the decompilation process.

13332: Local permissions to Tool and Object Level are lost when DA is red to VA

Tool level and object level properties should be maintained when VA.

13545: Visual Architect drops AppSetup > queryStatus values

Maintain queryStatus parameters when decompiled in VA.

13547: Visual Architect adds Divider answers to some forms

Previously set divider parameters will be maintained when decompiled in the VA.

13548: Visual Architect overwrites role permissions with default values

Previously set role based permissions should be maintained when decompiled in the VA.

13559: Visual Architect missing cursor in popup rename windows

Cursor should automatically appear in rename popup windows.

15756: Add viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit to VA

Support the use of the viewCodeAudit and viewSynonymAudit permissions in the VA.

16878: Add properties to Basic Setup

Add the deleteType, useMetaData & saveOnExit properties to the basic setup in the VA.

17515: When form is saved it should redirect to parent

Form save will redirect to the parent form.

21788: VA fails to load if any library is missing

Support loading a trial in VA if a library is missing.

21789: VA fails to load if no DA previously committed

Support use of VA for studies with no previously created version.

21831: When committing VA in IE, screen appears usable

Support the display of a blue overlay screen in IE when committing a study version so the screen does not appear usable.

21842: Disallow formTypeIds on FormTypes-Definition that are not on Forms-Template

If a formTypeId is on the FormTypes-Definition tab, but not on the Forms-Template tab, a compiler warning should be thrown

21913: Add Randomization Support to VA

VA should not lose any properties created in DA with regards to randomization.

21918: Update DT logo in VA

Update the VA DATATRAK logo to the current version.

21949: VA help search box misaligned

Correct alignment of the VA Help serach box.

21951: Extra scrollbars in VA in Chrome

Prevent the creation of scrollbars in any browser type.

21952: VA’s help search button misaligned in Chrome

Correct the alignment of VA Help serach button.

Miscellaneous Updates and Corrections

20823: Query detailed page opened from eCRF should not submit the opened window upon close

If the view detailed query page is opened from eCRF, when it is closed, it should not submit the parent(opened) window.

20837: Click OS error when executing assignment script

Exceptions should not occur during the execution of properly written assignment scripts.

21681: Inter-form dependency issue, usage of freshly assigned question on current form

Support interform dependencies for questions with newly assigned question values.

21729: Alert Count Presented in Tabular Display Is Incorrect

The total alert count displayed in the tabular view will accurately represent the total number of alerts.

21777: Concurrent Modification Exception after script assignment

Support proper enforcement of concurrent modification exception when assignment scripts are executed.

21791: Create Compiler Check To Verify At Least 2 Configurations

Create a compiler check to verify at least 2 configurations of the study are present in the uIRT setup.

21796: Email notification should be added for declined queries

Add configuration option to create email notification for declined queries.

21812: IE does not show multi-select properly for formMonitor

Modify the the MultiSelect questionType display options to support the formMonitor’s view of all selected answer options.
If the randomizatioVersion is not 3.0, there is no error if the bridge id is empty.

21814: Query Status And Query Approval Statuses Are Not Displayed On The Same Screen

Query content, Query status and Query approval process should be visable on one screen.

21864: Declined query status display text reads, ‘closed’

Corrected the text for declined query on view query page

21995: Reason For Override Should Be PlainText When Not Editable

The reason for override (RFO) field should be presented as a non-editable plaintext field at times when the RFO is not intended to be set/recorded.

21996: All Valid Alerts Should Be Displayed During the Recording of the Reason For Change

All valid alerts, whether previously saved to a form or not, should be displayed throughout the request for an recording of the Reason For Change process.


22257: Update the Form Flow Manual for 11.1.0

Update the Form Flow manual to support the implementation of the 11.1.0 features identified in bugs 20727 & 21856.

22258: Update the exports page of the Data Architect manual for 11.1.0

Update the exports page of the Data Architect manual to support the implementation of the 11.1.0 features identified in bugs 21975, 22049, 22050 & 22051.

22268: DBP 11.1.0 Release Notes

Create release notes to support the DBP 11.1.0 release.

22308: Update Randomization manuals for 11.1.0

Update the Randomization manuals to support the implementation of the 11.1.0 features identified in bugs 21813, 21834, 21840, 21847, 22089, 22151, 22157 & 22169.

Outstanding Issues

  • 6663: Calendar Week Number display bug
  • 6665: You can not insert the image, table, or link into the message.
  • 6669: Auto prompt for Request Membership works only if you go to the Login page URL and not with base URL
  • 6672: ManagementServlet State Lookup Field
  • 10027: Upload/ Attach Files to a form
  • 10602: looping dependency network
  • 11051: Recursive Forms gives inconsistent results.
  • 11120: OC4J holds onto message classes used with JGroups
  • 11124: User Profile is not Synchronized Among Clusters
  • 11126: User Profile Can Only Be Updated in Production Cluster
  • 11994: ‘Is Default’ can be answered ‘Yes’ for multiple portals
  • 12283: Toplink error when renaming form
  • 12298: Problems if two users commit VA at the same time
  • 12541: Expression Assignment with a date or time field that has blank value gets wrong result
  • 12590: issue with form rename if a question used in naming is also referenced from another question
  • 12703: the new line in Annotation note is lost with compilation
  • 12715: Large Trials hang when commiting in IE
  • 13023: When OC4J needs restarted it can hang in the “init” status
  • 13039: OC4J Deadlock occurs when invalidating distributed session
  • 13490: Add Validation Statements to Help Center
  • 13505: alert script behavior inconsistent when changing dependent question
  • 13537: Decompiler uses an old DA file template
  • 13614: DataGenie: contact control should resolve to user name
  • 13688: requires the third save to display alerts if alert waits for dependent question
  • 13710: Query address text box always repopulated with the last comment
  • 13773: Open option in Show Status filter is saved as Open-New
  • 13866: can’t unlock user account on design
  • 13980: deleteting of application properties is not synchronized between the servers.
  • 14029: Script-Errors not displayed for “after” scripts
  • 14042: RuntimeException when delete difference report archive
  • 14296: If you perform any action in record manager on a different page it returns back to the 1st page
  • 14391: when reconcile script might create unexpected forms when forms are locked
  • 14431: Visit Schedule and Patient Management give ClickOS error if studyDateFormat and Visit Date format are different
  • 14777: Alerts from Deleted Pages in Data Export
  • 14811: NullPointerException when run WorkView
  • 14812: report doesn’t return data with Null value
  • 14995: Configuration files are reloded when performing some actions
  • 15122: EULA Acceptance Date not in user export
  • 15138: Definition XML is reloaded when Fill Sample Data action is used.
  • 15616: Cannot add user to workgroup from client EM
  • 15656: Translation Properties of Automated Text
  • 15757: can’t open trial in VA
  • 15862: EM Reports the wrong toolRoleInstanceID if user has the same role on more that one tool
  • 15962: The file history event name and comments are English only
  • 15977: If you invite a new member via membership in a group it checks the user after the member is invited
  • 16079: There is an inconsistency in the system for the Remove tools from a user in EM
  • 16171: approve code action doesn’t change sorting order
  • 16319: Date Format in VA should show warning when blank for date question
  • 16417: Restriction on Start and End Levels should work in Search Results
  • 16593: Password Error Counter does not get reset after login
  • 16596: Submitting the filter form on Trial Summary should send the user back to Trial Summary with filter activated upon reloggin
  • 16634: Free-text Dynamic Filters do not support wildcards
  • 16646: Dynamic created Synonym Dictionary does not come up in search.
  • 16681: Permission Denied when navigate to statistics reports from Trial Summary
  • 16692: Add error check to make sure the restock level is always larger than the threshold
  • 16718: Union Reports change integer values to float with 2 decimal points for excel output
  • 16846: EM: Users do not appear in a search
  • 16859: Audits of type OLD are still being written.
  • 16876: Do not allow a workgroup to be added under itself
  • 16890: script’s commands under “text” tag are getting executed even when “expression” tag returns “true”
  • 16912: Evaluate the usage of Unicode file names for the PDF archival exports
  • 16970: null page title
  • 17022: EM: Set category of user does not work on locked users
  • 17053: Audits should exisit for insert form action.
  • 17054: Audits should have ReName form actions
  • 17064: issue with clear question’s sdv boxes
  • 17135: DA: Remove Visit Schedule granted permission
  • 17145: Order of parameters changes during or after copying/creating report
  • 17170: The IP address for user in management servlet is not updated properly.
  • 17188: Migrate the changes to VA
  • 17215: The Application History export should show local time
  • 17236: Exported timestamps are not consistent
  • 17249: Record should be reassigned automaticaly with the new modified value of the dynamic filter.
  • 17253: Nested functions do not parse correctly
  • 17255: Many of the export parameters do not function inside CustomFormFormatter
  • 17281: Slider question display type loses keypress functionality when enterKeyAction is set to “nextField”
  • 17304: DA Template: Visit Schedule Permission should not be enabled by default
  • 17305: Comment Manager does not sort properly
  • 17328: Can’t add users to Test,Design,Approve
  • 17347: Compiler should catch missing DA work sheet
  • 17394: Click OS after you click Advanced Filters Show or Hide
  • 17407: Click OS error after you try to re-login after session time out.
  • 17419: tooltip should display help for longer time
  • 17456: A blank email address causes DA decompilation failure
  • 17472: Expression Language math Operators
  • 17476: missing data audits
  • 17497: Code Manager Export shows dictionary name instead of code level under Code column
  • 17498: CODE_FIELD_ACTIVE_STATUS key should be added to the Code Manager Audit
  • 17508: Audit Manager Export issues
  • 17511: If you make a copy in certain cases for reports with lot of fields, the order of fields changes
  • 17527: With large Case Books sequencing of forms is out of order in some cases
  • 17540: Lists of roles in EM do not match between servers
  • 17545: Total time spent for a parent activity not calculated correctly sometimes
  • 17546: Validation for a course during upload
  • 17582: PDFCrfWriter has two help links that do not exist in the new help center Trial Manager manual
  • 18683: Freeze scripts are not shown in form debug page
  • 18774: Import Log: Insert the summary of rows in the import log
  • 18787: Show the allowed file type for import on the import page
  • 18913: Secure the user interface to not allow adding invalid chars
  • 19268: Data Gene “error in expression”
  • 19548: “Reconcile (Process Assignments)” allows script assignment
  • 19684: form’s sequences issue
  • 19706: createForm command issue
  • 19736: scripts are not processed upon reconcile
  • 20060: issue with “name” dependency
  • 20080: Gauge Report is not shown in IE8
  • 20146: Auto safe problems with Opera and Safari
  • 20277: Exception when forms modified simultaneously in zoom mode
  • 20377: Calendar date Icon doesn’t work in FF
  • 20381: ‘this’ should be available in alert text
  • 20447: saveOnExit set to “no” should allow saving the data
  • 20491: Improve Area Chart on Opera, Safari
  • 20492: Improve Scatter Chart
  • 20493: If the report is included on the application’s home page, everyone with access to the report will be able to view it
  • 20501: Update Safety Case Manager DTLC Page To Support Regulatory Form Addition
  • 20742: Integer edit checks must be surrounded by quotes
  • 21405: User Can Manipulate Multiple Browsers To Edit Plain Text Questions
  • 21494: Lab range was displayed for wrong question type
  • 21665: Methods for post-processing needed
  • 21674: When the toolname is numeric only it drops leading zeros
  • 21716: wild character search is not working on integers
  • 21746: Resolved values in the expression language are parsed and interpreted
  • 21849: Dropdown lists move when highlighted in VA
  • 21901: DCProperty updates do not propagate to cache in other servers
  • 21990: Export instruction codeTerm might return a “null” string
  • 22279: closing query window will not submit the parent in Opera
  • 22309: ‘Paste Item’ in Visual Architect does not work untill you publish or commit tial
  • 22321: Several issues with Coding properties in VA
  • 22322: Display Type property should have more options in VA
  • 22324: VA Export Type property in Exports is not changeble
  • 22327: VA is reloaded with blank data if browser is refreshed
  • 22329: Help for User Roles properties in VA should be updated

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