
This article covers an example of a 200 character limit script.

Table of Contents


This script counts the number of characters in a target field and determines whether or not it is less or equal to two hundred. If the value is greater than 200 an alert fires.

Note: If no alert is needed, utilize the Max Length column on the ‘Question Types – Definition’ tab in the dataArchitect file. This will hard stop text characters at the designated number. A simple edit check can be added instead, which will fire an alert. The edit check expression would be as follows: questions.size <= 200


<script scriptId="characterLimit200">
                            <s:stringPath path=":value"/>
                    <s:number value="200"/>
                <s:string value="required"/>
                <s:string value="This field cannot be greater than 200 characters in
                 length. Please verify."/>
<target typeId="questions" when="preprocess" shouldReconcile='true' />
<target typeId="go" when="preprocess" shouldReconcile='true' />
<target typeId="here" when="preprocess" shouldReconcile='true' />

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