
The following tables defines the study modifications and how they interact with the tool network and active/inactive records. 

Utility NameLocation of UtilityRuns on
Site Accessed
Auto-extends to
All Sites *
Auto-extends to
Whole Study **
Runs on
Active Records
Runs on
Inactive Records
Change Metadata PlansSubject ManagerYNNYN
Move RecordSubject ManagerYNNYN
Insert FormSubject ManagerYNNYN
Rename FormSubject ManagerYNNYN
Move FormsSubject ManagerYNNYN
Assign Dynamic StatusSubject ManagerYNNYN
Clear Dynamic StatusSubject ManagerYNNYN
Update Form ConfigurationSubject ManagerYNNYN
Refresh MetadataSubject ManagerYNNYN
Update Question TypeSubject ManagerYNNYN
Reconcile FormSubject ManagerYNNYN
Fill Sample DataSubject ManagerYNNYN
ReconcileStudy Home Action MenuYYNYN
Reconcile (process assignments)Study Home Action MenuYYNYN
Reconcile RecordStudy Home Action MenuYYNYN
Reconcile Code StatusStudy Home Action MenuYNNYN
Reconcile Metadata CountsStudy Home Action MenuYYNYY
Update NamesStudy Home Action MenuYYYYY
Update QuestionsStudy Home Action MenuYYNYY
Update DictionaryStudy Home Action MenuYNNYN
Update Question DisplayStudy Home Action MenuYYYYY
Activate Patient StatusStudy Home Action MenuYYYYN
Update SequenceForms ManagerYNNYN
Complete CodesCodes ManagerYNNYN
Reset CodesCodes ManagerYNNYN
Update CodesCodes ManagerYNNYN

* Auto-extends to All Sites – Executes at the current level up to the All Sites and any children sites.

** Auto-extends to Whole Study – Executes at the current level up to the All Sites, any children sites and any sites not in the current tool network (i.e. training sites, disabled sites, etc.)

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