
The Question Type Utility will perform mid-study changes to questions types and answer options. 

Table of Contents

Accessing the Question Types Utility

For more information concerning Question Types, click here.

Note: Frozen or Locked questions will not be updated using the method described here. Remove the frozen and lock status to make necessary updates.

Note: When a value changes (ex. a date field goes to a partial date field) on a form, the entire form will be processed (including edit checks, scripts, etc.). If the stored value changes the metadata status will update accordingly.

  1. From the Subject Manager, select the checkbox for the subject(s) the user would like to update.
  2. Select the “Update Question Types” from the Choose an Action Dropdown Menu, and click the “Go” Button.

Decide whether the question options shall be restricted.

  • If “Yes” is clicked, the Question Type Ids displayed in following screens will be restricted by the Data Type attribute of the Question Type. The dropdown menu options will be limited to String, Float, Integer, Date, and Partial Date Data Types.
  • If “No” is clicked, all Question Type Ids will be displayed in following screens regardless of their Data Type attribute.

Note: Question Types can be changed to select format. See the table below to view these formats.

Choose Questions

  1. Choose what subject records the user would like to change.
    • “These Records” will make changes for the Subject Identification(s) listed.
    • “This Record” will bring up a dropdown menu where a different Subject can be selected.
    • “All Records” will include all active subjects viewable by the user from the current site.
  2. Choose the Question Type Id for the question the user wants to change from the dropdown menu.

  3. If specific questions belonging to the selected subjects are to be associated with the Question Type Id, check the “Select specific occurrences of type” checkbox. (The user will be directed to the View Questions Table.) 

  4. If the utility is to be applied to all questions belonging to the selected subjects with the Question Type Id, leave the “Select specific occurrences of type” checkbox blank. (The user will then be directed the Update Question Type Screen.) 
  5. Select the “Find” Button. 

View Questions Table

The View Questions Table will allow users to select or deselect questions where the update will be applied. Click Next to proceed.

Update Question Type Changes

  1. Select the target Question Type Id from the New Question Type Dropdown Menu.
  2. Enter a Reason for Change.
  3. Select the Next Button.

Update Question Type Answer Options

The data type will determine what screens the user will be directed to.

Partial Date Question Type

When the data type of the New Question Type is Partial Date, the user will be directed to the following screen:

  1. Specify the old date format of the question.
  2. Click the Change Button.

Float, Integer, or String Question Types

When the data type of the New Question Type is a Float, Integer, or String, the user will be directed to the following screen:

  1. Enter the values the question is to be transferred to.

    Note: Options left blank will not be updated in the new question format. For example, in the above image options 3, 5, 6 and 7 will not be changed. Answer choice 1 will now have the an answer option of “a”. Answer 2 will have an answer option of “b” and Answer 4 will have an answer option of “c”.

  2. If desired, preview the question changes by clicking the Preview Button.
  3. Click the Change Button when finished.

Question Types Not Requiring Predetermined Answer Choices

All other questions types will not require additional changes by the user. The user will be directed to the Update Question Type Confirmation Page.

  1. If desired, preview the question changes by clicking the Preview Button.
  2. Click the Change Button when Finished.

Exporting Results

A Summary of Changes and Results can then be exported by clicking the Action Dropdown Menu and selecting “Export”.

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