
This article covers quickly and easily generating test data for data points. 

Table of Contents

The Fill Sample Data feature can be used to quickly and easily generate test data for data points for subjects in a trial. Fill Sample Data loops through all selected subjects and will provide each data point with randomly generated data consisting of characters and/or numbers. The Fill Sample Data feature is not an available feature in the live (Secure) environment since it is not factual information being entered. 

Assign Permissions to the Proper Roles

  1. Go to the Roles tab in the dataArchitect file.
  2. Custom Actions: Enter ‘Fill Sample Data’.
  3. Actions Required:  Enter ‘fillRecord’.
  4. Screens Required: Leave this field blank.
  5. Select the Roles that should perform this action by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate columns.

Generate Random Data

  1. Access the Subject Manager by clicking the ‘Subject’ tab within the trial.
  2. Check the box next to each subject that you wish to run the Fill Sample Data feature for.
  3. In the ‘Choose an Action’ dropdown menu, select ‘Fill Sample Data.’
  4. Click the ‘Go’ button.

Random data will be generated and populated for all questions related to the subjects selected. When the Fill Sample Data process is complete, you will get a zip file of the random data. You can open, save, or cancel it.

Note: The process may take several minutes depending on the number of forms and subjects.

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