
This command converts a number, date, or partial date to a string.  

The first parameter is the object to convert. The second parameter is the format to use (only relevant for converting dates).


  • none


  • one number, date, or partial date command
  • one string command


<script scriptId="absVal">
                                <s:question path=".hudt"/>
                                <s:question path=".hutime"/>
                                <s:question path=".fcon1dt"/>
                                <s:question path=".fcon1time"/>
                            <s:dateDiff unit="minute" method="integer">
                                                <s:datePath type="date" path=".hudt:value"/>
                                                <s:string value="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
                                            <s:string value=" " />
                                                <s:datePath type="date" path=".hutime:value"/>
                                                <s:string value="HH:mm"/>
                                        <s:string value="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" />
                                                <s:datePath type="date" path=".fcon1dt:value"/>
                                                <s:string value="MM/dd/yyyy"/>
                                            <s:string value=" " />
                                                <s:datePath type="date" path=".fcon1time:value"/>
                                                <s:string value="HH:mm"/>
                                        <s:string value="MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" />
                        <s:number value="240"/>
                <s:string value="optional"/>
                <s:string value="The absolute difference between the 'Holter Monitor 
                Hook-Up' and the 'First Contrast Injection' should be no more than 4 
                hours. Please verify."/>
    <target typeId="fcon1time" when='preprocess' shouldReconcile='true'/>
    <dependent path="/summary/ecgReport[n].hudt"/>
    <dependent path="/summary/ecgReport[n].hutime"/>
    <dependent path="/summary/ecgReport[n].fcon1dt"/>

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