This command accepts two strings and returns ‘true’ if the first string contains the second string.
This command can be used for all question types. However, for multi-value questions the contains command should be used when the goal is to compare a string to the exact value of each selected answer.
- none
- one string command
- one string command
<script scriptId="setAlertComment"> <body> <s:alert> <s:expression> <s:not> <s:isSet> <s:question> <s:question path="/scriptContainer/createPregnancy[n].pregComment" type="question"/> </s:question> </s:isSet> </s:not> </s:expression> <s:correction> <s:string value="optional"/> </s:correction> <s:text> <s:if> <s:stringContains> <s:stringPath path="/scriptContainer/createPregnancy[n].pregComment:value" type="string"/> <s:string value="bc1"/> </s:stringContains> <s:string value="Answer 1"/> <s:if> <s:stringContains> <s:stringPath path="/scriptContainer/createPregnancy[n].pregComment:value" type="string"/> <s:string value="bc2"/> </s:stringContains> <s:string value="Answer 2"/> <s:if> <s:stringContains> <s:stringPath path="/scriptContainer/createPregnancy[n].pregComment:value" type="string"/> <s:string value="bc3"/> </s:stringContains> <s:string value="Answer 3"/> </s:if> </s:if> </s:if> </s:text> </s:alert> </body> <target action="update" typeId="pregComment" when="preprocess" shouldReconcile='true'/> </script>
Note: The full path, /scriptContainer/createPregnancy[n].pregComment, can also be written as .pregComment.
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