
This article covers paths used to specify the location of an element. 

Table of Contents

A path is used in a computer system to specify the location of an element (typically a file or directory). In the Fountayn clinical research platform, paths are used to locate forms and questions. Fountayn forms are analogous to the folders on a computer, while you can think of eClinical questions as the files inside a folder.

Relative and Absolute Paths

There are two kinds of paths in a study: relative and absolute. Absolute paths always start at the highest level in the application, the record level, and only go down. Relative paths start at the same level as the question you are currently on, and can go up several levels before going back down.

Note: Dynamic forms do not have an absolute path and therefore can not be referenced in expressions. The number/existence of dynamic forms can vary from subject to subject making it impossible to reference the path.

Path Syntax

Absolute paths are denoted by the “#” symbol before the path begins, and must contain all forms leading up to the form and question desired. For example, if a Lab Date question is on the Hematology form underneath the Baseline Lab Summary, the absolute path might look like “#baseline.labSummaryBaseline.hematology.hLabDate”. In this situation, the “baseline” form cannot have any parent forms, otherwise they would have to be listed before it in the path. Likewise, there can be no other forms in between any of the forms in the path, otherwise they would also have to be listed.

Relative paths are denoted by an initial “.” symbol. The “.” tells the system to travel one level up in the tree. Multiple “.”s can be used in succession in order to travel more than one level up in the tree. Suppose in our previous example, the Hematology “hLabDate” question references the Blood Chemistry “bcLabDate” question at the same visit. A relative path would look like “.bloodChemistry.bcLabDate”. This path would be used if the dates referenced each other at every visit.

#visitBaseline.labSummaryBaseline.hematologyLabBaseline.labDateBaseline Visit > Lab Summary > Hematology Assessment, question labDate
#visitFollowUp.vitalSignsFollowUp.dateOfVitalsFollow-Up Visit > Vital Signs Form, question dateOfVitals
#studyTermination.visitDateTermStudy Termination Form, question visitDateTerm
..vitalSignsBaseline.heartRateTravel up two forms, then go to the Vital Signs form, heartRate question
.anyConMedsTravel up one form, then look at question anyConMeds

Data Values & Display Values

Question paths within expressions can be written to account for data values (the actual value stored in the database) or display values (the display label associated with a data value). To reference a data value, simply add .dataValue to the end of the question path. To reference a display value, simply add .displayValue to the end of the question path.

Example 1: Data Value
Example 2: Display Value


The following is a list of several example expressions using relative and absolute paths, to give you an idea of how paths are used.

questionTypeIddependencyIdCheck If BlankExpressionAlert
dateOfVitals1no#visitScreening.eligibility.dateSigned <= thisThe date entered must occur on or after the Consent Date.
labDate1nothis >= ..poms.vsdtPOMS – 3|D AND this <= ..poms.vsdtPOMS + 3|DLab date is not within plus/minus 3 days of the POMS Visit Date. Please clarify.

dateOfVitals id1
The dateOfVitals question must be on or after the “Consent Date” question, which is on the eligibility form under the screening visit.

labDate id1
The lab date must be within the given range, based on the POMS visit date form two levels above. This usage allows for one dependency to be written to enforce the check on all visits.

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