
This command returns the number associated with the record ID as a String data type.


  • none


  • none


The record ID value is used here as a unique and non-alterable record identifier to build the name of a per record local variable. This implementation is extremely useful when the subject/patient’s identifier on the eCRF may change during the trial (transition from a screening number based to a randomization number based identifier).

<script scriptId="setAEseq">
                        <s:question path=".AENO" />
                            <s:string value="AEseq_"/>


                        <s:number value="1"/>
                        <s:number value="0"/>
                                    <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                        <s:number value="10"/>
                        <s:question path=".AENO"/>
                            <s:string value="00"/>
                                    <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                                        <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                            <s:number value="100"/>
                                        <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                            <s:number value="10"/>
                        <s:question path=".AENO"/>
                            <s:string value="0"/>
                                    <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                                        <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                            <s:number value="999"/>
                                        <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
                            <s:number value="100"/>
                        <s:question path=".AENO"/>
                                <s:string value="AEseq_"/>
    <target typeId="AECD" when="after"/>

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