
This command retrieves a date value from the specified “path”. The path must specify a value that resolves to a date.


  • path (required)
  • type (not required) – This attribute specifies the data type. This parameter does not need to be added by the designer but will be added by either the compile or decompile process automatically and it does appear in many examples.

The previous value attributes can also be used with this command.


  • none


<script scriptId="randomCheck1">
                    <s:question path="/day1/ds3.evdt4"/>
                    <s:datePath path=":value"/>
                    <s:datePath path="/day1/ds3.evdt4:value"/>
                <s:string value="optional"/>
                <s:string value="Date of contact is before the date of randomization.  
                Please clarify."/>
    <target typeId="evdt6_" when="preprocess" shouldReconcile='true'/>
    <dependent path="/day1/ds3.evdt4"/>

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