
This article covers types and alias for formid and questionid.

Table of Contents

The “type” keyword refers to a formTypeId or questionTypeId. The “alias” keyword refers to a formId or questionId. “Alias” is used much more often than “type”, due to the fact that questionTypeIds and formTypeIds are usually defined once, and then unique questionIds and formIds from those are used in multiple locations. For example, the study designer can define a “visitDate” questionType, then create 3 unique instances at different visits, with questionIds “visitDateV1″, “visitDateV2″, and “visitDateV3″. The same system is used for forms as well.

Common Uses

The “alias” and “type” keywords are most commonly used when an expression needs to act differently depending on which visit a question occurs on. For example, an acceptable lab value at visit one could be “3-10″, while at visit two it could be “4-12″. Instead of creating two unique questionTypes (and having to repeat ALL dependencies for that question), the trial designer will use the “alias” keyword to check to see what visit the question is at, and thus what lab range to use.

Type and Alias Syntax

"Alias" and "type" can be used to check against both questions and forms. The default usage of these keywords will check against the form. Many times relative paths are used to check against forms more than one level above the question. Note that ==, !=, CONTAINS, and NOT (CONTAINS) can all be used in evaluating an alias or type.

alias == ‘visit1′The formId the question occurs on (NOT formTypeId) must be "visit1".
this.alias == ‘labValueRBC’The questionId (NOT questionTypeId) of the question the dependency occurs on must be "labValueRBC".
type == ‘week12′The formTypeId the question occurs on (NOT formId) must be "week12".
this.type == ‘birthdate’The questionTypeId (NOT questionId) of the question the dependency occurs on must be "birthdate".
..alias == ‘cycle1′The formId of the grandparent of the form the question occurs on must be "cycle1".


Check If Blank
labValueWBC1yesthis != ” OR .alias != ‘chmSummary’An answer must be provided. Please check.
bloodTest1nothis == 1 OR .alias == ‘pkSummary’PROTOCOL VIOLATION: Blood Test should be done. Please check.
dateOnset1no(.alias == screening AND (this >= #screening.peScreening.dateExamPE – 7|D)) OR (.alias != screening AND (this >#screening.armAssignment.dateRandomization))Symptoms reported in screening are required to have occurred within 7 days prior to the date of the Baseline/Screening visit. Symptoms reported in the treatment phase are to have occurred after the date of randomization. Please verify.


The following is a list of several example expressions using the "type" and "alias".

labValueWBC id1
The question must be filled in, unless the parent form’s alias is "chmSummary". This dependency does not check against the form the question is on, but rather the parent form. If the question is filled in, it does not matter what the parent form alias is. This is common with dynamic forms that have a summary form.

bloodTest id1
This question must be answered "1", unless the parent form’s alias is "pkSummary". This is very similar to the "labValueWBC" dependency.

dateOnset id1
The parent formId must be screening and the question date must be greater than 7 days before the PE Exam Date, OR the parent formId is NOT screening and the question date must be greater than the date of randomization.

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