
When used in the Data Architect, certain characters can lead to errors. This page describes the characters that should be avoided, the locations in the DA where these characters can cause errors, and alternative characters that can be used.

Table of Contents

Note: As a general practice, special characters such as the characters listed below, % and $ should be avoided. Instead, use symbols copied from a character map tool.

Use of the following characters in any restricted locations should be avoided to prevent errors.
  • >
  • <
  • &
  • °

Restricted DA Locations


Restricted characters used within double or single quotes on the Scripts worksheet can lead to errors. The following scripts snippets are examples of improper use that could lead to errors.

Alternative Characters

In order to still include restricted characters in the DT ONE TM Software Suite, symbols copied from a character map tool can be used. These character sets will automatically be replaced with the corresponding restricted character in the DT ONE TM Software Suite without causing an error.

Restricted VA Locations


Restricted and alternative characters used within double or single quotes on the Scripts worksheet can lead to errors. The following configurations and script snippets are examples of improper use that could lead to errors.


Restricted and alternative characters used on the CodeLists worksheet can lead to errors. The following configurations are examples of improper use that could lead to errors.

Question Types – Definition

Restricted and alternative characters used in the ‘Answer Options / Default Value’ column can lead to errors. The following configurations are examples of improper use that could lead to errors.

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