This article defines the application settings for how CTMS will function.
Table of Contents
- Date Format
- Time Format
- System Language
- Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes
- Reason for Change is Required if a Question is Saved Blank and then Updated Later
- Allow Partial Dates
- Partial Date Unknown Choice
- Implementing Missing Data Types upon Blank Logic Checks Firing
- Select Missing Data Type Options
- Number of Top Listings in Reports
- Import Handling for Unrecognized Fields
The CTMS Settings form defines application settings for how CTMS will function.
Date Format
- The Date Format setting will determine the format for how Dates are entered into date fields and displayed in CTMS.
- The available formats are dd-MMM-yyyy, dd/MMM/yyyy, dd-MM-yyyy, MM/dd/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy and yyyy-MM-dd.
- The default setting for dates is dd/MMM/yyyy.
- If the Date Format is updated after the CTMS is deployed, existing dates will update to the new format selected.
Time Format
- The Time Format setting will determine the format for how Times are displayed, example, audit dates.
- The available formats are HH:mm, HH:mm:ss, HHmm, and HHmmss.
- The default setting for times is HH:mm.
- If the Time Format is updated after the CTMS is deployed, existing times will update to the new format selected.
System Language
- The System Language chosen determines the language for form fields and preprogrammed answer options throughout CTMS.
- The available languages are English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
- The selected language will be visible throughout CTMS, wherever hard-coded field labels are not required. Where hardcoded system labels exist, they shall be displayed based on the user’s Profile Language.
- The Actions button will provide an option to also display English text on manager and form screens.
Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes
- The Audit Reason for Change Requirements for Data Changes setting will determine if a Reason for Change is required when a question has a value and that value is altered.
- The available responses are Required, Optional and None.
- When Required is selected, any change made to saved data values will require a Reason for Change, through a Black Alert, to be provided before the form can be saved and the change is saved.
- When Optional is selected, any change made to saved data values provide a Reason for Change field, through a Blue Alert, that can be provided.
- When None is selected and a change is made to saved data values no Reason for Change field will display.
- When Required is selected, any change made to saved data values will require a Reason for Change, through a Black Alert, to be provided before the form can be saved and the change is saved.
- The default setting is Optional.
- The Reason for Change answer options are defined through the Reason for Change List in Managed List.
Reason for Change is Required if a Question is Saved Blank and then Updated Later
- The Reason for Change is Required if a Question is Saved Blank and then Updated Later setting will determine if a Reason for Change is required when a question initially saved as blank is later answered.
- The available responses are Yes and No.
- When Yes is selected and a question is saved on the first entry of a form as blank and is answered at a later time, a Reason for Change will be required.
- When No is selected and a question is saved on the first entry of a form as blank and is answered at a later time, a Reason for Change will not be required.
- The default setting is No.
Allow Partial Dates
- The Allow Partial Dates setting will determine if a partial date can be entered for any date field.
- The available responses are Yes and No.
- When Yes is selected a user can enter a partial date for any date field using the Partial Date Unknown Choice for the day, month or year.
- When No is selected a user cannot enter a partial date for date fields.
Note: When entering Partial Dates the lesser value must be unknown to accept a value for a higher value. Examples: To enter an unknown month, the day must be unknown. To enter an unknown year, the month and day must also be unknown.
- The default setting is Yes.
Partial Date Unknown Choice
- The Partial Date Unknown Choice setting will display when Allow Partial Dates is Yes.
- The Partial Date Unknown Choice setting will define the options for entry for the day, month or year in a date format when the value is unknown.
- The available responses will list options for Partial Date Unknown Choice List in the Managed List section.
- The default setting is UNK.
Implementing Missing Data Types upon Blank Logic Checks Firing
- The Implementing Missing Data Types upon Blank Logic Checks Firing setting will determine when a blank logic check is fired if options appear by the alert to specify why the field is blank.
- When a Missing Data Type is selected for a blank field, the option selected will appear in reports, rather than a blank field.
- The available responses are Yes and No.
- When Yes is selected the Missing Data Type options defined on the Select Missing Data Type Options setting will appear for the blank logic edit check.
- When No is selected no Missing Data Type options will display for blank logic edit checks.
- The default setting is Yes.
Select Missing Data Type Options
- The Select Missing Data Type Options setting will display when Implementing Missing Data Types upon Blank logic checks firing is Yes.
- The Select Missing Data Type Option setting will determine what select options appear for the blank logic check.
- The available responses are Not Expected, Not Done, and Not Known.
- The default settings are Not Expected, Not Done, and Not Known.
Number of Top Listings in Reports
- The Number of Top Listing in Reports setting shall determine how many results display for the results in the Standard Report tables.
- The available responses are 3, 5, 10 and 20.
- The default setting is 10.
Import Handling for Unrecognized Fields
- Abort Import – This option will abort the entire import when an unrecognized field is encountered.
- Ignore Row – This option will ignore only the row(s) that contained unrecognized fields. All other rows will import as normal.
- Import row, set field blank – This is the default option and will import the row and set the field containing the unrecognized value to blank. This will overwrite any existing valid value in the field.
- Import row, do not change field – This option will import the row but not change the value of the field containing the unrecognized value.
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