
This article provides an overview of the Rest API Developer Guide.

Table of Contents

1 Summary

The purpose of this document is to provide information to external developers who wish to extract, import from/to CTMS and EDC. Fountayn has exposed several RESTful APIs to facilitate this functionality. This is intended to cover details for using APIs with the Fountayn platform, and is not meant to be an instructional guide to the general topic of APIs. Knowledge of APIs will be required to fully utilize this guide.

2 Interface Details

Message Format

All message requests are in JSON format, and reply payloads are in plain text as these are just status messages. If a file is requested, it will be returned as an attachment.

Authentication and Authorization

Authentication is done by the use of an “API Key”. This is a unique value per username, generated from the system. Every API call made will contain this key in the payload.

Authorization is done by specifying a toolId or a toolroleinstanceid in the payload.

Success and Error Codes

An HTTP 200 indicates success.

An HTTP 500 indicates an error occurred. The payload will contain the specific message.

An HTTP 403 indicates a request was made for which either the caller could not be authenticated, or they were authenticated but they do not have authorization for what was requested.

An HTTP 206 indicates a status request was made, and the answer is the operation is still in progress.

REST Verbs

All requests use the POST verb. This verb is then, sometimes, overridden with the X-DBP-Method-Override header. Specifics of this are detailed in the documentation for each API call.

3 CTMS API Call Examples

CTMS Export

Use this configuration for setting up a CTMS export of standard reports or managers. Note: Site Visit Manager and Documents Manager use separate configurations, noted in subsequent sections.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“fileType”: “<the format of the export>”,
“action”: “<the type of export (standard report) or exportManager,>”,
“managerType”: “<used when action = exportManager, ignored otherwise>”,
“studyId”: <the id of the study to be exported, only for CTMS standard reports that require study selection >,
“toolId”: <the tool id>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain a zip file attachment with the export. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. For example:

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=””
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 3593

Site Visit Manager Export

Use this configuration for exporting CTMS Site Visit Manager data.

Supported Filters


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal study identifier within CTMS. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only site visits with a matching study reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The study key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal site identifier (global level) within CTMS. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only site visits with a matching site reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The site key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal study-level site identifier. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only site visits with a matching study site reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The studySite key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the Visit Type selected on the site visit report and displayed in the Visit Type column of the Site Visit Manager. When configured, only site visits with a matching visit type reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The visitType key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the Reporters set in the Site Visit Table and displayed in the Reporters column of the Site Visit Manager. When configured, only site visits with a matching Reporters reference (“Last, First”) will be included in the downloaded archive.
The reporters key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the Visit Name set in the Site Visit Table and displayed in the Visit Name column of the Site Visit Manager. When configured, only site visits with a matching Reporters reference (“Last, First”) will be included in the downloaded archive.
The visitName key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the transition status the Site Visit Report. When configured, only site visits with a matching transition status will be included in the downloaded archive.
The status key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to name of the Site Visit Report template used for the report. When configured, only site visits using the referenced template will be included in the downloaded archive.
The templateName key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to Visit Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a visit date on or after the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to Visit Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a visit date on or before the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to Projected Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a projected date on or after the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to Projected Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a projected date on or before the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to Scheduled Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a scheduled date on or after the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to Scheduled Date for the report. When configured, only site visits with a scheduled date on or before the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.

Example 1: Initiate Export

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

(The following are required parameters:)
"apiKey": “<the caller’s API key>”,
"toolId": <the tool id>
"action": "exportpdfsitevisits",
"filterName": 1253,
“filterNameAcceptingMultipleValues”: [“value1”,”value2”]

(Above bolded portion is the syntax for optional filter parameters, which may include any combination of parameters from the filters list.)

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, the reply payload will contain a JSON object with key taskId. This key/value pair can be used to check status of an export task and download exported file.

Example 2: Check Status

Request Headers:
POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: HEAD

Request Payload:

(The following are required parameters:)
"apiKey": "xA3B123xyz! ",
"toolId": 23061,
"action": "exportpdfsitevisits",
"taskId": <taskId provided in initial reply payload>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload. An HTTP 200 return will indicate the export has completed. An HTTP 206 return will indicate the export is still in progress.

Example 3: Download PDF

Request Headers:
POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: GET

Request Payload:

(The following are required parameters:)
"apiKey": "xA3B123xyz! ",
"toolId": 23061,
"action": "exportpdfsitevisits",
"taskId": <taskId provided in initial reply payload>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will contain a zip file attachment with the export. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=””
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 3593

Documents Manager Downloads
Use this configuration to download documents stored in the CTMS Documents Manager. Documents can be downloaded as an unstructured file (action = “documentsDownload”) or as a structured file (action = “documentsDownloadStructured”).

Supported Filters

These filters represent a number of optional parameters that can be added to a request.


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the document type field associated with the file and as displayed in the Documents Manager (such as “1572” or “CV”). When configured, only files with a matching document type will be included in the downloaded archive.
The documentType key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the file name as displayed in the Name column of the Documents Manager. When configured, only files with a matching file name will be included in the downloaded archive.


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the Personnel record name for documents associated with a Personnel record. When configured, only documents with a matching Personnel reference (“Last, First”) will be included in the downloaded archive. Multiple personnel can be configured using syntax “Last1, First1|Last2, First2”


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the question text for the question where the document was attached, and as displayed in the Question column of the Documents Manager. When configured, only files with a matching Question value will be included in the downloaded archive.


Values for this parameter correspond to the Upload Date of the document as displayed in the Document Manager. When configured, only documents with an upload date on or after the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Document Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to the Upload Date of the document as displayed in the Document Manager. When configured, only documents with an upload date on or before the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Site Visit Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to the Expiration Date of the document as displayed in the Document Manager. When configured, only documents with an expiration date on or after the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Document Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to the Expiration Date of the document as displayed in the Document Manager. When configured, only documents with an expiration date on or before the specified date will be included in the downloaded archive. Dates should be configured using the same date format as displayed in the Document Manager.


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal study identifier within CTMS. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only documents with a matching study reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The study key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal site identifier (global level) within CTMS. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only documents with a matching site reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The site key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal study-level site identifier. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value. When configured, only documents with a matching study site reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The studySite key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to a unique internal login ID. See Section 5 for instructions on obtaining this value.. When configured, only documents with a matching Uploaded By reference will be included in the downloaded archive.
The uploadedBy key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).


Values for this parameter correspond to the value of the Form where the document was attached, and as displayed in the Form Type column of the Documents Manager. When configured, only files with a matching Form Type value will be included in the downloaded archive.
The formType key also supports an array of single values as parameter that will be handled with OR logic (multiple choice filter).

Example 1: Unstructured Document Download

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

"apiKey": “<the caller’s API key>”,
"action": "documentsDownload",
"toolId": <the tool id>
"filterName": 1253,
“filterNameAcceptingMultipleValues”: [“value1”,”value2”]

(The above bolded portion is the syntax for optional filter parameters, which may include any combination of parameters from the filters list. Use “ “ when referencing an alphanumeric value:)

Example 2: Structured Document Download

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsExport
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

(The following are required parameters:)
"apiKey": “<the caller’s API key>”,
"action": "documentsDownloadStructured",
"toolId": <the tool id>
 (Below is the syntax for optional filter parameters, which may include any combination of parameters from Filters list above. Use “ “ when referencing an alphanumeric value:)
"filterName": 1253,
“filterNameAcceptingMultipleValues”: [“value1”,”value2”]

CTMS Import

Use this configuration for setting up a CTMS import.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsImport
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request Payload:

The payload has 2 parts –

  1. A part named “file” which is the file to be imported
  2. A part named “json” which is the json to be imported. This has 3 fields:
    • apiKey – the caller’s API key
    • importType – the type of data being imported
    • toolId – the tool id


Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=—-WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”file”; filename=””

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”json”

{ “apiKey”: ” xA3B123xyz!”, “importType”: “StudyDeviation”, “toolId”: 23061 }

CTMS Get Import Status

Use this configuration to check if the status of your import is completed or still in progress.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsImport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: HEAD

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“importType”: “<the type of data that was imported>”,
“toolId”: <the tool id>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload. An HTTP 200 return will indicate the import has completed. An HTTP 206 return will indicate the import is still in progress.

CTMS Get Import Log File Use this configuration to get the import file name with associated information.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsImport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: GET

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“importType”: “<the type of data that was imported>”,
“toolId”: <the tool id>,
“byUser”: <true or false, whether to return the latest import log for the caller, or the latest log period>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain the log file requested. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=”import.log”
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 386

CTMS Report

Use this configuration for setting up a CTMS export of ad hoc reports

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/CtmsReports
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“reportId”: “<the id of the report >”,
“toolId”: <the tool id>

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain a zip file attachment with the export. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=””
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 341


EDC Request Export


  • You now have the ability to use a primary and secondary Identifier when requesting exports.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCExport
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

  "apiKey": "<the caller’s API key>",
  "roleInstanceId": "<the role instance id>",
  "exportId": "<the id of the export>"


  "apiKey": "xA3B123xyz! ",
  "roleInstanceId": "22552",
  "exportId": "export2",

Subset Export Example:

 "apiKey": "xA3B123xyz! ",
 "roleInstanceId": "22552",
 "exportId": "export2",
    "primary": "DT305"
    "primary": "DTS303",
    "secondary": "DEC"

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload.

EDC Get Export Status

Use this configuration to check if the status of your export is completed or still in progress.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCExport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: HEAD

Request Payload:

"apiKey": "<the caller’s API key>",
"roleInstanceId": "<the role instance id>",
"exportId": "<the id of the export>"

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload. An HTTP 200 return will indicate the export has completed. An HTTP 206 return will indicate the export is still in progress. An HTTP 500 return will indicate the export has failed.

EDC Get Export File

Use this configuration to get the export file name with associated information.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCExport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: GET

Request Payload:

"apiKey": "<the caller’s API key>",
"roleInstanceId": "<the role instance id>",
"exportId": "<the id of the export>"

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain the export file requested. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=””
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 22727

EDC Import

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCImport
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request Payload:

The payload has 2 parts –

  1. A part named “file” which is the file to be imported
  2. A part named “json” which is the json to be imported. This has 4 fields:
    • apiKey – the caller’s API key
    • roleInstanceId – the role instance id
    • importId – the id of the import


Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=—-WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”file”; filename=””

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=”json”

{ “apiKey”: ” xA3B123xyz!”, “roleInstanceId”: “22552″, “importId”: “import2″ }

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload.

EDC Get Import Status

Use this configuration to check if the status of your import is completed or still in progress.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCImport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: HEAD

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“roleInstanceId”: “<the role instance id>”,
“importId”: “<the id of the import>”

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, there will be no reply payload. An HTTP 200 return will indicate the import has completed. An HTTP 206 return will indicate the import is still in progress.

EDC Get Import Log File

Use this configuration to get the import file name with associated information.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCImport
Content-Type: application/json
X-DBP-Method-Override: GET

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“roleInstanceId”: “<the role instance id>”,
“importId”: “<the id of the import>”

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain the log file requested. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,
Content-Disposition: inline; filename=”20170301153905292.log”
Content-Type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 8144

EDC Ad Hoc Report

Use this configuration to retrieve EDC Ad Hoc Reports.

Request Headers:

POST /clickFind/rest/EDCReports
Content-Type: application/json

Request Payload:

“apiKey”: “<the caller’s API key>”,
“reportId”: “<the id of the report >”,
“roleInstanceId”: “<the role instance id>”

Reply Payload:

Unless an error has occurred, this will contain a zip file attachment with the export. The standard Content-Disposition header will contain the filename. E.g.,

Content-Disposition: inline; filename=””
Content-Type: application/zip
Content-Length: 341

5 API Call Values

This section provides an alphabetical list and description of the call values used in the above examples. Additionally, where applicable, instructions for obtaining the value are provided. For each call value, the call examples requiring the value are listed.

actionSpecifies the type of export for CTMS reports and exports. Action will specify the type of report or export, or will be “exportManager” for manager exports. Supported report/export values are:
  • studyContactListExport
  • studyEnrollmentExport
  • feasibilityReport
  • exportMilestoneGantt
  • milestoneSummaryExport
  • monitoringStatusExport
  • monitoringVisitScheduleExport
  • siteActionItemsExport
  • stmtrcexport
  • siteStatusExport
  • viewMonitoringSiteVisitReport
  • studyBudgetExport
  • stdystsexprt
  • submissionDetailsExport
  • vendorCostExport
  • exportpdfsitevisits
  • documentsDownload
  • documentsDownloadStructured
Use value corresponding to expor. For CTMS Manager exports, specify the value as exportManager. See managerType for supported managers.
  • CTMS Export
  • CTMS Site Visit Manager Export
  • CTMS Document Manager Download
apiKeyThis is a unique value per username, generated from the system. Every API call made will contain this key in the payload.
      1. Log into Fountayn.
        • CTMS Export
      2. Click on your Name at the top right of the screen.
      3. Select profile


      1. On your profile page select “Generate Web API Key”


      1. Enter your password when prompted
      2. Click “Generate”

    1. Your API key is generated.
Used in all API Calls.
byUserIf byUser is true, the log executed by the user identified by the API is returned, if false, then the latest log is returned disregarding who executed the import.EDC Get Export File
exportIdAllows you specify the EDC Export as defined in the dataArchitect file.
      1. Open the Data Architect file.
      2. Navigate to the Export tab.
      3. Locate the specific export on the import tab, the label “Export Id” will be listed next to the “Export Name”


EDC Request Export EDC Get Export Status EDC Get Export File
fileTypeThis will specify the format of the CTMS export. There are three format options:
  • Excel
  • Text
  • JSON
CTMS Export
importIdAllows you specify the EDC study import. The importId is listed in the Data Architect file.
      1. Open the Data Architect file.
      2. Navigate to the Import tab.
      3. Locate the specific import on the import tab, the label “Import Id” will be listed next to the “Import Name”


EDC Import EDC Get Import Status EDC Get Import Log File
importTypeAllows you specify which CTMS import.Specify one of the following:Manager Imports: Import Personnel Data = “Personnel”
Import Product Data = “Product”
Import Regulatory Bodies = “RegulatoryBody”
Import Site Data = “Site”
Import Vendor Data = “Vendor”Study Level ImportsImport Deviations Data = “StudyDeviation”
Import Patients = “Patients_”
Import Site Feasibility Forms = “SiteFeasibilityForm”
Import Studies = “Study”
Import Study Sites = “StudySite”
Import Study Vendors = StudyVendor
  • CTMS Import
  • CTMS Get Import Status
  • CTMS Get Import Log File
managerTypeThis specifies which CTMS manager information you want to export when exportManager is set for the action. NoteSite Visit and Document Managers have separate configurations. SeeSpecify one of the following:
Personnel Manager = “personnel” Sites Manager = “site” Site Payments = “sitepayment” Site Payment Approvals Manager = “sitepaymentapproval” Regulatory Bodies Manager = “body” Regulatory Requirements Manager = “set” Products Manager = “product” Vendors Manager = “vendor” Vendor Audits Manager = “vendoraudit” Vendor Contracts Manager = “vendorcontract” Vendor Payments Manager = “vendorpaymentterms” Studies Manager = “study” Milestones Manager = “milestone” Alerts Manager = “alert” Question Audits Manager = “questionaudit” Form Audits Manager = “formaudit” Payment Status Audits Manager = “paymentaudit” Transition Audits Manager = “workflowaudit” Regulatory Submission Audits Manager = “submissionaudit” Deviations Manager = “studydeviation”
CTMS Export
reportIdAllows you specify the database ID for the ad hoc report.
  1. Log into Fountayn
  2. Access the study or CTMS tool and navigate to the ad hoc reports screen.
  3. Click the ‘Fields’ link for the report
  4. Review the displayed URL to locate the value for “Report Id”. It will be listed after ‘reportID= ‘
CTMS Report EDC Report
roleInstanceIdProvides a unique identifier for the role and site being used.The roleInstanceId is listed in the URL when at a site in Fountayn. It will be listed after “roleInstanceId=” in the URL:

EDC Request Export EDC Get Export Status EDC Get Export File EDC Import EDC Get Import Status EDC Get Import Log File EDC Report
siteProvides a unique internal identifier for a CTMS global level site.
  1. Click to display the form for the CTMS global site.
  2. Note the value of ‘Form Object ID’
  3. This value is also visible when hovering over the link to the site in the manager table.
CTMS Site Visit Manager Export
CTMS Document Manager Download
studyProvides a unique internal identifier for a CTMS study.
  1. Click to display the form for the CTMS study.
  2. Note the value of ‘Form Object ID’
  3. This value is also visible when hovering over the link to the study in the manager table.
CTMS Site Visit Manager Export
CTMS Document Manager Download
studyIdUnique study Id used for naming studies in CTMS. This is required for any CTMS standard reports that require study selection in order to be generated
      1. Log into Fountayn
      2. Access CTMS and Navigate to the Studies Manager
      3. Click the link for the desired study
      4. The Study Id will be listed on the form:
CTMS Export
studySiteProvides a unique internal identifier for a CTMS study site.
  1. Click to display the study site form within the CTMS study.
  2. Note the value of ‘Form Object ID’
  3. This value is also visible when hovering over the link to the study site in the manager table.
CTMS Site Visit Manager Export
CTMS Document Manager Download
toolIdThis specifies the CTMS tool and is used for Authentication in CTMSThe toolId will be listed in the URL when accessing CTMS in Fountayn. It will be listed after “toolID=” in the URL:

CTMS Export CTMS Import CTMS Get Import Status CTMS Get Import Log File CTMS Report
uploadedByProvides a unique internal identifier for the CTMS user account responsible for uploading a document.
  1. Navigate to the Documents manager and set the filter for the desired ‘Uploaded By’ User.
  2. When the filtered results display, right-click anywhere on the screen and select ‘View Page Source’.
  3. In the displayed source, use ctrl-f to find ‘UploadedBy’ and locate the ID number after ‘=’
  4. This number is the unique internal identifier for the user.

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Please visit the Fountayn Contact Information page.