
This article covers the email triggers functionality.

Table of Contents


The Configuration ID, Email Trigger Event, Server and DC Object Type must be defined for each Configuration. Email triggers are often defined for both staging and production servers.

Define Email Trigger Events

  1. Configuration ID: Enter the number that corresponds to the Configuration ID in the Configuration worksheet that you want to use.
  2. Email Trigger Event: Enter the event that should trigger an email.
  3. Server: Enter the server type, which is used to specify the environments on which the email can be triggered.
  4. DC Object Type:
    • Enter ‘app’ for application-wide configurations
    • Enter ‘tool’ for tool or site-specific configurations.
  5. DC Object ID: Enter the Application ID for application-wide configurations and the Tool ID for site-specific configurations.
    • The Application ID can be found in the Setup form and the Site ID can be found in the Site form.  Both forms are in the Trial Manager. If the DC Object Type is set to ‘app,’ use the application ID. If the DC Object Type is set to ‘tool,’ use the tool ID.
    • Application-wide email triggers are useful for email triggers that should occur in all cases. Tool-wide email triggers are useful when only recipients located at a specific site should be notified as might be the case for a shipment confirmation at a specific site.
  6. Email Subject: Enter the subject that should be used for the emails.
  7. Email Address: Enter each person’s email address as a new row.
    • When the event occurs, all email addresses in this list will receive an email about the event.
  8. Locale: If the email template is configured for multiple languages, enter the site-specific location used to determine which email template should be sent. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
    • This is a language code. The four supported locales are ‘ja’ for Japanese, ‘zh’ for Chinese, ‘zh_TW’ for traditional Chinese and ‘en’ for English.

Note: When no locale is specified for the email trigger, the locale specified on the Activation worksheet is used. If the locale is not specified on the Email Trigger and Activation worksheets, the default language used is the language specified in the user’s profile.

  1. Context Key: Leave this property blank if you do not need to define a specific variable within the email template.
Note: In earlier versions of the Randomization & Trial Supply Management product, contact information related to each site had to be added as Context Keys and Context Values. In Randomization & Trial Supply Management product versions 3.0.0 and higher, this information is recorded on the Site form within the Trial Manager. Therefore, the contact information no longer needs to be completed in the DA file.  As a point of reference, the Data Architect Context Keys were defined as follows:

  • addressLine1
  • addressLine2
  • addressLine3
  • addressLine4
  • addressLine5
  • phoneNumber
  • surname
  • emailAddress
  • attn (this field must still be configured in the DA for Randomization & Trial Supply Management)
  1. Context Value: If using Context Keys, enter the value for the variable identified in the Context Key. Otherwise, leave this field blank.For additional information regarding email templates, see the manual on customizing email templates.

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