This article describes the basic steps for importing files and reviewing past imports.
Table of Contents
The Import functionality allows for the import of data from files of type text, excel and xml. A zip file containing multiple files of the same file type can also be imported. The file used to import the data must be encoded with UTF-8. Based on the import configuration, these imports can be used to perform tasks such as populating forms in the subject casebook, creating new subjects or activating subjects. This help page describes the basic steps for importing files and reviewing past imports.
Access Imports
Those with permission to view imports have access to a option labeled “Imports.” in the Hamburger menu.
The Imports screen contains a table of available imports. The number and type of imports available on this screen is dependent on the study configuration.
Run an Import
- Hover the mouse over the text in the ‘Import Type’ column to read a description of the import.
- In the ‘Data File’ column for the appropriate import type, browse to the file that should be imported.
- Click the ‘Import’ button.
While the import is running, the ‘Import’ button will be replaced with the text, ‘Running.’ When the import completes, a log file will become available in the ‘Latest Log’ column and the ‘Running’ text will be replaced with the ‘Import’ button.
Additional Actions
Additional actions related to viewing import logs and import history are also available.
View Log
The log file reports on the success or failure of the import and list any warnings related to the import.
Access the Log File
- While viewing the table of available imports, click the link in the ‘Latest Log’ column to view the log for the most recent import.
The log file will appear in a new tab or window depending on your browser. The sample log file below provides information related to processing time, the user who initiated the process and whether or not the import was processed and loaded successfully. In between the ‘***Start Process’ and ‘*** Finish Process’ lines, the log will include any errors or warnings related to the import. In the sample below, the subject number included in the import file was already in use so the import log reported this error.
Note: The contents of the log file depend on the study configuration and results of the import.
Determine Import Success or Failure
The final section of the import log reports the time it took to process the file and the success or failure of the import. This section defines the terms used in the final section of the import log.
- Processed – The contents of the file were successfully read by the system. This does not indicate that the contents of the import were executed successfully but that it was successfully read in by the system
- Loaded – The contents of the file were successfully executed
- Failed – The contents of the file were not executed successfully
View and Access Import History
- While viewing the table of available imports, click the ‘View History’ icon for the import you’d like to review.
The File History screen displays the most recent 250 imports.
- Click the link in the ‘Import File’ column to download the file that was previously imported.
- Click the link in the ‘Import Log’ column to view the log for the import.
API Imports
Imports that utilize an API do not require a file type to be selected to run an import. The “Choose File” option will not be displayed under the Data File column for API Imports. To start an import, click the import button under the Run Column. Once completed, you can download and view a log file that reports on the success or failure of the import and lists any warnings related to the import. To view the log file, click the link in the ‘Latest Log’ column to view the log for the most recent import.
Fountayn DCT Import Configuration
Note: The fields specified below are the only fields required for designing the Fountayn DCT Import.
Import Id
This field is configurable. Sample below uses directIntegrationImport as the Id.
Import Name
This field is configurable. Sample below uses DCT Integration Import as the name.
Import Description
This field is configurable. Sample below uses Fountayn DCT Integration Import as the description.
Reader Type
This field only accepts the value of ‘direct’.
Formatter Type
This field only accepts the value of ‘direct’.
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