
This article covers the usage of the interface known as the Difference Manager.  

Table of Contents

The Difference Manager is the user interface provided for the management of double data entry (DDE) sites. These are pairs of sites that file data from the same source of casebook data. The manager’s primary functionality is the generation of special difference reports across these DDE sites. They can then be used to analyze and reconcile discrepancies between the subjects in linked sites.

This section covers the usage of the interface known as the Difference Manager. This subject is unrelated to actual data entry into DDE sites. For setup and configuration instructions see Double Data Entry.


When a user has the permissions necessary to access the Difference Manager and is visiting a site configured for double data entry, there will be a link labeled “Differences” in their navigation menu.

Clicking on this will bring up the Difference Manager landing page. From here you will see a table of any difference reports already configured for the current tool and buttons to use them. On the left you can find a table listing tips and links to help articles.

Possible Actions:

  • Create a new difference report.
  • Delete a difference report.
  • Run a difference report.
  • Perform a “customized run.”
  • Access the latest results of a report when available.
  • Edit a difference report configuration.
  • Access the archive of a limited number of past results for a report.

Create a Report

By default a difference report is provided with default configuration settings. This report is set to analyze differences across all sites that have been configured for double data entry and are accessible from the site that you are in. Additional configurations can be created from the Difference Manager.

  1. Navigate to the table of reports on in the Difference Manager (see above)
  2. The last item in the list should be blank with the exception of an edit button. Click this button.
  3. Complete the provided form (see Editing Reports).
  4. Click save and confirm.

Delete a Report

  1. Navigate to the table of reports found in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to delete and click its corresponding icon within the “Remove” column.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

Run a Report

  1. Navigate to the table of reports found in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to execute and click its corresponding “Run Report” button found in the table.

Note: Some reports may take time to finish executing. You may navigate away from this page while this happens and revisit the manager to view your results later.

Customized Run

Customized run allows you to make one-time changes to the execution of a defined report. Using this feature you may modify a report that has been statically defined in the study configuration. Once executed however, the configuration details of the customized run will not be saved. They can be found, however, in the ‘Parameters’ section of the results.

  1. Navigate to the table of reports in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to execute a customized run on and click its corresponding icon beneath the “Customized Run” column in the table.
  3. Complete the provided form (see Editing Reports).
  4. Click run and confirm.

Accessing Report Results

Viewing Results

  1. Navigate to the table of reports in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to view and click the corresponding link in the “Latest Results” column.

The link’s text will read the date and time that the report was last completed. Clicking this will take you to the results page.

This page will present you with a summary table at the top of your page with the columns:

  • Parameters
  • Errors
  • Warnings
  • Missing Subjects
  • Missing Forms
  • Differences

This table shows the total number of discrepancies in each category across all of the DDE sites that are being examined by the report. Clicking on each of these headers will display the more granular results of the report, allowing you to see which sites are missing which specific items.

Exporting Results

To export your report:

  1. On the results screen, mouse over the “Actions” tab in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  2. From the pull-down menu select the export format that you’d like.

Editing Reports

To begin editing a report definition:

  1. Navigate to the table of reports in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to edit and click its corresponding icon beneath the “Edit” column in the table.

This will take you to a new page with a series of form fields for customizing your difference report. This same edit page is used for creating and editing reports, as well as for designing customized runs on existing reports. The fields provided are described below.

NameThe name for the report.
DescriptionA description of the report.
Forms per difference pageThis controls how many forms will have their difference results displayed per page of the difference report. This must be a numeric value.
Lower limit for recordsRecord names are compared against this value to filter some records from the results. The record name used in this comparison can be changed by the property ddeRecordMatch. Example: When the lower limit is set to ’500,’ a record with key ’1000′ will not be included as ’1000′ is alphanumerically before ’500.’
Upper limit for recordsRecord names are compared against this value to filter some records from the results. The record name used in this comparison can be changed by the property ddeRecordMatch. Example: When the upper limit is set to ’500,’ a record with key ’1000′ will be included as ’1000′ is alphanumerically before ’500.’
Answer StatusAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific answer status. Options are: “All”, “In Progress”, “Complete”, or “In Progress or Complete.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction or they will not be included in the results.
Frozen StatusAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific frozen status. Options are: “All”, “Frozen”, “Partially Frozen”, or “Unfrozen.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction, or they will not be included in the results.
Locked StatusAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific locked status. Options are: “All”, “Open”, “Partially Locked”, or “Locked.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction, or they will not be included in the results.
Source Doc VerifiedAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific SDV status. Options are: “All”, “Yes”, or “No.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction, or they will not be included in the results.
Data ReviewedAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific data review status. Options are: “All”, “Yes”, or “No.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction, or they will not be included in the results.
Signed StatusAllows the user to restrict reporting to forms with a specific frozen status. Options are: “All”, “Yes”, or “No.” Both forms being compared must comply to this restriction, or they will not be included in the results.
Included form typeThese fields are used to restrict what form types are allowed in the results. By default this is unrestricted, but by typing a specific form type ID in these fields you may execute the report exclusively on your specified forms.

Archived Reports

  1. Navigate to the table of reports in the Difference Manager.
  2. Locate the report you wish to view results for, and click its corresponding button beneath the “View Archive” column.

This will bring you to the archives for that particular report. This page contains a table with a summary of the results from previous executions of the report.

To view an archived report:

  1. Locate the report in the table of archived reports.
  2. Click the report’s date/time link in the “Report Generation Date” column.

Note: Archived reports may be exported just like normal execution results (see Exporting Reports)

To delete an archived report:

  1. Locate the report in the table of archived reports, and click its corresponding icon in the “Remove” column.
  2. If your role has been configured to require a confirmation, click ‘Confirm’ when prompted.

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