
This article describes the area gauge report type. 

Table of Contents

This report type can be created by generating a report in the Reports tab in the Fountayn system and selecting ‘Gauge Report’ from the dropdown on the output screen.

The Gauge Report produces an output that looks like one or more gauges (e.g. speedometer). The names on the gauges are taken from the column headers (row oriented) or an identifier field (column oriented) in the report and each column/row represents a single gauge.

The following appear as options for this output type:


This height will be used to size the area where the chart will be drawn. The chart will be sized accordingly within the container. The measurement is in pixels. There are approximately 100 pixels per inch on the average monitor.


This width will be used to size the area where the chart will be drawn. The chart will be sized accordingly within the container. The measurement is in pixels. There are approximately 100 pixels per inch on the average monitor.

Include Header

If set to true (the default), header information will be included at the top of the report (report title, date and time of creation, workgroup, study, and site names). If set to false, only the report title will display above the report.

Data/Date Identifier

Data that will be used to identify the data series is selected using this field selector. For the Timeline Graph, this column must contain date values.

Include Data Table

If True, a table of the data used to generate the chart will be displayed below the chart, sized to the same width.

Include Table Paging

If True (and a table is included with the chart), paging functionality will be included in the data table.

Table Page Size

This value is used to determine the number of results per page if paging is enabled on a data table.

Minimum Value

This option sets the minimum value of the gauge. This defaults to 0 but should be adjusted to your data. This minimum will apply to all gauges in this report.

Maximum Value

This option sets the maximum value of the gauge. This defaults to 1000 but should be adjusted to your data. This maximum will apply to all gauges in this report.

Green Range From

Provide a starting point for a green shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the minimum value for an ‘acceptable’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no green shaded area.

Green Range To

Provide an ending point for a green shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the maximum value for an ‘acceptable’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no green shaded area.

Yellow Range From

Provide a starting point for a yellow shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the minimum value for a ‘caution’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no yellow shaded area.

Yellow Range To

Provide an ending point for a yellow shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the maximum value for a ‘caution’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no yellow shaded area.

Red Range From

Provide a starting point for a red shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the minimum value for a ‘warning’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no red shaded area.

Red Range To

Provide an ending point for a red shaded area on the gauge that could indicate the maximum value for a ‘warning’ range of data. Leaving it blank will result in no red shaded area.


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