
This article covers how to create and modify report properties.

Table of Contents

With Report Properties, reports can be further configured to accept input from the user, filter data or sort data.  Three different types of report properties can be used to manipulate the data before the report is run as described in the next section.

Create Report Properties


With Filters, the report can be configured to only display data that conforms to a set of defined conditions. A Filter is defined by an expression, which is evaluated to be either true or false. Filter conditions must be evaluated to true in order for the data to be included in the report. For example a filter with an expression of = 1 where ’1′ means ‘male’ could be used to specify that only data related to male subjects should be included in the report.

  1. On the Report Properties screen select ‘Create Filter…’
  2. On the Expression Operators screen, write an expression that can be evaluated to either true or false.
  3. Click the ‘Save’ button to apply the filter.

The new filter will be displayed on the Report Properties screen.

For a more advanced filter example, view the gender parameter example at the end of this page.


Sorts allow the user to choose the display order of the data. For example, it might be useful to sort demographic information by the subject’s age.

  1. On the Report Properties screen select ‘Create Sort…’
  2. On the ‘Create Sort’ screen select a field from the dropdown list.

Note: This list reflects the fields you selected when configuring the report.

  1. Select the order that should be used when sorting by the field selected in step 2.
  2. Click the ‘Save’ button.

The new sort will be displayed on the Report Properties screen.


Parameters allow the user to set the value of a parameter before the report is run. Such a feature can be useful to define a certain data point during report execution.

  1. On the Report Properties screen select ‘Create Parameter…’
    • The ‘Create Parameter’ screen will be displayed.
  2. Name: Enter ‘$’ followed by a name for the variable.

Note: This variable name is used internally within the system and needs to be unique within the report.

  1. Text: Enter the text that should be displayed to the user during report initiation.
    • Example: Select the age group on which to run the report.
  2. Default Value: If desired, enter a default value for the parameter.
  3. Display Type: Select the way that the parameter choices should be displayed to the user.
  4. Click the ‘Save’ button.

A new section called ‘Choices’ will appear on the form when ‘Radio’ or ‘Select’ is chosen in step 5. Review the following example for additional information on completing the ‘Choices’ section.

Modify Report Properties

At any time the property can be modified or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon beside the property.


In the following example, the report displays demographic information related to either all the male or female subjects. Before the report is run, the user is prompted to select either ‘male’ or ‘female.’ In order for the report to function, a parameter and filter must be created.

Note: This example assumes that the question path to the subject’s gender is ‘’ and the answer options for the question is ’1′ and ’2.’

Create Gender Parameter

  1. On the Create Parameter screen, enter the following for each field:
    • Name: $gender
    • Text: Select ‘Male’ or ‘Female’
    • Default Value: 1
    • Display Type: Radio
  2. Click the ‘Save’ button.
  3. In the ‘Choices’ section of the form, enter the following for each field:
    • Data Value: 1
    • Display Value: Male
  4. Click the ‘Add Choice’ button.
  5. In the new ‘Choices’ section, enter the following for each field:
    • Data Value: 2
    • Display Value: Female
  6. Click the ‘Add Choice’ button.
  7. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Create Gender Filter

  1. After clicking ‘Create Filter…’ enter an expression like the following: = StringToNumber( $gender)
    • This expression checks whether the gender for each report entity matches the gender provided through the parameter.

Note: The ‘Parameters’ section lists all the parameters created so far, so it is important to create the parameter prior to creating the filter.

  1. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Run Report

The user will be prompted to select either ‘male’ or ‘female’ before running the report as shown below.

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