
This article covers how to create and modify aggregators.

Table of Contents

An aggregator can be assigned to each field and is used to report specific information based on groups of similar data. For example, by adding an aggregator to the age field, the report can display the total number of subjects in the study who are over the age of 30.

Create Aggregator

  1. On the ‘Fields’ screen, select ‘Add…’ in the Aggregators column.
    • A ‘Create Aggregator’ Screen will display.
  2. Function: Select an aggregator function.
  3. Iteration: Choose whether the report should aggregate across the report or a site.
Note: This option becomes important when the report is configured to only report over a subset of data.

  1. Click the ‘Save’ button.
  2. If the aggregator function should only be used in certain circumstances, click the Edit icon beside the appropriate aggregator on the Fields screen. Otherwise, skip to the next section.
  3. Aggregate If: If the aggregator function should only be used in certain circumstances, click the ‘Add Condition…’ link.
Note: The condition must be evaluated to either true or false. Review the Fields page and the examples for additional information on creating expressions.

  1. Click the ‘Save’ button.

Modify Aggregators

At any time aggregators can be modified or deleted by clicking the appropriate icon beside the aggregator.

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