
This article describes data extracts to be run and downloaded using the export manager. 

Table of Contents

The Export Manager allows for data extracts to be run and downloaded.

Access Export Manager

From within a study click ‘Exports’ in the navigation menu to access the Export Manager.

Run Exports

When running an export the system will retrieve the most updated data in the trial from the minute you select the run icon.

To run an export:

  1. Select the Run Icon for the desired export format.
  2. When an export is running, the Run Export column will change from the Run Icon to the label “Running”.
  3. When an export is finished running successfully the Run Export column changes back to the Run Icon, the Latest Run Status is labeled Finished and the Latest Export column updates to the date and time the export was executed.
  4. If an export fails during the execution, the Latest Run Status is labeled Failed with the date and the time the export was executed. If the user’s role has the viewExportLog permission the Latest Run Status Failed label will be a hyperlink which allows the user to download the export log to help identify the reason for the failed execution.

Download Exports

Once an export has been run and the Latest Export column contains a hyperlink with the date and time of the last export run the export can be downloaded.

To download an export.

  1. Select the date/time hyperlink in the Latest Export column.
  2. In the bottom left-hand corner a zip file will download. Click the zip file to open the contents of the export.

Export Audit

Export access and activity creates an audit trail.Once an export has taken place, follow the steps below to review audit information.

  1. From the Exports Manager, select the View Archive icon for the desired export.

  2. This will bring you to the Archive page. Click on the View Export Access link at the top of the Archive table.
  3. The Export Access page will now display Date/Time, Export Age, Archive date, and Site data. You may also export this data by clicking on the export link above the Export Access table.

Available Columns

The Export Manager has fixed columns. The following table defines each column.

Export IconProvides a visual icon based on the export format.(none)
Export TypeProvides the name of the export.(none)
Latest ExportIndicates the date and time the last export was ran.When the date/time is clicked the export zip file is downloaded.
SizeIndicates the file size of the Latest Export.(none)
Run ExportRun IconWhen the Run Icon is selected an export is ran to get the latest data from the study.
Latest Run StatusProvides the status of the Latest Run export. Will indicate Finished or Failed.If a user has permission the Failed indication is a hyperlink to the failed export log.
View ArchiveArchive Folder IconWhen the Archive Folder Icon is selected the user is taken to the View Archive for the export type.
Add to JobPlus Sign IconIf the user has the Job Scheduler permission the Add to Job Icon will appear. When selected the Export can be a task added to a scheduler job.

Export Types

This section describes the different export types and what to expect in each case. Please note exports can be configured for each study, so the export output is dependent on the study configuration.

Excel Export

Excel exports contain a worksheet for each form in the casebook. These worksheets can include metadata statuses, form names and question ids as headings based on the export configuration.

PDF Export and/or eSubmission

By default, PDF archive exports include the following set of files:

  • Site Folders – contains the PDFs for each subject casebook at the site
  • index.pdf – A PDF file that includes the header and basic information about the study including the study name and tool name
  • PDFInfo.csv – Summary of the export archive outlining the corresponding study name and site ID for each subject as well as the file path to the subject
  • PDFInfo.xml – XML version of the PDFInfo.csv file
  • success.txt or error.txt – Text file reporting the success or failure of the export

Note: To navigate between different subjects in a PDF export, the archive must first be extracted from the zip file.

Text Export

Text exports contain a text file for each form in the casebook.

SAS Export

SAS exports contain a text file for each form in the casebook and the SAS Decode File.


File Export

Export either an Excel-formatted summary of files attached to forms or the summary and the attached files. Click Run to select your preference.

  • Subject Folders – contains the attached files for each subject with attachments (if selected)
  • File Summary – An Excel file listing each file attached to each form


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