
This article describes the review, edit and deletion of synonyms on a per study basis using the synonym manager. 

Table of Contents

The Synonym Manager allows for the review, edit and deletion of synonyms on a per study basis. Synonyms are user-defined terms that will be related to a specific code in the dictionary. These synonyms can then be automatically coded when used during the study. There is no limit to the amount of synonyms that can be added to the manager.

Access Synonym Manager

From within a study click ‘Synonyms’ in the Hamburger Menu to access the Synonym Manager.

Manage Synonyms

Create Synonyms

Creating synonyms requires access to the Code Manager. Synonyms can be added for partial and complete codes.

  1. In the Code Manager, locate a term that should be a synonym for another term.
  2. Click the ‘Create Synonym’ icon.
  3. On the Create Synonym screen, click the bullet beside the term that should be a synonym.
  4. Review the code that the synonym will map to and click the ‘Continue’ button to approve it.
  5. On the next Create Synonym screen, confirm the creation by clicking the ‘Submit’ button.

Delete Synonyms

If a synonym should no longer be mapped to a specific code or if the synonym was added in error, it can be deleted from the study. This deletion does not alter the data entered or the code selected for a question prior to the deletion of the synonym.

  1. In Synonym Manager, check the checkbox beside the synonyms that should be deleted.
  2. Choose ‘Delete Synonyms’ from the dropdown menu.

  3. Click the ‘Go’ button.
    • The synonym will be removed from the list.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Synonym Manager has many columns that can be dragged and dropped between the Manager and Filter Tables. The values of certain columns also serve as links to the Casebook. The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

AuditsProvides access to an audit table for the particular synonymWhen the icon is clicked, the system displays the audit tableNoNone
CodeThe Code(s) assigned to the term used to answer the question(none)NoText
Deleted StatusIndicates if the synonym is Active or Deleted(none)YesChoice
DictionaryName of the dictionary used for the code or synonym(none)NoChoice
SynonymSynonym text(none)YesText
ViewIcon to display details about the code.Popup with additional code details.NoNone

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