
This article describes tracking of all Open and Closed Alerts generated within the system using the alert manager.

Table of Contents

The Alert Manager assists in the tracking of all Open and Closed Alerts generated within the system. Alerts occur when data entered into a form appears invalid based on predefined parameters configured for the study.

Generally, Data Managers and Monitors have permission to respond to alerts. However, these permissions depend on the configuration of the study.

Access Alerts Manager

From within a study click the ‘Alerts’ tab to access the Alerts Manager.

Manager-Level Actions

Certain actions are provided to the user by way of the dropdown actions bar in the Manager Table. These actions are differentiated from those available in the green ‘Actions’ tab at the top-right corner of the screen in that they are applicable to both individual items and groups of items selected from the table. These are described below.

Generate Queries

The Alert Manager displays the number of queries pertaining to a particular question in the ‘Question (Open Queries) and Form’ column. As you generate and modify queries associated with the question, this number will change.

  1. In the Alert Manager, click the checkbox next to the alert to which you would like to add a query.
  2. Choose ‘Generate Query’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  4. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
  5. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, you will be redirected to a confirmation page. Confirm that the filtered criteria is correct and click ‘Yes’ to complete the action or ‘No’ to cancel the action.

The system will generate the query for the question. This query can be accessed in the Casebook or in the Query Manager.

Close Alerts

  1. In the Alerts Manager, click the checkbox next to the alert that you would like to close.
  2. Choose ‘Close Checked Alerts’ from the dropdown menu.

  3. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  4. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
  5. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, you will be redirected to a confirmation page. Confirm that the filtered criteria is correct and click ‘Yes’ to complete the action or ‘No’ to cancel the action.

The status of the Alert will change to either ‘Closed W/Reason’ or ‘Closed W/O Reason.’

Reopen Alerts

The following steps can be taken to reopen a closed alert.

  1. In the Alert Manager, click the checkbox next to the alert that you would like to reopen.
  2. Choose ‘Reopen Checked Alerts’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  4. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
  5. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, you will be redirected to a confirmation page. Confirm that the filtered criteria is correct and click ‘Yes’ to complete the action or ‘No’ to cancel the action.

The status of the Alert will change to either ‘Open W/Reason’ or ‘Open W/O Reason’.

Edit Reason for Override

In the Alerts Manager at both Cross Study Managers and study levels, the table has a column titled ‘Audits’ containing an audit icon that launches a Reason for Override dialog for the alert table entry.

Find the correct permissions in the Data Architect file on the Roles tab. With either permission the system displays the audit icon whether or not you have an existing audit entry. However, only with editViolation can you update existing entries once in the dialog.

The Reason for Override dialog contains two text fields for entries with an Audits table recording the history of that alert for the specific subject record. The updates are listed chronologically, with the most recent entry at the top of the tabular listing. Note that the only required field in the dialog is Reason for Change. If you make a change to the Reason for Override text field (remove entry, etc.), you are required to outline why you made the override text field change in the Reason for Change text field.

Note: The Reason for Override is not editable for alerts on plain text questions, such as those where the response is auto-calculated/populated by the system.

Selecting the Edit button closes the dialog and updates the table with your new entries. Optionally, you can select the Close button to close the dialog without making any changes or updates.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Alert Manager has many columns that can be dragged and dropped between the Manager and Filter Tables. The values of certain columns also serve as links to the Casebook. The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

Alert TextAlert content(none)NoText
Closed ByName of the user who closed the alert(none)YesChoice
Date ClosedDate on which the alert was closed(none)YesDate
Date CreatedDate on which the alert was created(none)YesDate
Deleted StatusIndicates if the form is Active or Deleted(none)YesChoice
Override ReasonReason for override entered by the user(none)YesText
PathPath to the formEach form name links to that particular form in the casebookNoText
QuestionQuestion TextLinks to the form containing the questionNoText
Open QueriesLists all queries on the question (stacked buttons)Links to the query detailNoChoice
Question TypeQuestion type Id for the question(none)YesText
SiteName of the Site(none)YesChoice
StatusStatus of the alert such as Open W/Reason, Open W/O Reason, Closed W/Reason, Closed W/O Reason(none)YesChoice
SubjectSubject IdentifierLinks to the subject’s casebookYesText
ValueAnswer to the question(none)NoText
Form Alias
Alias of form
Provides access to an audit table for the alert
When the icon is clicked, the system displays the audit table
Created to Addressed
Calculation of the time between alert creation and the first time the alert is processed.
Addressed to ClosedCalculation of the time between when the alert is processed and the alert is closed.(none)No

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