
This article describes how to search across multiple forms with varying metadata statuses using the form manager.

Table of Contents

The Form Manager makes it possible to search across multiple forms with varying metadata statuses. The Form Manager also supports applying metadata statuses to the forms and provides easy access to each form’s subject Casebook.

Access Form Manager

Within a study click ‘Forms’ in the Hamburger Menu to access the Form Manager.

Progress Bars

Some columns in the Form Manager table will be displayed as progress bars. These allow you to track the percentage of questions in a subject’s casebook that have certain metadata statuses applied to them.

Tracked Metadata and Available Statuses

Only those metadata that develop progressively within a casebook are tracked in this manner. Each of these metadata have a set of statuses describing a form’s state with regard to that particular metadata. These are described in the table below:

MetadataPossible Statuses
Answer StatusCompleted, In Progress, Blank
Source Doc VerifiedVerified, Verification Needed, Not Ready for Verification
Data Review StatusReviewed, Review Needed, Not Ready for Review
Frozen StatusFrozen, Freeze Needed, Not Ready for Freeze
Locked StatusLocked, Lock Needed, Not Ready for Lock
Signed StatusSigned, Signature Needed, Not Ready for Signature
Query StatusClosed, Open
Alert StatusClosed, Open

The progress bars are color coded to indicate how much progress has been made. What the colors indicate varies slightly with the particular metadata that they are representing. Additionally, colored portions of these bars can be clicked to view the entry in a more specific manager with automatically configured filters. Form Manager links will redirect you to the Question Manager in most cases, with the exceptions being Alert and Query Status which link to their own respective managers.

The color coding scheme and this linking format are described below:

SDV, Frozen, Data Reviewed, Locked, and Signed Statuses


  • Indicates the action has been completed, and the status is applied to a form.
  • Clicking the green portion of the progress bar redirects to the Question Manager and apply the filters [Action Completed] + Partially [Action Completed] applied. (e.g. Verified + Partially Verified)


  • Indicates that the action is either unnecessary or not ready to be executed on a form.
  • Clicking the white portion of the progress bar redirects to the Question Manager and apply the filters Not Ready to be [Action Completed] + Partially [Action Completed]. (e.g. Not Ready to be Verified + Partially Verified)


  • Indicates that the action is needed or ready to be executed on a form.
  • Clicking the red portion of the progress bar redirects to the Question Manager with the filter [Action] Needed set.

Answer Status


  • This indicates that data has been entered and completed.
  • Clicking on the green segment of the progress bar will redirect you to the Question Manager and apply the filters Completed + Partially Completed.


  • Indicates that data has not yet been entered.
  • Clicking on the white segment of the progress bar will redirect you to the Question Manager and apply the filters Blank + Partially Completed


  • Indicates that data has been entered, but has not yet been flagged as completed.
  • Clicking the red segment of the progress bar will redirect you to the Question Manager and apply the filter Completion Needed.

Alert and Query Status


  • Indicates that the alert or query is closed.
  • Clicking the green segment of the progress bar will redirect you to the Alert or Query Manager and apply the filter [Alert or Query] Status: Closed.


  • Indicates that no open or closed queries exist.
  • When this progress bar is white, it is not linked to any other pages.


  • Indicates that there are open queries or alerts.
  • Clicking the red segment of the progress bar will redirect you to the Alert or Query Manager and apply the filters New + Reopened + Answered.

Manager-Level Actions

Certain actions are provided to the user by way of the dropdown actions bar in the Manager Table. These actions are differentiated from those available in the green ‘Actions’ tab at the top-right corner of the screen in that they are applicable to both individual forms and groups of forms selected from the table. These are described below.

Apply and Clear Metadata Statuses

For the Subject Manager, Form Manager, and Question Manager which deal with patient casebook records, the actions allowing metadata statuses to be added or removed from forms are available. The following steps apply to the following actions: Complete, Clear Complete, SDV, Clear SDV, Lock, Unlock, Freeze, and Unfreeze, Sign, Clear Signature, Data Review, Clear Data Review.

To execute these actions:

  1. Click the checkboxes next to the forms that you wish to apply the status to.
  2. Choose the action you wish to apply from the dropdown menu in the manager table.
  3. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  4. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
    You will be redirected to a confirmation page.
  5. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, confirm that the filtered criteria is correct.
  6. Click ‘Yes’ to complete the action or ‘No’ to cancel the action.
  7. If you are signing documents, you will be redirected to an additional page where you must enter your login credentials to complete the operation.

Executing these actions at the manager or form-summary level carries the effect of applying a status to both the record displayed in the table and all of the sub-forms beneath it. This means that if you SDV a form from the Subject Manager, that status will be applied to that form, all sub-forms and questions contained within.

Note: If you modify any finalized data (Green Status), the system invalidates all SDV, Completion, and Data Review statuses and Signatures. 

Deleting Forms

  1. From the Form Manager, click the boxes next to the forms you wish to remove.
  2. In the manager-level actions menu in the manager table, select ‘Delete Checked’.
  3. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  4. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
    You will be redirected to the ‘Confirm Delete Form’ page.
  5. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, confirm that the filtered criteria is correct.
  6. Enter a reason for deleting the form(s).
  7. Click the ‘Ok’ button to confirm the action or ‘Cancel’ to cancel the action.

Restoring Deleted Forms

The managers will, by default filter for active entries only. The ‘Restore Checked’ action will only appear once the ‘Deleted Status’ filter has been changed to allow deleted forms.

  1. In the Form Manager, set the ‘Deleted Status’ filter to ‘Deleted’.
  2. Click the checkboxes next to the deleted forms you wish to restore.
  3. In the manager-level actions menu in the manager table, select ‘Restore Checked’.
  4. A second dropdown menu will appear to the right. Select ‘Checked Rows’ or ‘All Filtered Rows’.
  5. Click the ‘Go!’ button to the right of the second dropdown menu.
    You will be redirected to the ‘Confirm Restore Form’ page.
  6. If ‘All Filtered Rows’ is chosen, confirm that the filtered criteria is correct.
  7. Enter a reason for restoring the form(s).
  8. Click the ‘Ok’ button to complete the action or ‘Cancel’ to cancel the action.

Available Columns and Filter Types

The Form Manager has many columns that can be dragged and dropped between the Manager and Filter Tables. The values of certain columns also serve as links to the Casebook. The following table defines each column, the actions made available through the column value and the filters and sorts available.

Alert StatusProgress bar indicating the alert statusLinks to the Alert Manager with status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
Answer StatusProgress bar indicating the answer statusLinks to Question manager with Answer status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
Data Review StatusProgress bar indicating the data review statusLinks to Question manager with Data Review status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
Deleted StatusIndicates if the form is Active or Deleted(none)YesChoice
Frozen StatusProgress bar indicating the frozen statusLinks to Question manager with Frozen status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
Locked StatusProgress bar indicating the locked statusLinks to Question manager with Locked status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
PathPath to the formEach form name links to that particular form in the casebookNoText
Query StatusProgress bar indicating the query statusLinks to Query manager with status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
Signed StatusProgress bar indicating the signed statusLinks to Question manager with Signed status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
SiteName of the Site(none)YesChoice
Source Doc VerifiedProgress bar indicating the SDV statusLinks to Question manager with Signed status set to whichever item was clickedYesChoice
SubjectSubject IdentifierLinks to the subject’s casebookYesText
Form AliasAlias of Form(none)YesText
Form Flow TypeForm’s Form Flow Type(none)No(none)
Form Flow ValueForm’s Form Flow Value(none)No(none)
Has QuestionsWhether or not Form has question on it(none)NoChoice
Has AttachmentWhether or not Form has an attachment(none)NoChoice

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