
This article provides an overview of question level actions accessible on a form based on trial configurations.

Table of Contents

Question level Actions are accessible on a form and differ based on trial configurations and whether or not metadata statuses have been pinned to the forms.

Apply Metadata Statuses

Unpinned Statuses

This section describes how to view and apply metadata statuses that are not pinned to the form.

  1. Click the arrow beside the question name.
  2. Select a metadata status from the list to apply it to the question.

Pinned Statuses

This section describes how to view and apply metadata statuses that are pinned to the form.

  1. Locate the metadata status icon beside the question name.
  2. Use the Metadata Status key to determine if the statuses has been applied.
  3. To apply the status, click the icon.

You will be notified if a status cannot be applied due to your current permissions.

Inline Queries

Based on the study configuration, queries can be displayed directly on the form in a maroon bar. Depending on each Role’s privileges, the query can be closed, answered or reopened directly on the form.

View Audit Trails

The View Audit Trails icon is located to the left of the question name.

  1. Click the ‘View Audit Trails’ icon to view the audit trail for the question.
Note: Audit Trails can also be viewed at the form level.

  1. To filter the Audit Trail, click the Filter icon beside the View Audit Trail icon.
  2. To hide the Audit Trail table, click the ‘View Audit Trails’ icon again.

Create Comments

With the appropriate permissions, you may add comments to individual questions. Once added here, these comments will be visible and manageable from the Comments Manager.

Note: Once a comment has been created, it cannot be deleted.

  1. Click the arrow beside the question name.
  2. In the dropdown menu that appears, click the button labeled ‘Comments’.
  3. In the window that appears, click the ‘Add’ button.
  4. Enter comment text in the field provided.
  5. Click ‘Create Comment’.

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