
This article provides an overview of form navigation.

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Form Navigation

Upon opening a subject’s casebook, the Form Navigation can be found on the left side of the screen. This Form Navigation contains a list of all casebook forms for the subject being viewed. Depending on the configuration of the study, these forms may be grouped by visits, by forms of the same type or some other organizational paradigm.

The folders represent parent forms and the page icons represent child forms. Depending on the configuration of the study, the Form Navigation may also contain dynamic forms. Dynamic forms can be generated either by clicking an ‘Add…’ form link just above the form name on the parent form screen or via a question level response on the parent form indicating the form will be needed. For example, indicating that and Adverse Event has occurred on the Adverse Event Summary form may trigger the generation of an Adverse Event form.

The image above depicts the Form Navigation on a study with the data entry based form creation trigger before indicating an Adverse Event has occurred.

This image depicts the same Form Navigation after completing the form above. As you can see, the user is taken directly to the dynamically generated Adverse Event form after completing the question for the parent form.

Quick Subject Navigation Within the Casebook

  • Once in a subject’s casebook, navigate to the primary and secondary identifier bar and click on the down arrow in the top left corner.
  • Select Show Subject Navigation
  • A Hint box will appear with information on this feature. Click Close

Subject Drop-Down

  1. Click on the subject selection box.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the desired subject.
  3. A hint box will appear, confirming you are sure you want to switch subjects. Click Confirm.

Subject cycle

  1. Click on the Next or Previous subject buttons to cycle through patient’s casebooks.
  2. A hint box will appear, confirming you are sure you want to switch subjects. Click Confirm.

Once you have enabled this feature, there are two ways to navigate subjects. You can navigate using the drop-down to select a specific subject or cycle through subjects in order.

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